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Everything posted by Virtue

  1. Any idea why the client crashes when you right click on an item on the floor? all jobs/gm sprite gets that. using 20120418 client here. tried to search for this files in the kRO/pRo/iRO grfs and still can't find it.
  2. try click on the iconClick on the icon/box on the configembeder?
  3. well i followed what it said to drag and drop and still, same thing.
  4. how do you exactly do that? w/ the config embeder?
  5. i'm not sure if im doing it right but whenever i remove the patcher from the configuration folder its looking for it.
  6. o yeah, sorry. but basically what i'm thinking of is quite possible, been away for so long got super rusty that's why need to check esp when using sql queries with scripts.
  7. Why use a query to get Character name, you can get character name by "strcharinfo(0)" follow up question on this one, input @input$;query_sql("SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = " + @input$,.@username$);if the query did not return any value/result. should this script work like this if(@input$ == .@username$){dispbottom "Value Found";}dispbottom "No Results";hypothetically its just a sample but it should be working right?if the input has the same value or correct value from the db it should give me "value found" if the username that i entered is correct.
  8. use this ---------------------------------------*bindatcmd "command","<NPC object name>::<event label>"{,<group level>,<group level char>,<log>};This command will bind a NPC event label to an atcommand. Upon execution of the atcommand, the user will invoke the NPC event label. Each atcommand is only allowed one binding. If you rebind, it will override the original binding. If group level is provided, only users of that group level or above will be able to access the command, if not provided, everyone will be able to access the command."group level char" is the minimum group level required for the label to be used on others like a char command would, e.g. "#command "target" params", when not provided, "group level char" defaults to 99."log" whether to log the usages of this command with the atcommand log (1 = log, 0 = no log), default is to not log.The following variables are set upon execution: .@atcmd_command$ = The name of the @command used. .@atcmd_parameters$[] = Array containing the given parameters, starting from an index of 0. .@atcmd_numparameters = The number of parameters defined.Example:When a user types the command "@test", an angel effect will be shown.- script atcmd_example -1,{OnInit: bindatcmd "test",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end;OnAtcommand: specialeffect2 338; end;}--------------------------------------- there would be limitless possibilities using that command w/o having to edit the source. for instance in your case - script certainlevel -1,{OnInit: bindatcmd "certainlevel",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBaseLevel"; end;OnBaseLevel: if(BaseLevel < 10){ end; }; dispbottom "You can use the command"; end;} if player is lower than level 10, nothing will happen.
  9. yep. thanks to the both of you,
  10. nope, i don't want to get the username and userid. haha. i just used the term username/id bec. they're just the same. query_sql("SELECT `name` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id` = " + getcharid(0),.@name$); this one gets the name of the character right? what i am looking for would be the userid, the one that we use to login,
  11. haha i think im having an idea of what i have to do, although im not yet a hundred percent sure, although i meant username/userid but hey, thanks so if im correct the query should be query_sql("SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = " + getcharid(3),.@username$);
  12. or maybe it would be something like query_sql("SELECT userid FROM `login` then after I'm not sure what will come next so its like, select the userid from login database using the account_id(getcharid(3))
  13. yes i've checked the script_docs but to no avail, and from using the getcharid(3), I believe we can use some query to get the username not char name/id. query_sql("SELECT `login` VALUES ('" + getcharid(3) + "') ______ userid im thinking something like that but i can't seem to remember what command is needed so that when you do the query you'll get the values for the userid.
  14. I know we have a command to get the account id, i have a question though, if in any case i want to store a username, i'll have to use getcharid(3) right? so how will i query it?so that it gets save in the sql as the username not the account id.
  15. Hi dast. will send you a pm thanks
  16. is the /stats (/str+ /stat+ <value>) no longer working on 2013 clients? tia to those who will answer
  17. Hi, do you have any pre made website available?
  18. Solved. Updated the svn. Dunno how but it dis fix the issue. And since there was no errors on the console i really thought its something in the client
  19. hm, not yet. will try that. lets see what happens. edit : forgot, that i tried langtype 1 and its still the same at 1, but i will try with other langtypes
  20. mmo.h is at default, just the client ver is being changed. edit : added clientinfo.xml in post
  21. used nemo's diff patcher. on both 2013 clients. used recommended patches only. still the same error msge. char still can't stand on the client after sitting. tried using insert, tried using /sit still nothing. and no errors on the client. both on local server and live server
  22. Yes. Everytime I change clients i recompile. Although the one thing i noticed it only happened after i added the new msgstrings. Will try to check it some more later. PS: Sorry for some typo, using my phone
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