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Everything posted by jaBote

  1. I think most of its functionality was already added to our emulator's core, rendering this release useless. And I remember this having been converted to a plugin. Since I'm on cellphone and can't go check, could you please take a glance on it in case you actually want this?
  2. No seu código: set BG_Delay_Tick, gettimetick(2) + 1200; 1200 significa 20 minutos (20 * 60 = 1200). Somente mude para 600 (10 minutos).
  3. Tente: SELECT * FROM `<nome_tabela>` WHERE `refine`= 10 onde <nome_tabela> é uma dos seguintes tabelas: auction cart_inventory guild_storage inventory mail storage Eu acho que som tudas as tabelas que contém tudos os possíveis itens do jogadores.
  4. This is part of a NPC script, and should be inside of a script code. Won't work otherwise.
  5. All script commands should be lowercase. You should have got an error on the server console stating that and suggesting you to use resetstatus (valid) instead. Much like this: [Error]: script_add_str: detected possible use of wrong case in a script. Found 'ResetStatus', probably meant to be 'resetstatus' and so on. You can use http://haru.ws/scriptchecker/ to check your scripts to see if they pass the parser without errors.
  6. As I can see on the script, the (possibly?) registration NPC is placed at gonryun, 151, 110
  7. IP = Intellectual Property. Said a lot of video game companies for a new game concept.
  8. Aren't they added by default? npc/scripts.conf // --------------------- Battle Grounds -------------------------// - Flavius ----------------------------------------------------npc: npc/battleground/flavius/flavius_enter.txtnpc: npc/battleground/flavius/flavius01.txtnpc: npc/battleground/flavius/flavius02.txt// - Kreiger Von Midgard ----------------------------------------npc: npc/battleground/kvm/kvm_enter.txtnpc: npc/battleground/kvm/kvm_item_pay.txtnpc: npc/battleground/kvm/kvm01.txtnpc: npc/battleground/kvm/kvm02.txtnpc: npc/battleground/kvm/kvm03.txt// - Tierra Gorge -----------------------------------------------npc: npc/battleground/tierra/tierra_enter.txtnpc: npc/battleground/tierra/tierra01.txtnpc: npc/battleground/tierra/tierra02.txt// --------------------------------------------------------------npc: npc/battleground/bg_common.txt
  9. It should be in official GRFs if I recall correctly.
  10. The map_ip and char_ip configurations in your server should point to your external IP, not or localhost.
  11. Release posts don't die unless the topic starter abandons the community or the community can't support them. Could you please elaborate on this?
  12. If i use this. My NCP can speak Thai? Haven't tried but they should.
  13. Have you tried to use Thai servicetype on your client? herc.ws/wiki/Clientinfo.xml
  14. jaBote

    sql and txt

    Haven't tested, but they should since they load all the data from the SQL table instead of the conf engine.
  15. If you want the first one to dynamically show you which commands you can use, there's no way to do it unless you tell every command and who can use them to the scripting engine yourself. You could also use @commands but you won't have script-bound commands on the list it yields this way (which is rather ugly, I must admit). For the second command, why not use @uptime? It shows you precisely how many days, minutes and seconds your server has been up.
  16. Meep meep IDINFOICON_SOUND_MISSINGFILES, "Aviso: Los archivos de "Miles Sound System" faltan o están corruptos.nnFaltan todos o algunos de los siguientes archivos: 'mss32.dll', 'mssfast.m3d', 'mp3dec.asi'. La música del juego podría no funcionar." IDCHECKBOX_MONSTERHP, "Activa o desactiva mostrar la barra de vida restante (HP) de los monstruos.nnUso en el juego: /monsterhp" IDCHECKBOX_Q1, "Activa o desactiva el mapeo de F9 al ratón.nPermite utilizar la skill asignada a la tecla F9 con un click derecho.nnUso en el juego: /quickspell o /q1" IDCHECKBOX_Q2, "Activa o desactiva el mapeo de F7 y F8 al ratón.nPermite utilizar skills asignadas a las teclas F7 y F8 desplazando la rueda del ratón hacia arriba y abajo, respectivamente.nnUso en el juego: /quickspell2 o /q2"
  17. I'd only suggest you to choose the rates you feel comfortable with. That'll help you manage your server much better.
  18. jaBote

    Ticket Vip

    I think you've already been replied in the topic you've posted on the Portuguese section: http://herc.ws/board/topic/6101-ticket-vip/?p=38207 JulioCF's answer basically tells you to change `level` for `group_id` on the SQL queries.
  19. It's a script that can be configurable online via a simple web GUI: http://alice.toastofdoom.net/ROScripts/WoeInfo/woeinfo_122.php
  20. Please wait at least 24h prior to bumping so that the community can read your request. Your bump post has been removed since it doesn't comply with our community rules. As for your script, you've got Tuesday missing on your list: setarray .woe_day[0], 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6; This list says you have WoEs on days 0 (Sunday), 1 (Monday), 3 (Wednesday), 4 (Thursday), 5 (Friday) and 6 (Saturday). Day 2 (Tuesday) is missing. I guess then you mean to change this piece of code setarray .woe_day[0], 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6; setarray .woe_0[0], 68400,68400,68400,68400,68400,68400; setarray .woe_1[0], 72000,72000,72000,72000,72000,72000; setarray .woe_state[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; for this one: setarray .woe_day[0], 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; setarray .woe_0[0], 68400,68400,68400,68400,68400,68400,64800; setarray .woe_1[0], 72000,72000,72000,72000,72000,72000,72000; setarray .woe_state[0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0; so that you've got a WoE every day at the same hour, on the same castle.
  21. I'd better think on making a separate NPC that checks castle ownership and then makes the guild dungeon teleporting to the proper guild dungeons.
  22. Yep. Now all script command must be lowercase and the events like OnWhatever: must have proper capitalization
  23. There are lots of regular hosts that also offer DoS mitigation and protection, you just have to dive a bit into hosts and ask if they can offer you this protection. Anyways, best DoS protection is a hardware firewall.
  24. [Warning]: script error in file 'npc/custom/monsterwiki.txt' line 14 column 3 parse_syntax: use of deprecated keyword (use 'case' instead). Here's your answer: lowercase it, use 'case' instead of 'Case'.
  25. Maybe you want to alter these confs: conf/map-server.conf // Database autosave time// All characters are saved on this time in seconds (example:// autosave of 60 secs with 60 characters online -> one char is saved every// second)autosave_time: 300// Min database save intervals (in ms)// Prevent saving characters faster than at this rate (prevents char-server// save-load getting too high as character-count increases)minsave_time: 100// Apart from the autosave_time, players will also get saved when involved// in the following (add as needed):// 1: After every successful trade// 2: After every vending transaction// 4: After closing storage/guild storage.// 8: After hatching/returning to egg a pet.// 16: After successfully sending a mail with attachment// 32: After successfully submitting an item for auction// 64: After successfully get/delete/complete a quest// 128: After every buying store transaction// 256: After every bank transaction (deposit/withdraw)// NOTE: These settings decrease the chance of dupes/lost items when there's a// server crash at the expense of increasing the map/char server lag. If your// server rarely crashes, but experiences interserver lag, you may want to set// these off.save_settings: 511
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