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Everything posted by Oxxy

  1. Im not playing FFXIV tho if somebody wants to play in Diablo3: RoS in Europe, leave me a message C:
  2. It supposed to show if your couple logged in / out. You have to be married with somebody to see it. And if I understood it right, it supposed to show how much days you're together
  3. Understood you now, ye, could be useful function for some events, for example.
  4. You can make item use GOTO or callfunc, why would you make a new special type of usable items?
  5. Oxxy


    Made a command that will set player's variable CHAT_COLOR$ in hex code of color, but it makes my server crash. Anybody can help? http://upaste.me/eb63187158b4b3601
  6. It was made back in 2013, well, you gotta alter this script to make it work. I guess it won't be used much, I don't really know why I was trying to create it.
  7. You can use this function to create a very fast quests. Old script, can be optimized a bit I guess. Not completed, but working. http://pastebin.com/xd1mPKtT Function usage example: http://pastebin.com/Vq8rhNL6
  8. Description: Possibility to ressurrect yourself by having item in your backpack. © 2015, Oxxy, v1.0 Changelog: v1.0 Initial release Syntax: callfunc "Ressurrection_Item",<1:0>,<item_id>,<item_amount>,<1:0>; Refer to this, while you're using this function: First argument: enable(1) or disable(0) ressurrection item function? Second argument: <item_id> of item, that is used for ressurrection Third argument: <item_amount> of item, that is used for ressurrection Fourth argument: enable(1) or disable(0) deletion of the item after ressurection? Ressurrection_Item1.0.txt
  9. Script that I made a while ago, was thinking about creating somekind of reputation system. For example, if you complete quests in Prontera town, you add "Prontera reputation" and then you can make interesting scripts. Its up to your imagination. // ==== Author: Oxxy // ==== Version: 1.0.1 // ==== Changelog: // ==== Version 1.0.0: First Release. // ==== Version 1.0.1: Fixed script little bit. // ==== Increases Player's <Town> reputation by <value> // ==== Syntax is: CallFunc("getRep", "<Town>", <value>); function script getRep { .@Town$ = getarg(0); .@rep = getarg(1); setd(.@Town$+"_rep"), getd(.@Town$+"_rep") + .@rep; return; } // ==== Check if player meets <value> reputation requirement of <Town> reputation. // ==== Syntax is: CallFunc("CheckRep", "<Town>", <value>); // ==== Returns 0 if Town's name reputation lower than required reputation. // ==== Returns 1 if Town's name reputation greater or equal to required rep. function script checkRep { .@Town$ = getarg(0); .@neededRep = getarg(1); set @townRep$, getd(.@Town$+"_rep"); if(@townRep$ < .@neededRep) return 0; if(@townRep$ >= .@neededRep) return 1; return; } // ==== Decreases Player's <Town> reputation // ==== First argument is Town's name (i.e Prontera) // ==== Second argument is the amount of town's reputation you want to decrease by. // ==== Third argument means if you want to delete all the reputation of the town <Town>, to delete all the reputation set it to 1. // ==== Syntax is: CallFunc("delRep", "<Town>", <value>, "<1:0>"); function script delRep { .@Town$ = getarg(0); .@amount = getarg(1); .@del_all = getarg(2); if(.@del_all) setd(.@Town$+"_rep"), 0; else setd(.@Town$+"_rep"), getd(.@Town$+"_rep") - .@amount; if(getd(.@Town$+"_rep") - .@amount < 0) setd(.@Town$+"_rep"), 0; return; } // ==== Shows Player's <Town> reputation // ==== Syntax is: CallFunc("showRep", "<Town>"); function script showRep { .@Town$ = getarg(0); .@townRep = getd(.@Town$+"_rep"); dispbottom "Your "+.@Town$+" town reputation is "+.@townRep; return; }
  10. @@zackdreaver I didn't mean to create any drama, it was more kind of discussion on theme "Why not to unite together?" "Why would we develop two SIMILAR emulators, but having other one with pretty cool advantages?". btw, I'm really sorry, didn't use search function, so didn't see those themes, if moderators think this one should be deleted/closed, then do it.
  11. Wanted to discuss about the point of rAthena compared to Hercules atm. Why not to merge everything from to Hercules and let this emulator die? Hercules got many advantages when compared to rAthena. Your arguments? This topic is made to discuss two emulators only.
  12. @@Ind got a few suggestions: 1) Add option to choose if u need to create translations for standart NPCs or not? 2) make a command like @reloadlangdb aswell, which will reset the db/translations.conf? So we don't have to restart server What if I need to translate dispbottom, broadcast commands aswell? got a problem with this system, i did a translation of Russian text in English aswell putting Russian as default language, but when I do @lang English and then talk with NPC it still shows Russian translations. No errors in map-server -- Problem fixed, English.po is being overwrited by server, so I did change in script.c script->add_language("English"); into script->add_language("Russian"); and got it working ! ;-)
  13. I've seen many people requesting this system, is it possible for the core developers to rewrite it as HPM plugin? https://rathena.org/board/topic/56410-achievement-system/
  14. Sorry to ask you, but can you create aswell Fishing rods recolor?
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