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Everything posted by kisuka

  1. There will be, not sure when though. I'm not working on that stuff. Next stuff for me is quest log / bubble revamp and lots of scripts.
  2. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/commit/0fadf384a80a25f1af712232d14a664848dbff88 This has been a long time coming ^^; renewal's mob_db now matches official. Thanks for both Michi and I, we present to you a Hercules where your monsters now match official renewal stats, drops, exp, etc This update changes many values (stats, exp, hp, lv, etc) on many monsters. These changes are on par with the latest official servers. Enjoy. Be sure to report any issues you may find
  3. Wrong drive got wiped by host. Paradox hasn't restored it yet. eA devs and Peter have offered to host it. No reply from Paradox as far as I'm aware.
  4. http://try.github.io https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/milestones/Match Official Content
  5. No. Sorry if that's harsh, but the fact of the matter is that those who have access to AEGIS files are those that are in a trusted group of people who know not to share publicly.
  6. Preferably voice with closed caption support.
  7. When an item is able to be created but appears as an apple, this is typically a sign that the client files are off somewhere or are not being read correctly. Make sure your client is properly reading your lua / lub files. You'll want to make sure that if your client is set to "Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo.lub" that your lua file is in the proper directory and named correctly to that which you specified during the client hexing. For the monster, you'll want to make sure your IDs match and that your new lub file is being read. Make sure you are placing it in the correct directory in your data / grf.
  8. You have it commented out in item_db2.conf Try removing the multi-line comments (/* and */): /* <---{ Id: 9065 AegisName: "Charmander_Egg" Name: "Charmander Egg" Type: 7 Buy: 20},*/ <--- Also make sure that ) is at the end of the database file (after your item if it's the last item in the db), or your item will not be technically 'inside' the database structure.
  9. First off, perform the following query on your MySQL database to check what the AUTO_INCREMENT value is currently set to for the char table. SELECT `AUTO_INCREMENT`FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'ragnarokDB'AND table_name = 'char'; If it's below 150000 then you may have accidently messed up the AUTO_INCREMENT value. It's not a terrible issue really, as long as the account_id is still referencing your correct accounts and the char_id is correct in the other tables then theoretically you should be fine. If it's that much of an issue though and you want any future characters made to have 150k+ IDs then perform the following: ALTER TABLE `char` AUTO_INCREMENT = 150000;
  10. I could be wrong about this, currently don't have access to development environment so I'm just going on a whim here but... in src/map/clif.c on line 17543, comment it out. This will cause the server to not send the Monster HP packet to the client. Would look like this: void clif_monster_hp_bar( struct mob_data* md, struct map_session_data *sd ) { struct packet_monster_hp p; p.PacketType = monsterhpType; p.GID = md->bl.id; p.HP = md->status.hp; p.MaxHP = md->status.max_hp; //clif->send(&p,sizeof(p),&sd->bl,SELF);}You could also make a HPM plugin that makes clif_monster_hp_bar empty. If you want to be a bit cleaner with this, comment out any occurrences of clif->monster_hp_bar in mob.c that way it's not calling clif_monster_hp_bar to send the packet anymore. Though again, I could be wrong about this, but feel free to give it a shot. If it doesn't work, it might need to do some form of client hexing to remove it.
  11. Are you using the same client that players are using? If other players aren't having issues and only you are then I'd recommend making sure your client matches the production client that players are using. Never use a development client when connecting to your production server. If you use a different client for debugging / GM then only use that one for local development. If other players are getting the same issue than check PACKETVER in mmo.h make sure it's set to the correct date as your client. If you're using the Packet Encryption diff in your client make sure packet_obfuscation is set to 2 in packet_obfuscation.
  12. You would need to modify the name in the client files. I can't be 100% sure but I want to say msgstringtable.txt. That would only be the name displayed in the client though. You would still need to do Job_Novice for checks in scripts, and on server side it would also be displayed at Novice. Changing job names both server and client wide is highly discouraged as it could cause many issues. You mean ones that don't exist yet? Yes. Check the official client files (the lua files) for the descriptions, names, and ID. Create an entry for it in item_db.conf using the ID from the client files, then add the effects it has stated in the description to the script commands for the item in item_db.conf Change pk_mode in conf/battle/misc.conf to 1. If you want towns / non-pvp maps to have PVP enabled, you will need to remove their entries from npc/mapflag/nopvp.txt Add maps to npc/mapflag/nightmare.txt that you want players to drop equips / items when killed on.
  13. Those warnings need to go away, or at least they need to be silenced. There's no reason for the map-server to check labels across different files. Took me over 6 hours to repair everything related to the case-sensitive thing on my server. If #define ENABLE_CASE_CHECK is enabled then yes it does need to check every label as they're case sensitive. If your label is NoZeny, but you're specifying goto nozeny; then it would not be able to correctly go to nozeny, as nozeny technically wouldn't exist. So your script would be broken / not working. If you don't want to have case sensitive scripts (highly discouraged) then comment out #define ENABLE_CASE_CHECK in script.h. Otherwise, make sure your scripts are properly written and keeping in mind case sensitivity.
  14. I think you mean SPR Conview for the program you used to have. It SHOULD work on 7 / 8 o.O It does on mine at least. spr_conview_v0.11.zip
  15. Try the following: mes "Please talk to <NAVI>[Tool Shop]<INFO>poring_gnd,98,154,</INFO></NAVI>, she will teach you ^FF0000How to use items!^000000";
  16. Not very. My thought is maybe pulling in some old vets to do some vids as well.
  17. Would any of you be interested in a YouTube channel that walks through the processes of downloading Hercules, contributing to Hercules, spriting, scripting, mapping, client hexing, etc... basically everything @.@ Lemme know
  18. The host that Paradox was using wiped the wrong drive. What script are you looking for?
  19. I don't know if I support this :/ considering this software is open source and free, to allow users to upload paid files to our forums would go against our own license in a sense imo. I'd say if you are making things like sprites, textures, etc and want to charge people for them, you should make your own website, with your own payment gateway and such and just link to it. I dunno. That's just my opinion though. I believe in things being shared for free (when it comes to sprites, scripts, textures, etc) out of the passion for wanting to contribute to the community, like how things were in the past. Too many people trying to profit off this community now a days.
  20. I think if you're a content developer capable of putting out more than five scripts, you should just make a "collections" topic in 'Script Releases' and release all your future scripts in there instead of making new topics for each script release. Kinda weird to make a whole different forum category for posting threads that link to topics in the release category @.@ just unnecessary in my opinion.
  21. Should work fine in git bash. Try to stay away from the GUI. Get used to doing the command line / bash version. It's much easier / faster.
  22. I hope that this will come with the mega ultra patch that they are going to release =) If it doesn't and if no one wants to work on it I'll try and add the last bits after my quest log overhaul.
  23. In your master branch do the following: ​git checkout -b mybranch <sha1 / commit you want> example: git checkout -b cantthinkofbranchname 254f47e
  24. Sorry I don't fully understand ^^; how would guilds or parties have any effect on a quest log entry? Can you give me a step by step guide (with numbers) to re-create the bug?
  25. kisuka

    Where is Ind?

    pretty much everyone is working on huge patches hence the lack of tons of commits.
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