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Everything posted by kisuka

  1. Maybe we should change how the field is read server side to find any alt characters and forbid em :/ thoughts?
  2. haha but is impressive that you had it only for 7 years /! how were those 7 years, though, i think they were a lot of fun haha The good ol' days~
  3. I reopened mine using Hercules. Ragnarok Revolution. Ran from 2004 til 2011 previously on eAthena. Though I don't think mine was ever popular rofl.
  4. Do not use the bcrypt branch, it is not finished / in active development. Use master branch.
  5. Gravity is working on a new IP while pushing ragnarok mobile games.
  6. Git for windows from git-scm is the better of the two imo. git command line is best to learn. Don't try sticking with the GUI, it limits your abilities imo. Read up on http://git-scm.com/book Try to use the command line instead of the GUI. You will like it more overall once you learn it
  7. Try setting up cloudflare on your website / control panel. It'll attempt to cache and auto minify your css and images, resulting in faster load times for those kinda things. When a site is loading slowly, it's usually due to the following issues: MySQL connection issues No Caching of resources (css, images, js, etc) No minification of css, js, or html. No Caching of MySQL Queries. Not enough resources on web host / php.ini settings not optimized.
  8. You know, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if at this point Gravity is using BROW Editor to make official maps.
  9. Simply set the server to non-RE and disable all RE scripts. You can use the episode timeline to judge what scripts need to be enabled to mimic a particular moment in time.
  10. I brought this topic up in the dev section but we want to get the community's input on this as well. Please see the suggestion below and let us know what your thought are on this. This debate has been one that goes back to my days on eAthena's dev team, it was also brought up at rAthena, and now I'd like to bring it up here... I propose we remove the customs folder from the npc folder of the main repo. Now now, don't yell at me yet, I have an idea, allow me to explain. We leave the conf files and keep an empty copy of the customs folder using a .gitkeep file. The customs npcs are then put in their own repo. This takes off the burden of keeping non-official NPCs supported / maintained in the main repo (which is meant to be an official-like RO experience out-of-the-box). Those that want the custom npcs folder in their repo can include it using git submodules. Now here's where it gets interesting for you, the community. Because the customs folder would be its own repo, the community ultimately has the final say on what is added and removed from it. The community could contribute their own custom creations to the customs folder repo via pull requests, and then the community could vote on them via +1 comments on github. And because it's no longer in the main repo, we don't have to worry about how big the customs folder gets, nor worry about how we should go about picking what does or doesn't get included in it. Basically the idea is to decouple the customs folder from the main repo, into its own repo, to be maintained and added to by the community. Thoughts?
  11. kisuka

    Questdb rework

    Improvement on your suggestion: { Id : 1000, Quest_Title: "test",},{ Id: 1001, Target: RED_ERUMA | PORING, Amount: 20 | 5, Time: 20000, Quest_Title: "Hunt mobs in 20 seconds.",} In source just explode the | separator. If amount/target values don't add up (have 3 mobs specified but only 2 amounts) throw error "Targets and Amounts don't match for quest ID ___ in quest_db.conf".
  12. Agreed. I'll include when I do a major re-commit of all the scripts rewritten to standards.
  13. I'd also like to point out that our skill_cast_db and skill_unit_db differ from rAthena. Can someone confirm which one has the correct values? Seems they're off by 50. Not at home at the moment so I can't search my git repo to see when the change happened.
  14. Can you provide an example / video of what you mean?
  15. This is not rAthena ^^; we have no affiliation with them. We do not review bug reports on their forums.
  16. Any news about official new script? Major commits in the next week or so ;3
  17. If you see commits https://github.com/M45T3Ryu/KO-Proyect/commits/master , you can come to know M45T3R started the project and stopped updated 10 months ago, and I begin to implement New Tests/Dialogs/Formulas Based on iRO Testings that I did. Well its ok , if you clean it.. Got it. I'll clean it up either tonight or tomorrow night. (and no, I won't be including myself in the authors / by section of the header. So don't worry about that not claiming it as my own.)
  18. Would you guys be okay with me pulling this, cleaning it up a bit (script standards, typos, any missing official stuff), and pushing it to the repo? Also, who is technically the 1.0.0 author? You or dast? Kinda strange to have two people under 1.0.0
  19. Don't we have enough topsites already....?
  20. Is this an official conversion or scripted from packet gathering / reverse engineering? I'd assume packet gathering o.o how long after the release on iRO did you gather the dialog? As they tend to spend about a month after release changing aspects of quests (dialog, names, etc).
  21. Be sure to change your github passwords or set up two-step auth on github. They were compromised / affected by the exploit.
  22. can you actually make the mac_ip ban ? with your own mod You would need to modify the client to pass the mac address to the server. The easiest solution is to use Harmony which has this ability, then create a script command for banning via the recorded MAC address from Harmony.
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