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Everything posted by jaBote

  1. jaBote

    query sql

    That's just a volatile change that will be removed upon logout and is not saved anywhere else but server's RAM.
  2. jaBote

    query sql

    atcommand "@adjgroup 1"; You missed the @.
  3. I guess this is more suitable for a bug report on the forums. Would nicely point you to the bug tracker (which is on GitHub) but I can't right now since I'm on a mobile UI.
  4. jaBote

    query sql

    You could alter the group id via SQL, then use @adjgroup script command to grant the desired group id to the user for his current session.
  5. SC_SPIRIT is no longer a valid constant since it was changed more than a year ago. Try using SC_SOULLINK constant instead.
  6. I've never gone through the (quite complicated for me) client-server connection, but most client-server packets are just a few bytes in size. Dunno if a rough estimation of 1 kbps per user would be acceptable. You don't usually need bandwidth for most games since resources are almost always on client's side, only thing you need is speedy connections. The thing that makes me more dubitative is, actually, the required processing power since it increases exponentially (if not factorially) depending on the amount of users connected on a same amount of maps and whatever they're doing on a given moment. And also, that the client side program lags if there are way too many sprites at once on screen.
  7. I guess that's possible since processor, memory and bandwidth requirements are (your friend's right on this one) quite low. Supposing 10KB of memory required for each user (don't actually know but it seems a pretty big estimation) that sums 30 MB of RAM needed just for handling the users, while just the map server on idle state used to consume around 500 MB RAM at that time. The bandwidth and processor requirements depends on what the people are doing on your servers. What I find hard to believe, is to be able to gather that much people...
  8. Try something like this. You've got to change the sprite, NPC position and something else to better suit your needs: prontera,150,150,4 script rewards 60,{ mes "Here's your daily reward!"; next; if (#nextrewardtime > gettimetick(2)) { mes "Sorry, it seems you've already got it!"; } else { mes "Take this!"; getitem 512, 1; // Apple #nextrewardtime = gettimetick(2) + 24*60*60; // delay by 1 day } close;} It parses correctly, but didn't test ingame.
  9. You can. There's virtually no difference that as a private server owner you should care about, maybe except that uptime could be better. And I guess you're missing something, cloud is a number of interconnected servers, while OpenVZ is a virtualization software. You can have a VPS on the cloud, virtualized via OpenVZ.
  10. I guess not, but don't forget to recompile and try that last SQL query I sentido you.
  11. You can do it manually, but I think Guild Extension would need an edit to avoid other guilds get over the limit. UPDATE `guild` SET `max_member` = yourmaxvalue WHERE `max_member` > yourmaxvalue
  12. Oh, sorry, I understood you just wanted to remove alliances. I couldn't understand you what you mean with makint the max guild capacity apply, so please elaborate a bit on that. In any case, please remember that if you edit the max guild capacity (I think that's a source edit) you should recompile to make it effective. To kick every guild member from the guilds except the guild master, you could issue the following SQL query (remember to try on a backup first, I haven't tested it): DELETE FROM `guild_member` WHERE `char_id` NOT IN (SELECT `char_id` FROM `guild`)
  13. If you want to remove any existing guild alliances, please check out the guild_alliance table on your SQL side. Maybe you'll want to truncate the table (remove all data on it). Please do test on a server backup and while the server is shut down if you don't want to find out unexpected behavior, since I haven't tested but that should do.
  14. jaBote

    eAmod down?

    Thank you for your information. Since I'm not an eAmod user (and not interested, anyways) I couldn't be able to know that.
  15. jaBote

    eAmod down?

    I was about to tell people that asked me on Spanish support forums to go to the eAmod forums for asking for the "new" eAmod BGs but... it's down? I mean it's been removed from Zephyrus' web zephysoft.com, which can lead us to wonder what's happened to that. Maybe the leak of eAmod that had been released about a month ago has made him decide to quit the project? This wouldn't show any thing other than childishness on his behalf (which wouldn't surprise me at all, actually). Since there hasn't been any announce of discontinuation, I guess we can take the software as abandonware? I haven't shared the link of the latest leaked copy of eAmod on purpose since I'd prefer to give Zeph a grace month or so to know whether he's kinda actually abandoned it or not. Please, if you know, don't publish the link on the forum till the grace time has expired. I'm just giving Zeph the respect he deserves as common courtesy, even if I honestly feel what he has done doesn't deserve that.
  16. jaBote

    BG del Hercules

    Ningún emulador oficial tiene ese tipo de BGs. Estas forman parte de un emulador de pago que es básicamente una modificación de este u otros emuladores oficiales, por el que piden una suma importante de dinero. Parece que la web del citado emulador no está ahora mismo operativa, habrá que esperar a ver si vuelven online. Formo parte de un equipo dedicado a replicar su funcionamiento y distribuirlo gratuito y en exclusividad para Hercules, aunque de momento el desarrollo del mismo está paralizado debido a que tengo otros asuntos mucho más importantes que atender en mi día a día. No puedo dar ninguna estimación de que llegara, podría no ser nunca si mi situación no mejora (y no tiene pinta de que mejore a corto plazo). Un saludo.
  17. Simply insert a new row at the login table on your database, or use the _M/_F method if enabled on your login server.
  18. I'm unaware that command exists on current Hercules. I do personally prefer to do that via console with the awrver shut down: mysql -u user -p rodatabase < file.sql Then you'll be prompted for the user's password
  19. Whops. True, sorry, I didn't find it before O.o
  20. Simply, if you recompile your server, run the specified SQL file into your RO database for being totally up-to-date.
  21. Current Hercules isn't prepared for that, but you could make a reasonably fairly big edition to the source code in order to making it possible.
  22. I may be misinformed about this, but... Shouldn't it be mandatory to have a Zeny check before applying the cost? Because if you try to subtract more Zeny than the user has, there could be problems with script execution? I mean this line: Zeny -= (((BaseLevel + JobLevel) / 2) * 5); P.S.: stevler, can you make it to check if the user has enough zeny and then heal him/her or tell he doesn't have enough zeny? It's a simple modification, you should be able to do that after reading GmOcean's awesome guide
  23. jaBote


    An easy way of finding what is affected by that, is looking for "#ifdef RENEWAL_LVDMG" throughout all the server's code.
  24. Añade una etiqueta al NPC Warper Evolution que ejecute para cuando hablas normalmente (generalmente en la línea 2 del NPC, antes de que empiece el código que se ejecuta cuando le hablas). Añade por ejemplo la etiqueta OnNokiaCall: (los dos puntos incluidos). Luego utiliza el script command doevent. doevent "<NPC object name>::<event label>";
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