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About Dramosith

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  1. i mean i am talking about "play in browser*" from Evilpuncker
  2. ah i see roBrowser is like. Software-free. so people do not need install RO in ur pc. but you can browser ingame.. correct?
  3. Annie is our angel she saves our time ^^.
  4. i thought UnmanagedVPS means Company serverhosting wont to help people with problem from tech. o.o that is why it is cheap. but i think here vps have too windows as Unmanaged VPS. well go for Linux because Linux use low memory. than windows. that is why you have more left from memory. advice: you should go to basic beginner RO. then go ManagedVPS like http://herc.ws/board/forum/49-paid-services/ you can search here like: Asurahosting or Wanhosting or ponyVPS or ro-vps or so.. if you got very experience how to running RO and servers then to start UnmanagedVPS. Else you 'll waste a lot money. ps: sorry my english is broken. but i hope you 'll understand me.
  5. Can you please it url link change to http://domain.com. not xxx... then you 'll see what happen if you click it..
  6. Well guys. i think they r doing best to finish progress project of bg queue
  7. Damn i am very happy That annie is doing in Hercules.. and she make plugin too!!. it make so much easier for everyone!! she save our times so much!
  8. ya better test youself how works than ask. Look you can youself to test
  9. Well ya.. it is also nice in SQL but if we want to use sql. so sql will have big large mb of that? idk.. i am not experience that. for my opinion. to use better sql tables.
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