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Everything posted by fxfreitas

  1. And how ragnarok can be if made in china? Result *-* I wonder if our smartphones will run this and how will be the play style. Waiting for more updates.
  2. Pra atualizar o kRO (e o jRO tambem) é necessário o Ragnarok System Updater (ou simplesmente RSU) ele funciona como um patcher, tem um RSU pra cada servidor: http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/rsu/
  3. Pois acompanhe aquele topico, conforme forem lançando as sprites, elas serão adicionadas lá.
  4. Apenas o genetic e o guillhotine cross estão disponíveis, se bem me lembro na ultima pagina de um tópico chamado new improved third job sprites.
  5. Probally need the pallete file (I use an Updated kRO and jRO, so for me these problems can't be replicated)
  6. It happens even in oficial servers, position lags causing self recolocations, a client issue. Maybe client hex is the only way to fix it, if can be fixed. But probaly not because gravity never fixed. Nothing related with source.
  7. Yes its common in clients, a old movement issue, i.e.: you walking and being followed by a monster, he attacks you, the character still moving, but get stuck, the monster, 4 cell alway from you still hit the character, When you click again Surprise! you "teleport" to the same cell of the mob and start to walk again
  8. to take the sprites just download kRO/jRO and keep it updated e.e ID: 10019 http://nn.nachtwolke.com/dev/npclist/?qq=83 I'm on cellphone now and can't upload the character.
  9. Where did I post it first? http://herc.ws/board/topic/11491-assassin-cross-sprite-to-new-sprite/
  10. They just waiting for more detailed sources, you must need to wait. Or Merge from rAthena (adaptions will be needed) they use the current sources but various custom formulas and placeholders.
  11. Ta aí https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/db/mob_classchange.txt
  12. Maybe you do not know but the skills of DE and DA (Death Knight and Dark Collector) are added in sakray client in 2009 Post from NecronX (A bRO player) Have many infos, but nothing much close. Some of these "Skills" can be only subskills working together with the main one (like Rebellion's Bind Trap) Awesome Concept, Release!! Release!! Re-lea-se!! Re-le-a-se!! re-lea-se!!
  13. Genetic Sprites finally out (sorry for my delay): The Sprites are located in: dataspriteÀΰ£Á·¸öÅë¿©costume_1 for female and dataspriteÀΰ£Á·¸öÅë³²costume_1 for male and a bit of more info: All costume sprites are moved to this folder (wedding, santa, beach 1 and 2, oktoberfest, hanbok, Game Master) GENETICIST ALT SPRITE.zip Enjoy it!
  14. Okay and how can i put old mechanics in a new client ? Sorry about those questions Using a old ragexe/sakexe, if you use a ragexe From 2012 is suficient, but if you want more acurrate you can see the release date of the episode and take a hexed with same or close date. Maybe some old lua files or xray txt files will be needed.
  15. You have a file in your database called "item_packages" to change the rate, and "item_group" to change how items are dropped from a box. At Line 682 you will find the blue box and in 1706 the purple box.
  16. How you testing this? just asking.Item script is okhttps://raw.githubusercontent.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/master/db/re/item_db.conf { Id: 4403 AegisName: "Kiel_Card" Name: "Kiel-D-01 Card" Type: 6 Buy: 20 Weight: 10 Loc: 769 Script: <" bonus bDelayrate,-30; ">},
  17. Just a make up on the last frame fingers, but the animation is good in overall. Obs.: gif do not loading here '-'
  18. Very impressive, you doing a good work, keep it up!
  19. Because rg use same skill to mount the gryphon, same skill = same parameter. RK mount use a diferent skill and a diferent script command (setdragon(1))
  20. Because dragon mount aren't peco mount, it uses diferent parameters (test with the universal rental npc, if you take the rk and select peco, he will mount but without the sprite, if you select dragon, will works fine.)
  21. A barrinha não subir mais é bem normal, quando se alcança o job máximo oficial (no caso das 3rd, 60) a barrinha desaparece, mas a experiência acumula normalmente, quando sobe de nível ela costuma voltar (as vezes não, depende do client) mas se não tiver mesmo upando, ve a job_db e confere se pois os valores de exp necessária pro 61~XX corretamente.
  22. Its coded by the client but you can apply diff for custom job patch in your hexed. Here somewere you will found the necessary lua files.
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