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Everything posted by jaBote

  1. Vocè deve adicionar o permiso "any_warp" para o grupo dos GMs no arquivo conf/groups.conf.
  2. Not that I remember unless you use custom code. You can get all char IDs then check if they're on the same map and area you want.
  3. Tente usã-lo nesta estrutura: - script VipGratis -1,{OnPCLoginEvent: if (#vipUsado) end; $nivelVip = 1; $diasVip = 7; query_sql("UPDATE `login` SET `group_id` = "+$nivelVip+", `data_vip` = DATE_ADD(CURDATE(),INTERVAL "+$diasVip+" DAY) WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3)); #vipUsado = 1; end;}
  4. Sorry but... what do you mean by 'query window'? My english is not with me today :C Pic on how to run with PhpMyAdmin: http://www.siteground.com/img/knox/tutorials/uploaded_images/images/phpmyadmin/33.jpg Couldn't find a pic on how to run on MySQL Essentials since I've never used it and don't rely on the ones I see at the moment.
  5. Open whatever the query window for that database is (depends on the program), paste and run the code (only once of course). You don't need to modify any file on your local repository for that.
  6. Either you: Restart the entire database from scratch and use the new main.sql file, in that case you'll lose any current data for your server, which in most cases is not reccommended; Add these files to your database. Considering you have only basic knowledge on this, the easiest way for you is running them the same way as with you did with the main.sql one, usually involving opening the DB and getting a query window to paste it in. A backup is reccommended in any case.
  7. If you use TortoiseGit, you can diff with the previous version or even virtually any version on the master branch by using the revision log (use right click for it).
  8. Have you checked all the involved URLs end up with a slash?
  9. jaBote

    Stock NPC

    challenge accepted; prontera,150,160,6 script HaiMarket 4_F_EDEN_OFFICER,{if(!$lock && !$stock) set $stock,30000;set $lock,1;set .item,512;set .price,10;if($stock){mes "I can sell "+ $stock +", how many do you wanna buy?";next; while(input(.@guess, 1, $stock)) { mes "[Woman]"; mes "Didn't you listen before? i can only sell up to "+ $stock; next; } mes "[Woman]"; { .@cost = .@guess * .price; if (Zeny<.@cost) {mes "you don't have enaf zeny"; close;} set Zeny,Zeny-.@cost; set $stock,$stock-.@guess; getitem .item,.@guess; mes "Well done."; } close;} else { mes "no more"; close;}} is this what you want? Nope. Mainly because I think he actually wants to have the NPC with a shop interface. And he also wants the NPC to be able to buy your items and place them on stock, and the script doesn't do that. I don't know if you can call a trader via the callshop script command. In that case you could call it with both the buy and sell buttons and know exactly whatever you've sold or bought from him (see docs). In case you can't, it's not possible to the best of my knowledge to have it all in one NPC because of not being able to call the trader. I haven't attempted yet to call a trader shop, but won't test it right now. Could someone else please?
  10. jaBote

    Stock NPC

    You could have another NPC next to it to sell him the items and make the NPC trader resupply them. Or if the shop can be called with callshop (I doubt) you could make it all in one NPC. I'd make you an example, but honestly not in the mood.
  11. Seems you're missing a couple of SQL updates to make to your servers. Please check the consoles at startup since they'll warn you if you need to apply them.
  12. jaBote


    Seems either an HPMHooking or a compiler problem, and it says that the compiler has had an internal error so I'd point to the compiler more than to HPMHooking...
  13. É bom, mas eu não posso ver donde o script continua se você é VIP. Esqueceu adicionar código na label extender?
  14. if(.@string$ != "") <this will be run for empty strings> strlen() script command doesn't exist. I assume you mean getstrlen(). It's used like this: getstrlen("mystring"); // For fixed stringsgetstrlen(.@my_string_var$); // For strings in variables//You can even mix them up:getstrlen("Hello " + strcharinfo(0)); Just make sure you close all the brackets you open
  15. It's always sent me the messages at the same time both of us were connected...
  16. jaBote


    Por padrão, tudo castelo inicia o modo woe se não há nenhum clã em possessão desse castelo.
  17. BTW, you can have traders with whichever type, as long as it isn't NST_MARKET: Note: NST_MARKET is only available with PACKETVER 20131223 or newer.See '12 - NPC Trader-Related Commands' and /doc/sample/npc_trader_sample.txt formore information regarding how to use this NPC type.
  18. Oh, trader type NPCs don't work on clients prior to 20131223 because of some packets that aren't elsewhere. Sorry.
  19. jaBote

    IND please!

    Yeah, Ind has a good sense of humor
  20. Try programming it so that it grabs the image from the URL directly: <img src='url/of/your/logo/creator.php?logo=id'>
  21. 1st answer: combine these events in just an NPC since you've got too many OnNPCKilEvent events. Or either: 2nd answer: go to src/map/map.h, line 34 #define MAX_EVENTQUEUE 2 Change to any number not to big (you need at least 5 ATM, I'd set it to like 10) and recompile.
  22. I'd like to ask to please remove any weird characters from the topic, since it can break readability for some users: I can't even properly read the topic title...
  23. Não achei =/ como eu disse meu emulador é antigo que usa txt/sql antes da renovação so queria coloca uma skill quando equipar o item oO qual item poderia usar como exemplo ou base? Smokie Card é um bom exemplo. Ou procure o skill script command na documentaçao, ele tem outro exemplo.
  24. Esqueceu usar o skill script command amigo. Acho que isso tira erro: CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION,5; CR_FULLPROTECTION,5; Procure um pouco na documentaçao e tente de arrumar você mesmo. Tenho certeza que você vai aprender muito.
  25. Yep, | is bitwise OR operator. Returns 1 on a bit if either A or B bits are set to 1.
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