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Everything posted by jaBote

  1. You've got it right there, under your nose: // -----------------------------------------------------------// Reward options.// -----------------------------------------------------------// [1] Enable rewards.// [2] Mail all rewards.// - If not set, players receive items in their inventory.// - Only ONE item can be sent via mail, plus Zeny.// - Note that offline players do NOT receive rewards.// [4] Only reward Guild Masters.// - If not set, all guild members are rewarded.// - If mailing is enabled (option 2), offline Guild Masters WILL receive rewards.// [8] Duplicate IP check.// - Members in a guild with the same IP address are not rewarded.// - If Guild Masters is enabled (option 4), this feature is not used.// ----------------------------------------------------------- // Combine values as needed (e.g. 1|8 = 1+8 = 9). set .Options, 1|8;
  2. You've got it nicely documented at the endo of the script.
  3. Go to conf/battle/gm.conf and set atcommand_gm_only parameter to no; Then go to conf/atcommand_athena.conf and set GM use level to 0 on the atcommands you want available for your users.
  4. Si quieres que un GM pueda gestionar objetos del juego sin ningún tipo de problema, puedes probar a darle permisos can_trade en /conf/groups.conf. Simplemente busca el group ID que le tienes asignado a tus GMs (generalmente grupos de ID 4 o 10, aunque el grupo 10 hereda el valor de configuración del 4). Si quieres tener más información sobre qué son los permisos y para qué sirven, mira en doc/permissions.txt Sobre tu otro problema (permitir trade de items), puedes simplemente ir a tu copia local de db/{re o pre-re}/item_db.conf, buscar el item sobre el que quieras permitir el trade y cambiar el valor de notrade de true (verdadero, o sí) a false (falso, o no). Por ejemplo, si quieres permitir solo el trade del Satanic Ring, buscas su entrada en la base de datos: { Id: 2761 AegisName: "Satanic_Ring" Name: "Satanic Ring" Type: 5 Buy: 0 Upper: 63 Loc: 136 Refine: false Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true noselltonpc: true nocart: true nostorage: true nogstorage: true nomail: true noauction: true } Script: <" bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Angel,15; ">}, Y cambias notrade por false. Espero haber ayudado.
  5. You should have them either in your data folder, your server's GRF or official server's GRF. I'd add that file from the official server's GRF on your server's GRF, after modifying it so that the camera is fixed for you on the maps you deem this behaviour is undesirable.
  6. You can block them using it on these restricted places as nostafuz said. If you do also want them not to enter in a place, use a script like this one: - script nomercenaries -1,{OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (getmercinfo(0)) { // Don't check anything else if user has no mercenary .@map$ = strcharinfo(PC_MAP); // This saves some time on next check if (getmapflag(.@map$,mf_gvg_castle) || getmapflag(.@map$,mf_battleground)) { warp "SavePoint",0,0; // kick him announce "You may NOT have a Mercenary on WoE or Battleground maps.",bc_self; } } end;} This should kick them from these maps when entering with a mercenary. On current scripting, there's no way to terminate a mercenary's contract via a script command to the best of my knowledge. Note: You should also add mapflag loadevent on all the maps you want to restrict it beforehand!
  7. The script Dastgir made has a small mistake on the code: if (attachrid($@partymemberaid[.@i]){ getitem 969,1; warp "prontera",156,184; end; } This means that when one gets the prizes, others won't since the execution of the script will get stopped there. Try placing that end; at the end of the script, like this: OnMobKilled3: if(!mobcount("que_qaru01",strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnMobKilled3")) { sleep2 2000; mapannounce "que_qaru01","Boss-Monster is now dead!",0; sleep2 2000; announce "Your party finished this monster battle, good job!",0; sleep2 2000; getpartymember getcharid(1),2; for(.@i = 0; .@i<$@partymembercount; .@i++){ if (attachrid($@partymemberaid[.@i]){ getitem 969,1; warp "prontera",156,184; } } } end; Test and comment please
  8. Not good on this clientside, but try to use NPC ID# 15000 for that? map,x,y<tab>script<tab>script_name<tab>15000,{
  9. Right now I can. Maybe it was down for maintenance?
  10. jaBote

    Status Point

    That answer should only work with new level ups as far as I'm concerned.
  11. jaBote

    Md5 Problem

    I mean you can't reverse the passwords into legible state unless you spend hundreds or thousands of hours (depends on your server processing capability) of full server processing time trying to guess we each password via their MD5 digest. And multiply for each individual password you mean to recover.
  12. jaBote

    Md5 Problem

    MD5 algorithm isn't a reversible one, so you can't easily convert them back. Actually, you should brute-force attack your database in order to get it done.
  13. We can't do anything if you don't provide us with any more information.
  14. Oh, true. You get respawned because you still belong to a BG team. Look on your src/map/pc.c for something like this inside your pc_dead function: //GvG if( map_flag_gvg2(sd->bl.m) ) { timer->add(tick+1, pc->respawn_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 1|8; } else if( sd->bg_id ) { struct battleground_data *bgd = bg->team_search(sd->bg_id); if( bgd && bgd->mapindex > 0 ) { // Respawn by BG timer->add(tick+1000, pc->respawn_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 1|8; } } Comment the following lines: } else if( sd->bg_id ) { struct battleground_data *bgd = bg->team_search(sd->bg_id); if( bgd && bgd->mapindex > 0 ) { // Respawn by BG timer->add(tick+1000, pc->respawn_timer, sd->bl.id, 0); return 1|8; } And recompile. Now none of your BGs will do the automatic warp out, but you should ask them not to "go back to savepoint" because that will cause them to abandon BG.
  15. Mapflags gvg, battlegrounds and gvg_castle cause this behavior. Once you're dead, you're immediately teleported back to savepoint (BG savepoint if on BG).
  16. Problem with RateMyServer is that it isn't an official source. Actually, it's based on rAthena's data, which we should take with a reasonable amount of grains of salt.
  17. Realmente era respecto a eso, teniendo el thor ya estaria entonces el actualizador? o.o.. el tema seria, que cada vez que implemente una actualizacion a mi servidor no tener que estar cada una de esas veces subiendo archivos nuevos para los usuarios Es que el actualizador funciona así: subes archivos para que el actualizador los baje por los usuarios y aplique el parche en sus clientes. Si no quieres subir los archivos tú mismo, prueba a sincronizar la carpeta con Dropbox o similares, aunque bueno...
  18. No configs can change that AFAIK. @whodrops is limited by MAX_SEARCH constant in source, which is set in src/map/itemdb.h if I recall correctly. Either change that value from that file (which could also change any other feature in which it's used) or go to src/map/atcommand.c and go change MAX_SEARCH parameter to whatever number you want.
  19. Dunno if that's actually a bug or a feature. It says recallall, which to my understanding means everybody no matter what. I think maybe it should accept an optional parameter to specify whether you want different kinds of AFK to be called or not, for example vendings, autotraders, chatting people, afk timer greater than X or so.
  20. You should also add checks for: !sd->state.vending && !sd->state.buyingstore
  21. I think this should be made into a conf and get pull requested in official Repo.
  22. We don't have access to DreameRO, especially its databases and scripts. You've got enough documentation to do this since I believe they didn't use any special documentation other than programming basics you can learn through the Internet and this manual. Try to teach yourself, is the best answer I can give you.
  23. Oh true, you reminded me people in RO scene like to remove credits text everywhere...
  24. I see they use a regular website that could be made by/for themselves, plus FluxCP for the actual control panel...
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