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Everything posted by karazu

  1. Exactly that's why the players needs to wait 1 hour before they can claim the prize? because if ur going to leave it that way I can just open a client then alt F4 open again alt F4 and so on
  2. they said this one should be added? if(.point[1]>.point[2]){ for( set .@i,1; .playerid[.@i]; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if( attachrid(.playerid[.@i]) ) { if( getcharid(4) == $@bg_id_a ) getitem 7539,10; } } Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0;}
  3. Custom Battle Ground by goddameit http://rathena.org/board/topic/73334-custom-battle-ground/ please help me put a prize
  4. Every 2hours or something. Their will be an Emperium that will spawn lets say in the center of prontera and everyone will break it. and who ever breaks it will have the reward. It is like in WOE. Two ways of winning ( What is better?) - Who has the most damage will win? - Who ever last hit/break it will win?
  5. How about make it like u need to wait an hour afk/or nor before u can get the reward? because if they are just going to log in maybe they will make many accounts and abuse it.
  6. No i don't, I am also waiting for the official release of this feature here in Hercules. I am excited thought.
  7. Thank you very much for Converting it to work in Hercules.. Wow I have it now. thank you
  8. karazu

    Costume System v1

    meron akong tortoise I just dont know how to use it heheh!
  9. Hello Can u link me the OLD patcher please?
  10. none. I tried using the default one and still having error. I mean booth custom and default still havinf same problem
  11. After finishing its task it has no issue but every time i launch the patcher it gives me an error and I need to delete the "update.dat" before i can relaunch it again... please give me idea how fix it?
  12. But this is great already thank you for this 1!
  13. Currently using this one! works great, but it doesn't fix the Vending Issue. http://herc.ws/board/topic/2460-vending-crash-on-2013-08-07-ragexe/
  14. I copy pasted ur msgstringtable and this happens.
  15. karazu

    Costume System v1

    Thank you very much for this, my only problem is how to apply the patches? tried copy pasting them but i got error in compiling!
  16. Whats better that or this? http://pastebin.com/JfhPUTSV
  17. share mo ung Costume converter hehehe, Pinoy tayo diba hahah
  18. btw can u share what did u edit/modify to make it work in the Hercules please?
  19. ohh? can u give me an example? because i tried pasting some it part by part but i got error in compiling.
  20. Hello If its ok and u have a time, can make a guide please? all I know in Tortoise it to update/check out T_T
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