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Everything posted by malufett

  1. what client version are you using? cause it may cause from incompatible packet as we all know as new release of client may have their packets scramble all the time..
  2. oops sorry I forgot to add sce..:) ok I got a question how do you call/use ALL_TEST? via the skill window?, script? or db?
  3. change sc_start4(src,&md->bl,SC_RUN,100,skill_lv,dir,0,0,0); to sc_start4(src,&md->bl,SC_RUN,100,skill_lv,dir,src->id,0,0); then remove your changes on status.c then add this instead...put after int64 starttick add this struct block_list *src = map->id2bl(val3); if(bl->type == BL_MOB && (src && src->type == BL_PC)){ // check to make sure source is available and a pc type skill->castend_nodamage_id(src, bl, NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION, 1, timer->gettick(), 0); //active bomb }
  4. it is because it first search for that string name if that user exist on the server once found it will pass that player's instance to pl_sd and use to that function(map->nick2sd(bl))..and take note sd or session_data is for players only the one you must look for is md or mob_data... show us your whole code for that part and we will gladly pinpoint the issue and fix that...
  5. fxfreitas answer will do no more source edit needed...
  6. at mob.c look for mob_ai_sub_hard all you need are there regarding mob searching target and attacking..
  7. I see ok..can you show me your edit at itemdb_jobid2mapid
  8. what is the value of your MAPID_SHINIGAMI and MAPID_DREADLORD?
  9. what is your custom job mapid? and did you setup it right in itemdb.c at itemdb_jobmask2mapid?
  10. at pc.c under pc_useitem you will see the item delay function which is under if( sd->inventory_data[n]->delay > 0 ) { where you need to do is add a variable on sd and that will hold all delays that has been activated..so stack all those add a tick check then clear once the delay duration has lapse...
  11. clif->specialeffect() only does is to show and display animation with out attachment with the characters action, direction or target but only the x,y where the character is standing... if you want to have interactive skill effect use the ff: clif_skill_damage clif_skill_nodamage clif_skill_poseffect however this is only limited with the existing skills animation
  12. because officially 3rd classes are meant for level 99 and up..so 98 and below has no configuration for its HP/SP..to do that edit your job_db.conf
  13. Hi everybody.. sorry for being in hiatus mode..I just got busy in real life this past years for me having hard time to insert RO dev thingy on my schedule.. I'm sad since I became busy, Herc RE development(SRC) halted upon my leave...so I guess should come back? however if I come back I will only implement this in partial meaning only basic features (due to this reason "Its sole purpose is to monetize (which certainly isn't what players are looking for).")...
  14. Hi budy!
    Just dropping by to say hello..:)
    How's Herc content update progressing?...:)

    1. Mystery


      Hey malu ;P it's been put on hold ;o 

    2. malufett


      want me to continue? :)

    3. Mystery


      That you would have to take up with @Haru:o 

  15. Addition to this..it also requires now a korean mobile phone besides from the kssn..I can share my account to download the game but you can't use it ingame..
  16. I lost my skype..TT

  17. Hi Nemo it doesn't work, I successfully apply the patch, the exe read those lua however it doesn't have effect in game.. the job name doesn't change, the sprite didn't change too, and other luas doesn't recognize added jobid in the pcidentity.lub what does work is I can modify existing job classes like change there names, sprites and etc...
  18. I think there is something wrong with your server.. according to this test a full SP boost and a good weapon for a EF build against high def Royal Guard + some demi human damage reduction equips and you can see the damage 200k when equip and 470k w/o equip....
  19. can you show example? cause I never experience that way..
  20. just uncomment this to disable renewal... /*** Renewal full toggle switch.** Uncomment this line to disable all of the below settings at once.* Note: in UNIX builds, this can be easily done without touching this* line, by passing --disable-renewal to the configure script:* ./configure --disable-renewal*///#define DISABLE_RENEWAL what are they complaining? so that we will know what to adjust.. currently there is no settings for that..only way to do it is, to modify your item and mob database..
  21. great, waiting for it (I guess everyone is lol) http://herc.ws/board/topic/9687-hercules-hpsp-table-generator/
  22. Version 1


    Tool for generating HP/SP table for Hercules 'job_db.conf' Options: 1. eA Formula - Generate tables using the old and bug/OP formula of eA 2. Sequential - Generate tables using the sequential format(2,4,6...) 3. Custom Formula - Generate tables using your formulated formula(Javascript syntax) Prerequisite - 3.0 .NET Framework
  23. huh? I tested in aegis it works like that..and logical means should work like that cause it has a delay... then remove the delay in the skill_cast_db.txt
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