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Posts posted by mybitch



    I know this is not the harmony forum but i have no where to ask. 


    does anyone encounter a problem like this?

    Harmony Client = failed to connect (no message to login-server)

    Non-Harmony Client = Game Exe is not latest ( with message in login-server )





    I think I know the answer for the 2nd one. Game Exe is not latest means you checked or your server runs client hash check. Check login-server.conf the last part.

  2. Visual Studio finding.


    Hi, how is it again to find something like "GC_DARKCROW" in object browser using visual studio?


    I somehow forgot the steps to do it. Correct me if I'm wrong please.


    1. Open Visual Studio

    2. Open Hercules solution

    3. Open Object browser

    4. Search in the solution - Problem here is that can't find anything


    Thanks in advance!


    Or are there any tutorial on how to use object browser to find a code in the solution?

  3. http://herc.ws/board/topic/1259-r-how-to-manage-multiple-flux-cp-registration/?p=9158


    As far from my understanding, you want to have 1 login? Click the link above. 

    Basically, you will be making 2 DB's in your SQL. The main DB is where you will store your "1 LOGIN DB" and with your 1st char and map server DB. while the second one will not be using its login table but will be using the 1st DB. Hard to explain lol.

  4. Good day,


    What's the most stable client to use as of now? Where can I get that client too? Also is there translations available for it? I was out for a year and just went back just to try ragna again. Hope I could get a response.

    Search request misleads me and some uses like 2013? Some 2014. So I'm having a hard time what to use. If someone could enlighten me what to use it could be helpful. Thanks in advance!


    Side question? Are skills already updated?



  5. I would like to ask if there is an active development branch that maintains the classic system like today's iRO Classic?


    It's very interesting as many people still love the classic days of Ragnarok :)


    As kisuka said, you just have to follow the timeline and also have some skills background way back pre-trans. Some skills were changed during the episode changes..

  6. Hi tried running a multiple server but failed to run it via athena-start


    Here's what it spit..



    Athena Starting...            (c) 2003 Athena Project              modified by [email protected] checking..../Hercules/login-server does not exist, or can't run.


    my current is this..



    #!/bin/sh# athena starting script by rowla# modified by [email protected] (NL101541) PATH=./:$PATH L_SRV=./Hercules/login-serverC_SRV1=./Hercules/char-serverM_SRV1=./Hercules/map-serverC_SRV2=./trunk/char-serverM_SRV2=./trunk/map-server print_start() {#    more << EOFecho "Athena Starting..."echo "            (c) 2003 Athena Project"echo "              modified by [email protected]"echo ""#echo "Debug informations will appear,"#echo "since this is a test release."#echo ""echo "checking..."#EOF} check_files() {     for i in ${L_SRV} ${C_SRV1} ${M_SRV1} ${C_SRV2} ${M_SRV2}    do        if [ ! -f ./$i ]; then            echo "$i does not exist, or can't run."            echo "Stop. Check your compile."            exit 1;        fi    done #    more << EOFecho "Check complete."echo "Looks good, a nice Athena!"#EOF}  case $1 in    'start')        print_start        check_files         exec ./${L_SRV}&	echo $! > .${L_SRV}.pid        exec ./${C_SRV1}&	echo $! > .${C_SRV1}.pid        exec ./${M_SRV1}&	echo $! > .${M_SRV1}.pid		exec ./${C_SRV2}&	echo $! > .${C_SRV2}.pid        exec ./${M_SRV2}&	echo $! > .${M_SRV2}.pid         echo "Now Started Athena.";;    'stop')	for i in .${L_SRV}.pid .${C_SRV1}.pid .${M_SRV1}.pid .${C_SRV2}.pid .${M_SRV2}.pid	    do		if [ -e ./$i ]; then		    kill $(cat $i)		    rm $i		fi	    done;;    'restart')        $0 stop        $0 start;;    *)        echo "Usage: athena-start { start | stop | restart }";;esac


    How to set the path correctly? Thanks in advance!

  7. Whenever I use the skill no summon appears, just that the plant bottle is decreased? Where in the part of source could I check or fix it?

    Note: I'm using old version of Hercules.


    Tried looking at skill.c and skill.h input but when comparing to old and new hercules they're almost the same except for some "->" inputs.


    What are the other alternatives? Thanks for the help

  8. You've got things a bit mixed up.

    How is this:

    OnMobKilled:if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 0) goto L_NoWin;    dispbottom "Your out of the game, You did not catch the right Poring !";    percentheal -99,-99;    warp "SavePoint",0,0;    end;

    ever supposed to trigger?


    Killing a monster requires 1 player to be within the map, no? So the first thing it does upon death of the mob is check, is there 1 person in the room, to which it will say yes, 1 or more. So it'll never become true and as such will never invoke the L_NoWin.



    How to solution-ize this? Now I know it's not triggered. The problem here is that the event doesn't stop even if no one is already inside the map.

  9. How to end this event if no one has successfully hunted the real poring?



    //=========== PORING CATCHER MADE ==============//=== BY: SHOGS-GFX and RAGNAROK DEVELOPERS ====//= Please Report if you encounter some errors =//===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======//==============================================//==FUNCTIONS===================================/* GM Can start the event manualy   GM Can also stop the event manualyHOW: just PM this npc (npc:pcatch)The Next Guide Will Be Given by the Manager 	*///======= PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CREDITS =========//==============================================//== MORE UPDATES TO COME FOR BETTER FUNCTION ==//===== https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx ======//============================================== //====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT========= -	script	GMCONTROL	-1,{OnInit:set $gmcontrol,60;end; }//---------------END OF SETUP------------------- //================ON WHISPER=========================-	script	pcatch	-1,{ //====LEVEL OF GM CAN CONTROL THE EVENT=========//OnInit://set $gmcontrol,60;//end;//---------------END OF SETUP------------------- OnWhisperGlobal:if(getgmlevel() >= $gmcontrol) {mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";	mes "Hello GameMaster!";mes "What do you want to do?";switch(select("Start Event:Stop Event:Nothing")){	case 1:	 {		next;		mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";		mes "Please confirm by typing START.";		 input .@confirm$;         		 if (.@confirm$ == "START")		 {			donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStart";			 close;		}		mes "Confirmation failed";		close;		break;	}	case 2:	{		next;		mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";		mes "Please confirm by typing STOP.";		 input .@confirm$;         		 if (.@confirm$ == "STOP")		 {			donpcevent "Announcer2::OnGMStop";			close;		}		mes "Confirmation failed";		close;		break;			}						case 3:	{		next; mes "^3399FF[Poring Catcher]^000000";		mes "Good bye";		 close;	} }}}  //====================ANNOUNCER====================== -	script	Announcer2	-1,{ OnInit:	disablenpc "Poring Banker";	//disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	//bindatcmd("event","Announcer2::OnPcatch");end; /*OnPcatch:	if($@pcatch != 1){message strcharinfo(0),"Poring Catcher Event has not started yet."; end;}	if($@pcatchstart == 1){message strcharinfo(0),"Poring Catcher Event has already started."; end;}	mes "[Event Warper]";	mes "Would you like to go to the event?";	switch(select("Yes:No")){		case 1:			next;			mes "[Event Warper]";			mes "Good luck!";			warp "poring_c01",103,99;			close;		case 2:			close;		}end;*/  OnGMStart:	killmonster "poring_c01.gat","All";	set $@pcatch,1;	announce "Event Manager : A Gamemaster started a Poring Catcher Event now.",0;	sleep 3000;	announce "Event Manager : If you want to join, type @event and choose Poring Catcher Event.",0;	//enablenpc "PoringCatcher";	sleep 2000;	announce "Event Manager : Prize: will be 100 Cash Points and an Event Point",0;	sleep 2000;	announce "Event Manager : The warper is going to close in one minute.",0; 	 sleep 60000;	announce "Event Manager : The warper has closed.",0;	//disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 0)	 {		disablenpc "Poring Banker";		announce "Event Poring Catcher didn't start because there's no players.",0;		end;	}	 donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable";	end; OnGMStop:	 killmonster "poring_c01.gat","All";	announce "A Gamemaster has stopped the Poring Catcher Event",0;	mapwarp "poring_c01.gat","prontera.gat",155,173;	disablenpc "Poring Banker";	//disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	set $@pcatch,0;	end;  OnClock0000:OnClock0200:OnClock0400:OnClock0600:OnClock0800:OnClock1000:OnClock1200:OnClock1400:OnClock1600:OnClock1800:OnClock2000:OnClock1157:	killmonster "poring_c01.gat","All";	set $@pcatch,1;	announce "Event Manager : Poring Catcher Event will start at the moment.",0;	sleep 3000;	announce "Event Manager : If you want to join, type @event and choose Poring Catcher Event.",0;	//enablenpc "PoringCatcher";	sleep 2000;	announce "Event Manager : Prize: will be 100 Cash Points and an Event Point",0;	sleep 2000;	announce "Event Manager : The warper is going to close in one minute.",0; 	 sleep 60000;	announce "Event Manager : The warper has been closed.",0;	//disablenpc "PoringCatcher";	if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 0)	 {		disablenpc "Poring Banker";		announce "Event Manager: Poring Catcher Event didn't start because no players found in map.",0;		end;	}	 donpcevent "Poring Banker::OnEnable";	end; }//---------All Job Registration----------------------------------------//prontera,155,173,0	warp	PoringCatcher	2,2,poring_c01,105,128 //---------------------------------------------------------------------  //----------------------------------------------------------------------	script	Poring Banker	-1,{ OnEnable:set $@pcatchstart,1;mapannounce "poring_c01","Event Manager: The Poring Catcher Event will start shortly",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "poring_c01","Event Manager: I will be summoning 100 porings with different names kill the real poring",0;sleep2 10000;mapannounce "poring_c01","Event Manager: What are we waiting for?..Let's Catch some Porings!!...",0;sleep2 10000;goto L_Start;end;L_Start:	if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 0) goto L_None;	if(getmapusers("poring_c01") >= 1) {	mapannounce "poring_c01","Event Manager: Get ready at the count of 5 we will start!....",0;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "poring_c01","Event Manager: 5",0;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "poring_c01","Event Manager: 4",0;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "poring_c01","Event Manager: 3",0;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "poring_c01","Event Manager: 2",0;	sleep2 1000;	mapannounce "poring_c01","Event Manager: 1",0;	donpcevent "Poringsummoner::OnSummon";	end;	}	 L_None:	announce "Event Manager : Poring Catcher Event has been cancelled due to no participants.",0;	set $@pcatch,0;	disablenpc "Poring Banker";	killmonster "poring_c01.gat","All";	end;} //==================SUMMONER OF PORINGS ======================-	script	Poringsummoner	-1,{ OnSummon:	if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 0) goto L_2None;		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1002,1,"poringwin::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Pouring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Proing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Poirng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Poing",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"I'm not a Poring",1002,5,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Gnirop",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1113,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Poring",1062,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Por|ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Por1ng",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Porong",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"P0ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"P@ring",1002,10,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";		monster "poring_c01.gat",0,0,"Porng",1002,1,"poringlose::OnMobKilled";end; L_2None:set $@pcatch,0;disablenpc "Poring Banker";killmonster "poring_c01.gat","All";end;} //==================REAL PORING FOR WIN======================-	script	poringwin	-1,{ OnMobKilled:	killmonster "poring_c01.gat","All";	atcommand "@doommap";	set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS+100;	set #EVTPOINT,#EVTPOINT+1;	announce "Event Manager: We have a winner! well done " + strcharinfo(0) + ".",0;	warp "SavePoint",0,0;	set $@pcatch,0;	end;} //==================DUMY PORINGS FOR LOSERS======================-	script	poringlose	-1,{OnMobKilled:	dispbottom "Your out of the game, You did not catch the right Poring !";	percentheal -99,-99;	warp "SavePoint",0,0;	end;}  //==================Mapflags========================poring_c01	mapflag	nowarpporing_c01	mapflag	nowarptoporing_c01	mapflag	noteleportporing_c01	mapflag	nosaveporing_c01	mapflag	nomemoporing_c01	mapflag	nobranchporing_c01	mapflag	nolootporing_c01	mapflag	noskillporing_c01	mapflag	nopenalty


    here's what I did


    I tried adding this code

    if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 0) goto L_NoWin;


    //==================DUMY PORINGS FOR LOSERS======================-	script	poringlose	-1,{OnMobKilled:if(getmapusers("poring_c01") == 0) goto L_NoWin;	dispbottom "Your out of the game, You did not catch the right Poring !";	percentheal -99,-99;	warp "SavePoint",0,0;	end;L_NoWin:set $@pcatch,0;disablenpc "Poring Banker";killmonster "poring_c01.gat","All";end;}


    unfortunately it didn't worked :(

  10. Kanina ko pa hinahanap sa mga files and sa forum wala akong makita or siguro di ko matyambahan ang keyword. Saang config file ko to babaguhin? 



    Here's a step on how to change max level


    1. open map.h and find
      #define MAX_LEVEL 150

      change 150 to your preference
    2. If using pre-renewal go to db/pre-re and if renewal go to db/re
    3. find and open exp.txt
    4. if you only want to change transcendent class max level (this is only an example) find this
      //Base - Trans Jobs	99,4001:4002:4003:4004:4005:4006:4007:4008:4009:4010:4011

      and change the 1st input the "99" to the level you have set on your map.h
    5. Don't forget to recompile

  11. It is available on client by default. use /am on game and an inputbox will appear, then type your AFK message :meow:.


    Holy shiznit it is! Haha. Old folks doesn't know this one (like me)HAHAHA!

  12. Requesting this plug-in i've found (not a plug-in actually just a source edit) before but nowhere to be found again.


    It works like an instant message to someone who pm an afk/brb player.




    Let Player A = user of @away

          Player B = one who will message player A


    Player A didn't use @away, normal chat will be happening between two players


    Player A use @away, Player B will receive an automatic message replying that " (input of player) ", yet player A will still be able to receive the message and can reply formally to Player B when he/she goes back. The only difference that Player B has been noticed that Player A was AFK or away from his/her keyboard.


    Thanks in advance!

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