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Everything posted by themon

  1. @Yommy How about this 2013-08-14aRagexe.exe client I manage to diff it and it launch upto character select. all it need is a packet key it think I got the packet key for 2013-08-14aRagexe.exe 00 00 00 8B 0D C8 2A C7 00 68 D7 5A 78 53 68 0E 42 41 0C 68 48 31 A2 23 E8 63 BD E1 FF E8 CE 5E F4 FF 8B D8 FF D7 05 E8 03 00 00 BA 68 03 00 00 Hercules-mastersrcmappackets.h #if PACKETVER >= 20130814 packetKeys(0x23A23148,0x0C41420E,0x53785AD7); /* Themon */ packet(0x09AB,6,clif->pDull,2); /* Thanks to Yommy */ #endif Hercules-mastersrccommonmmo.h #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20130814 #endif // Comment the following line if your client is NOT ragexeRE (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE). //#define PACKETVER_RE got this error (FOUND FIXED) [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x0000 (0x49f0), 13 bytes received), disconnecting session #3. New Error everytime I pick up an item [Warning]: clif_parse: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x0000 (0x8a00), 7 by tes received), disconnecting session #3. 2013-08-14aRagexe.exe.rar lastPatches.xml 2013-08-14aRagexe_patched.rar
  2. Exception Source: mscorlib Exception Type: System.IO.EndOfStreamException Exception Message: Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. Exception Target Site: ReadByte at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadByte() at xDiffPatcher.DiffFile.ApplyPatch(DiffPatch patch, Byte[]& buf, BinaryReader r) at xDiffPatcher.DiffFile.Patch(String inputFile, String fileName) at xDiffPatcher.frmMain.btnSave_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) Additional info: Diff File: 2013-08-07aRagexe.xdiff Patches: [x] Enable Custom Jobs [x] Enable Custom Shields [x] Enable Custom Homunculus [x] Increase Attack Display
  3. how did you make 2013-08-28cRagexe.exe to launch?
  4. I Tested Via's Pawnshop NPC and it works great! Loving it! if I got some new idea ill try to post again. again thanks for making this VIA
  5. I have an Idea of new job class but don't know how to do it. I like to add Kafra Job Class skill like in french bread Ragnarok Battle Offline Boxer Job class t can have skill that improve str and agi. It can make combo move like champion and taekwondo. Footstep skill that works like thief improve dodge. One Hit K.O. punch like asura strike. Hope someone can make this idea of a job class possible
  6. is there a Humonculus Evolver that is like the Job Master NPC? or will it work if I make a custom item that can evolve Humonculus like a Philosopher Stone that I make in my rathena server before. but dont know if it will work to evolve to Humonculus S
  7. okey thanks for the info again yommy! I hope newer client will work in the future. I know that you said about keys is not important by now. but I like to share this to the other that might be interested in seaching it in Ragexe.exe client using Hex Editor. in search copy paste this ôÿ‹Ø now try to press F3 till you cant search nomore 2013-07-03aRagexe.exe Packet Keys 00 00 00 8B 0D 50 89 C6 00 68 DA 1E FA 4C 68 F2 32 14 0F 68 23 0E F9 4F E8 53 EC E1 FF E8 6E 7B F4 FF 8B D8 FF ...‹.P‰Æ.hÚ.úLhò2..h#.ùOèSìáÿèn{ôÿ‹Øÿ 2013-08-28cRagexe.exe 00 00 00 8B 0D 50 EB C5 00 6A The packet missing 01 E8 D0 BB E1 FF E8 4B 5F F4 FF 8B D8 FF ...‹.PëÅ.j.èлáÿèK_ôÿ‹Øÿ
  8. Great Job!!!!! VIA Thanks for making this script available I hope this can be enjoyed by other players too. cause I know I will. Via deserve a +10 this is the reason why I switch from Rathena to Hercules because of people like you Via and your quick response to my request. I hope you can Improve my other script cause im just a noob in script making. I just get to try the script and try to understand what it do and make my own npc. some of the script that I made is just from Euphy script. like Keno.txt and Ez2.txt idea from lottery.txt, soulbuff.txt from healer.txt, reserve.txt from resetnpc.txt, hourlybonus.txt idea from giftnpc.txt, just added some idea on Euphy rpsroulette.txt, this two script is the only script that I think that I made since this is just my training script the chansave.txt and zenytocash.txt keno.txt Ez2.txt SoulBuff.txt reserve.txt hourlybonus.txt rpsroulette.txt chansave.txt zenytocash.txt
  9. Yes I'm currently using that client 20130807ragexe.exe, I try to compair new client to that using hex editor. And what I found out is that there is no packet key in new client. Maybe you can try to use diff to insert packet key in that space where the packet key should be located like in 20130807ragexe.exe. just search 8055805E hex
  10. I have downloaded this new client 2013-10-02aRagexe.exe where can I find a diff for this? and how can I aquire the encryption key of this?
  11. What is the Encryption keys for 2013-08-28cRagexe.exe? It try to hex it to find it but I have no luck at this time. Update please on encrypt keys
  12. themon


    You mean like Euphy Guaranteed refine NPC I'm using it right now and IN can refine from 0 to +20 in just using an Guaranteed Refine ticket item that Euphy made http://rathena.org/board/topic/64394-%E2%9C%B0-euphys-scripts-%E2%9C%B0/ http://rathena.org/board/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=3306
  13. Thanks yommy. All I have to fix now is some NO MSG in the check box in item menu beside the drop on/off check box. I think this check box is the compair item check box. Cause when I check it I can compair the item and with the one that I equip
  14. I'll try it later If I can make it work. So I don't need to use hex editor to get the key. I just can use the existing key and change the existingclient and change it the newer one
  15. I will just wait for bank system to be implimented
  16. so how can I know a much newer Encryption keys that what im using right now. how do the obtain it? what tool do they use?
  17. what part of the server should I modify so that I can use the latest ragexe.exe client? so that I will know what to modify if ever there are new ragexe.exe client in the future. Im using 20130807ragexe.exe right now and Im going to try to use much newer client ragexe.exe like right now I think the latest is 2013-08-28cRagexe.exe if im not mistaken but it think I saw a september client somewhere. where can I get the Encryption keys for 2013-08-28cRagexe.exe
  18. all your idea are good. the difference of this from the storage is that you can get zeny for emergency use and you can still get your item back whe you have the zeny to buy it back. maybe 1% interest every 24hours and after 2 weeks or a month it will automatically put in auction. but be sure that only item that has a value can get pawned. can you make it for example knife with lunatic card and when you buy it back you can still get the same knife with lunatic card in it. maybe when you pawn an item you will get a paper that has the info of the item you pawn so you can use it to claim the item
  19. will it be icluded in rdata.grf or data.grf. where can I see the sprite and act of the skill
  20. Thanks I would like to get a copy. Check my other content maybe you can make some improvement http://rathena.org/board/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&mid=16966
  21. http://rathena.org/board/topic/88127-rebellion-data-folder/ Just compile it to rdata.grf
  22. I post it at rathena but nobody seems to be able to make one http://rathena.org/board/topic/84882-new-shop-npc-idea-pawn-shop/
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