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Everything posted by Neo-Mind

  1. To quote Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory.
  2. Dastgir there are more lines left. See Yommy's untranslated one from that => http://herc.ws/board/topic/2371-msgstringtable-for-20130807ragexeexe/#entry16142
  3. hmm odd i expected a crash probably in pre-june clients. ill check it out.
  4. odd i just tried diffing with that client date and it didn't give any error. As for the bard and dancer diffs, i have added it to official xDiffGen. i have updated my repository. http://sourceforge.net/p/xdiffgen/code/HEAD/tree/ @themon - i have not been able to make 28-08 launch yet. i am trying to figure it out looks like some code has become different with the unpacking . Like yommy said perhaps some additional protection has been added to themida which is mixing up the code inside.
  5. Included xDiff for Increasing Attack Display . http://sourceforge.net/p/neocustoms/code/HEAD/tree/xDiffs/
  6. Go Hooks!! Oh YEA!!!! LUA time!!
  7. you do realize i use the brackets only in the IRC
  8. yea im working on it .. i have to make two seperate set of code since post june gravity switched compilers and started using Base pointer for stack operations as well.:| Hi Yommy, from what i could tell, there is something wrong when the client tries to read grf files. The address inside ECX is pointing to 0 hence access violation. 008AD645 |. B9 24CEC300 MOV ECX,00C3CE24 probably from wrong unpacking? or maybe its something else entirely. :| im not advanced enough to figure it out.
  9. kewl now just need nurse joy and officer jenny
  10. ah cool well it can reach till 2147483647 (max attack value possible)
  11. @evilpunker : try this one http://www.mediafire.com/?9mqx7fze67tgnkw @Yommy: what issue are you getting ? @sevenzz23: I haven't looked in disable multiple windows diff. If i get spare time i'll check it out unless Shakto is already on it .
  12. like i said the bard jokes and dancer scream was already added to the xdiffgen repository. you just need to generate the xdiff.
  13. any luck? im working on it now. shield thing took some time + i was doing another request from ossi for enabling addition of custom homunculus . its easier to manually edit it on 1 client than making it into a diff. if you send me a client ill make the modifications and you can test it out and let me know if it works :-)
  14. Oh no its a demon ....oh wait its themon. Phew disaster averted (or is it?) Welcome to Hercules.
  15. @malufett excellent site. @sevenzz we dont have enough info about Rebellion until we get some more skill info we cant do much like shen said.
  16. or just make it full and use it as a garment which is much better in my opinion
  17. now only dastgir left and round 1 is over
  18. wow Round 1 is almost complete
  19. not yet ... im working on fixing my custom shield thing. apparently there is an item id limit for shields in the client. if you add shield items with item id beyond 2200 it doesnt pick up the sprite . I wonder where Shakto disappeared to .... again.
  20. Ragexe client already have support for it. just need to figure out what needs to be done server side.
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