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Everything posted by malufett

  1. it depends on the lang/service type of the client... +-----+------------------------+-------------------+| int | enum SERVICETYPE | "servicetype" tag |+-----+------------------------+-------------------+| 0 | SERVICETYPE_KOREA | korea || 1 | SERVICETYPE_AMERICA | america || 2 | SERVICETYPE_JAPAN | japan || 3 | SERVICETYPE_CHINA | china || 4 | SERVICETYPE_TAIWAN | taiwan || 5 | SERVICETYPE_THAI | thai || 6 | SERVICETYPE_INDONESIA | indonesia || 7 | SERVICETYPE_PHILIPPINE | philippine || 8 | SERVICETYPE_MALAYSIA | malaysia || 9 | SERVICETYPE_SINGAPORE | singapore || 10 | SERVICETYPE_GERMANY | germany || 11 | SERVICETYPE_INDIA | india || 12 | SERVICETYPE_BRAZIL | brazil || 13 | SERVICETYPE_AUSTRALIA | australia || 14 | SERVICETYPE_RUSSIA | russia || 15 | SERVICETYPE_VIETNAM | vietnam || 17 | SERVICETYPE_CHILE | chile || 18 | SERVICETYPE_FRANCE | france || 19 | SERVICETYPE_UAE | uae |+-----+------------------------+-------------------+
  2. this code was place there to fix a bug where the client makes the character stand while in the server the character is still sitting,,, if( pc_issit(sd) ) { pc->setstand(sd); skill->sit(sd,0);} if you really want to make it work then start to hex the client to remove that behavior..
  3. it is a setting which define at what starting skill id should a hom accept to its skill tree but take note setting it to lower values it may affect skill tree of normal players..I suggest create duplicate skills having other ids if you properly do it you should have like this
  4. yup...but I stop it for the moment..I need to gather more info in kRO..sadly my chars got wiped out so I need to create again...
  5. means there is an object that is not properly freed upon using in the memory..for more info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_leak first some of them are cause of buggy custom scripts and hardest part is how to pint point which causing the leaks.... and second we can't reproduce it so we are having hard time to fix it.
  6. @mmo.h change this value #define HM_SKILLBASE 8001
  7. // == SQL item, mob, mob skill databases// =====================================// Note: the following databases may get out of date at times, or not be// thoroughly tested (if at all, since they're auto-generated). As such it is// not advisable to rely on them other than for informative reasons (Control// Panels, websites, etc.)// Unless you know what you're doing, please consider using their txt version.// Note2: It is perfectly legit (and recommended) to use txt databases in// Hercules, while still loading the SQL tables we provide to be used// exclusively by your Control Panel or Website.
  8. isn't the other way around?
  9. ok add this after 'unit->skillcastcancel(bl,0);' if (dstsd) skill->blockpc_start(dstsd, ud->skill_id, 5000);
  10. you can check 'skill_cast_db.txt' if you just want a cooldown for a skill
  11. @luffy don't worry..we will use official packet...and thanks sir Yommy for this packets.. // packet 0x8cbstruct PACKET_ZC_PERSONAL_INFOMATION { /* this+0x0 */ short PacketType /* this+0x2 */ short PacketLength /* this+0x4 */ short Exp /* this+0x6 */ short Death /* this+0x8 */ short Drop /* this+0xa */ struct DETAIL_EXP_INFO DetailInfo[...] { // Size 6 /* this+0x0 */ unsigned char InfoType /* this+0x1 */ short Exp /* this+0x3 */ short Death /* this+0x5 */ short Drop }} // packet 0x97b struct PACKET_ZC_PERSONAL_INFOMATION2 { /* this+0x0 */ short PacketType /* this+0x2 */ short PacketLength /* this+0x4 */ int Exp /* this+0x8 */ int Death /* this+0xc */ int Drop /* this+0x10 */ struct DETAIL_EXP_INFO DatailInfo[...] { // Size 13 /* this+0x0 */ unsigned char InfoType /* this+0x1 */ int Exp /* this+0x5 */ int Death /* this+0x9 */ int Drop }}// packet 0x981struct PACKET_ZC_PERSONAL_INFOMATION_CHN { /* this+0x0 */ short PacketType /* this+0x2 */ short PacketLength /* this+0x4 */ short Exp /* this+0x6 */ short Death /* this+0x8 */ short Drop /* this+0xa */ short ActivityRate /* this+0xc */ struct DETAIL_EXP_INFO DatailInfo[...] { // Size 13 /* this+0x0 */ unsigned char InfoType /* this+0x1 */ int Exp /* this+0x5 */ int Death /* this+0x9 */ int Drop }}
  12. 200. Normal level 99 Aura (Middle)201. Normal level 99 Aura (Bottom)202. Lv 99 Aura Bubble397. Trancended 99 Aura (Middle)398. Trancended 99 Aura (Bottom)757. Third Class Aura (Middle)
  13. '!' is a 'not' operator example if `questprogress` is equal to '1' then we will use it in a logical statement if(questprogress){ // this means that `questprogress` > 0// code here will parse cause the statement is satisfied} otherwise if(!questprogress){ // this means that `questprogress` not > 0// code here will not parse cause the statement is not satisfied}
  14. yup and we will call it Event Plus...this will apply if you server will have an event like an Anniversary that will give all player a bonus exp.. afaik as I know we don't have tplus event in our repo...
  15. min_matk and max_matk are hidden attribute of a player if your using renewal..therefore the value in the stat window is the base matk..
  16. why rush in using new clients? as we all know newer clients are hard to use due to the latest security measures of kRO... cracking it requires a lot of brain cells, time and money... well if you want new clients why not give some love by donating @ http://www.yomrawr.com/
  17. Sorry.I can't do.T^T Sorry.I can't do this. why can't do it?
  18. can't do with php..js and html can do the trick..its widely available in the internet.. then make your flux ajax or dhtml or inside a frame..
  19. 2014 03 03 means the exe was created and 2014-03-05b the date of release of the exe remove the ''HKLM to HKCU' diff option..
  20. those are options for client diffs... Read this topics(specially about client diffing): http://herc.ws/board/topic/630-2013-ragexe-and-diff-up-to-date-2013-08-07/ http://herc.ws/board/topic/827-weediff-aka-shins-diff-patcher-weediffgen-continuation/ http://herc.ws/board/topic/164-requested-links/
  21. I don't know whats the difference..anyway since many suggest that it should have expiration so let's add new entry in the database table.. still there..I mimic aegis about the storage it will be like from 500/600 then when expire 500/300 so it will overlap and you can remove but can't add anymore to the storage..about the char slot can't find any in aegis, on how it works cause this vip settings won't expire its permanent..so a remedy I think of is to transfer chars to unallocated slots if it occupy the extra slots, and if it occupies all then let it be...its slots will come back to original state when char is deleted... ispremium() and setpremium({<time?>}); maybe reloadvipsettings? any addition? or lets make it a timer? long value? lol...I'm already asking for it..hahahaha need more info about it cause I'm not familiar with this system..
  22. good for you...and hope you understand why I'm getting hard on you.. cause you need it and I hate spoon feeding..
  23. ok..please patch your client to have 'read data folder first' and 'read lua before lub'... cause your entries has syntax error..and your client didn't even bother to read/parse your edits.. and btw this is the result of your edits..
  24. ok..almost done guys...just need more comments and inputs from you... final conf... //====================================================//= _ _ _ //= | | | | | | //= | |_| | ___ _ __ ___ _ _| | ___ ___ //= | _ |/ _ '__/ __| | | | |/ _ / __|//= | | | | __/ | | (__| |_| | | __/__ //= _| |_/___|_| ___|__,_|_|___||___///= //= http://herc.ws/board/ //====================================================// Premium Service Info Configs//====================================================psi: ({ /* 0 : disable, 1 : enable, 2 : enable + PC Cafe Premium */ PremiumSvcType: 1 /* Uncomment to enable */ /*EventPlus:{ BaseEXP: 100 JobEXP: 100 DeathBasePenalty: -10 DeathJobPenalty: -10 DropRate: 100 },*/ PCCafeGrade: ( { /* 0 */ BaseEXP: 100 JobEXP: 100 DeathBasePenalty: -10 DeathJobPenalty: -10 DropRate: 100 } ), PCCafeList: ( { IP: "" Grade: 0 Expiration: "2016-01-01" } ), PremiumGradeInfo:( { GroupLevel: 0 /* Normal Players */ BaseEXP: 0 JobEXP: 0 DeathBasePenalty: 0 DeathJobPenalty: 0 DropRate: 0 MaxCharSlot: 9 MaxStorage: 300 }, { GroupLevel: 1 /* VIP 1 */ BaseEXP: 100 JobEXP: 100 DeathBasePenalty: -10 DeathJobPenalty: -10 DropRate: 100 MaxCharSlot: 12 MaxStorage: 600 }, { GroupLevel: 2 /* VIP 2 */ BaseEXP: 250 JobEXP: 100 DeathBasePenalty: -50 DeathJobPenalty: -50 DropRate: 200 MaxCharSlot: 12 MaxStorage: 600 } )}) Screenshot:
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