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Everything posted by themon

  1. themon

    Skills Rebellion

    if you really want to use the skill even if its not the official you can try this. edit manually skill.h, skill.c and battle.c search for example Desperado and the for example you want rebellion slug shot to work just add it like this before desperado case: RL_SLUGSHOT; case: GS_DESPERADO; this will make your rebellion slug shot to have temporary value for now.
  2. nice I help hercules even just a little
  3. http://www.branah.com/ascii-converter
  4. try to delete the whole datainfo folder in my hercules.grf and drag again the latest rev and fixed it
  5. still the same problem even I change it with what you post
  6. this from my jobidentity.lua
  7. this is from my NPCIdentity.lua
  8. themon


    How about instead of nothing after making your character to the highest state. how about it will turn to God level or turning back to novice with some stat and skill bonus. but it will be hard core. let say the monster you are battling right now is poring lvl 2 and in hard core lvl 10
  9. this is from my petinfo.lua
  10. this is from my jobName_F.lua
  11. just suggesting so all the great dev and staff from other emulator can share and discuss what's good for improving the ragnarok emulator.
  12. themon


    How about making this Atcommand so that you can automatically equip the best equipment in just typing @best? example you choose best equip atk damage and you have in your inventory a knife, dagger and a damascus. and then you type @best the damascus will be equip to your character
  13. yep using client translation rev 57
  14. I Know that IRC is available but I wonder if this will be a good Idea Welcome to Ragnarok Neutral Ground Here everybody can exchange idea from one emulator to another
  15. is there an existing script for pet vs pet. or humonculus vs humonculus?
  16. I dont have custom pet. all official
  17. http://www.class3-ro.com/pet/ Just to let everybody know I don't own this. I just saw this when I search google for solution for my pet image problem
  18. http://rathena.org/board/topic/67465-server-monitor/ dont know where to find server monitor for hercules please post a link
  19. I try to put the pet images everywhere to fix this but still no luck. Its workin fine before in my rathena server now im using hercules a got this problem 2013-08-07aRagexe_patched.exe using this right now can anyone test If this is not a bug in 2013-08-07aRagexe.exe I extracted this from my official data.grf its the bmp of the pet. check the attach files should I include it also on my hercules.grf or it will be redundant userinterface.rar
  20. if that the case just try to search at google add custom skill. just follow rathena wiki add custom skill
  21. I not working still. but if you like you can edit it yourself http://rathena.org/wiki/Adding_new_skills just for temporary so you wont get error in your map server everytime you use rebellion skills. and you will be able to hit the monster with your rebellion skill
  22. What does this plug in do? Is this auto attack work like bot. Is this the one that will walk randomly and attack random monster. Can you make it to only attack specific monster or the monster that you click first and stop if you can see the same monster that you attack first. Sample. In you screen you see 5 poring 3 lunatic 5 willows You click poring and your character will only attack poring in that screen or area and after killing the 5 poring your character will stop and will not attack other monster unless you attack it manually.
  23. Its goddameit auto attack How can I edit it work like what I explained earlier? What I like is like auto chase same monster and the AoE is just screen wide only and when their is no monster left in the screen it will stop and you will have to attack again a new monster. How about right now I don't have to press control to attack the one monster and I would like to make an option that when you hold ctrl+click monster it will attack only that kind of monster on the screen.
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