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Everything posted by Tepoo

  1. i would either recomment to change from sql to the new item_db.conf logic. 1. improved maintainability 2. more uptodate
  2. Since aeons of time, the client doesnt update when the pneuma effect is canceled. this happens and is very annoying for example when you are leveling at Kasas and they are making Ganbantein. also its annoying when someone places landprotector on the point where you placed your pneuma. the pneuma effect is canceled, but the animation is still there. is there any possible way to call the client correctly that he should stop the animation? if so, i think it would be a nice upgrade.
  3. @rosfus: one of the patches seems to be still broken. some errors doesnt appear and the patcher says everything is fine. just uncheck the one where your not sure of they are working, and add them one bye one and test at which patch the client crashs.
  4. I didnt see any errors while selecting the patch. did you update NEMO to latest? if i apply the patch to the exe, the exe just gives a bling message, but doesnt appear. if i dont applay the patch, the client starts without problems.
  5. HKLM to HKCU is also broken, just to mention
  6. HKLM to HKCU is also broken, just to mention
  7. #KAFRAPOINTS and #CASHPOINTS in the global_reg_value table of your database. greetings Tepoo
  8. You activated pre renewal on your configs but you have renewal items in your cashshop definitions and on other points. this doesnt work. you will have to move all renewal stuff (items) to the item_db2.conf on your direct db folder that the system can load them without the need of renewal activation. Greetings Tepoo
  9. is there any improvement of the script already? i can remember that i had hard bugs in this script. like i was able to attack my own stone and so on
  10. You can trust me, everything fRO is using, they got from kRO. this means, when its in the fRO Client, its also in the kRO Client. (Just the sprites are missing maybe, for space save) thats also the reason why bugs of the kRO Client appearing in the fRO Client. They know a shit about there server and client system.
  11. Tepoo

    Weapon Aura

    yes, maybe later, but for now the layers for the character is limited. gravity needed much time to implement a new layer for customes and wings. i dont think we will see this step that fast. they made some big mistakes with the layer system for the character, and i think they are not in the mood to rework the whole view system, to make it better to expand. they will more be like "ah its cool like it is, lets make a new episode". as these thinking was allways there way. (see weapon sprites)
  12. i aggree to you in 50% i dont think that we have to seperate the item or mob db, but the fact with the tons of IFDEF is correct (holy this would become painful) the idea is pretty awesome, i would sign it instantly. but as Yoomy said, in reality it could become hard. the only think i see is the complete differ of the episodes at his root. srcEp1, srcEp2, srcEp3, and whenenver a user defines his version in the mmo.h or whereever, the correct srcFolder will be used to create the map,inter and char server. this is the only way i would see now where the code will be keeped clean, and the function could be implementented. but the ammount of work would need tons of devs.
  13. i dont know if anyone mentioned this before but http://rathena.org/board/topic/89848-official-vip-system/?hl=premium#entry233974 this is the iRO Vip System. as it differes a little bit to the korean version, why not implementing both? i think many people would also be happy about getting the possiblity to activate the vip logic like it is on iro.
  14. Tepoo

    MAC IP Address

    http://www.bverfg.de/entscheidungen/rs20100302_1bvr025608.html this is the final paper of the meeting from the 2. march of 2010. in this meeting the Federal Constitutional Court decided that the save of personal Information of people is unconstitutional. The save of these informations violates Article 10 subparagraph 1 of the basic law of germany. Article 10 subparagraph 1 I dont understand why some people here are reacting that unfriendly to my posts as i only want to inform people about beeing careful what they are doing. @PokemonRO: i reported you.
  15. Tepoo

    MAC IP Address

    an Ip Address is a person information. In Germany its this information is secured by the Privacy law if you get a judge and a lawyer who is not a friend of this sort of data saving you are fucked. Dont tell the people here its allowed as it is not! Why would you provide a link for wikipedia? Every country has its own privacy laws but there is no mention of Germany specific privacy law in that link. You are saying that if a Germany player logs into an American RO server, they are not allowed to save that players IP and Mac address? So you are going to get a lawyer and a court order to extradite an American citizen back to Germany to be upheld in court for breach of German privacy laws on an American hosted VPS? Good Luck! Are you drunken? please use your brain before you try to write something. i am only talking about servers who are hosted in germany. i never said something else. if you are to dumb to understand this, im sorry for you kid.
  16. Tepoo

    MAC IP Address

    an Ip Address is a person information. In Germany its this information is secured by the Privacy law if you get a judge and a lawyer who is not a friend of this sort of data saving you are f****d. Dont tell the people here its allowed as it is not!
  17. Tepoo

    MAC IP Address

    then i guess you need to make an agreement on players before implementing this? nope, even with an aggreement ist illegal in germany.
  18. also iro ist one of the servers who are more far away from kro then the sun to the earth ^^
  19. Tepoo

    MAC IP Address

    i just want to mention. its illegal so save ip addresses or mac addresses from people in certain countrys. for example Germany. if you save it, and getting caught this will be not funny for you. and there is a letter to the police of a angry user enought to start the check.
  20. srsly, i dont understand this. everyone pays these 200$ for Harmoney, does anyone checks whats possible without paying so much money? with some easy steps (and with more less steps since the HPM Hook System) + some other tools you can avoid speed hacks, spam filters, bots, wpe/rpe and client modifications, without paying anyone anything.
  21. Hello guys. Did anyone yet figured out how to add custom navigation icons to the client? In the New client the mini map hab icons who are click able an will navigate to this spot. I know how to implement the spots but I want to create my own icon without overriding the existing ones Greetings Tepoo
  22. Extract the old animation sprite from an older client. I think this is the h only way. Greetings Tepoo
  23. it was just a test ^^ but the interesting part is that the client already is build to use them. the logic is if(sprite.isExisting()){ useSprite(); } else { useDummy(); } this means you just have to place the sprite file in the correct datafolder or the correct folder in the data.grf, and the sprite will be used. (one of my project for my server) giving every weapon an own sprite. lets see if this will be possible ever.
  24. You have to find out whats the correct korean name for the sprite for this weapon, and convert it correctly and place it in the correct folder (male,female) ill tested it with the katar of piercing wind. the sprite was bullshit, but it was just a test i made. see picture
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