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Everything posted by jaBote

  1. It's supposed that SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM gives a "bonus" that multiplies drop rate by the number you entered divided by 100 (it is, if you give an SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM with 200 you get twice as much item drops; if you give 150 you get one and a half as much), so I just followed the simple idea that if you give that status with a parameter 0 it'll multiply all drops by zero, thus negating all drops. As I said I (still have) no means of testing that script (so I don't even know if it works) but I highly reccommend a source mod for that since you can modify wherever you want.
  2. If source is modded yes, but I'm not the one who's capable of it.
  3. Only flavius has been converted since the queues are still in testing phase. When they're fully tested & working all BGs will be converted to their respective queue counterparts.
  4. In fact, if I remember well something like that is already on the repository but not in the main one: Yommy made and put it in the StaffPlugins repository.
  5. As doc/script_commands.txt says, these top level commands are meant for permanent mob spawns and are not removable by normal means without restarting the server. In case you want to permanently remove them without a server restart you could edit and save the files, then issue an @reloadscript, which is highly NOT recommended. I myself don't like this behavior because in my opinion it's too inflexible and have already spoken about this to the devs. If you want, you may open a suggestion in the proper forum to ask about a mire flexible mob spawning via top level script commands.
  6. Yeah, I'm finished on the translation but not completely happy with it ATM due to some issues the very own Spanish language has (it's generally longer and that longer text might break some skins or be uncomfortable to read). That's why it isn't already committed to the repo: it may require some slight changes before it's on there. I have sent a copy myself to some acquaintances that might help me on those issues Sorry!
  7. Yeah, this works on a client basis, not on a server setting basis (unless you deactivate it server-side). I mean, if you use a fairly recent client that is supported and enable it on the server, you'll be using it.
  8. If possible, I'd like to know what the code snippet is like because I do also want to implement things like that. Thanks!
  9. I've fixed myself some mistakes with this patch translation Quote didn't cover up all image text (some kudos if someone manages to make a translated image, I can't do that ATM). THere's a sentence that says missing image text. As you can see, it isn't. I forgot to translate a sentence. Sorry for this guys!
  10. ¿Cuál era el problema? Usabas SVN y seguías usando la dirección svn.github.com (la dirección completa, estoy desde el cel y no me la sé de memoria) para descargar Hercules? De ser así, lo único que había que hacer era simplemente eliminar la parte svn del enlace y servía igualmente. Dejo esto por aquí para que cualquier otro que tenga el mismo problema pueda encontrarlo más fácilmente, aunque me alegra que hayas podido solucionar el problema por tu cuenta
  11. @ Via: BTW OnInit labels are now automatically fired when a NPC is loaded so there's no longer need to whisper to any npc or using the messy if (!.init) donpcevent strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnInit"; and these 'dirty' tricks to make the NPCs start working when they aren't loaded on server start .
  12. As far as I know, no mapflags in db/re or pre-re/map_zone_db.conf allow a Group Level override. Only overrides possible there are in the disabled_commands section of a map zone. Mapflags set are absolute since they don't usually accept another extra argument than off, which disables it (the exceptions are further configuration parameters for special mapflags like bexp, jexp, pvp_nightmaredrop and so). Then the nowarp mapflag, when set, doesn't allow group levels overrides just as expected, so I see no problem there. After a quick glance in src/map/npc.c @ npc_parse_mapflag function, the only mapflag which allows GM override level is nocommand. If you would like to bypass nowarp and nowarpto restrictions then you should proceed as always: giving the any_warp permission. Hope I helped.
  13. I'm not a source expert but it seems this is related to somewhere inside src/map/status.c inside the initChangeTables function. I myself don't know what you have to change but I hope you'll get better help on the Source Support forums. Moving there
  14. There is no problem in uploading files outside the downloads section, but it's highly reccommended to do so, because you reach more people this way. rar is a pretty extended format, so I think it'd be a great idea to add them to the allowed filetypes. However, I don't have powers for doing that.
  15. Only available official script in which you have this is in npcguild2agit_main_se.txt:51 setmapflag strnpcinfo(2),mf_zone,"GvG2"; Hope this helps you in understanding this syntax. It's basically the second way you tried but enclosing the zone name between "" (quotation marks).
  16. GID stands for Game ID. Every in-game object has a Game ID. For players it's the same than their RID, which is also their Account ID. For mobs, it's quite more complicated since here in Hercules the Mob Control suite isn't available. You could use the monster command, spawning 1 only monster and setting what it returns to a variable and then using the unit* commands with it. Refer to some part of doc/script_commands.txt in the monster/areamonster documentation: unit* commands are just a leftover of the mob control suite that was custom built long long ago in the eAthena era and then was removed. The unit* commands just give a quite basic control which isn't just enough for much purposes).
  17. El gran problema de Git para usuarios que vienen desde Subversion (SVN) es que esperan que cada versión esté numerada, cosa que por desgracia no es así: cada versión tiene un hash SHA-1 que es una cadena de caracteres (el hash SHA-1 se utiliza también para encriptación de contraseñas, por lo que dos entradas muy similares provocan salidas muy distintas con casi total seguridad). Personalmente, el único comando para saber las versiones de un servidor sin tener una interfaz gráfica disponible es git log como ya se comentó, aunque con todos nosotros acostumbrados a ver interfaces gráficas (me incluyo) se nos puede quedar poco intuitivo. Además, sabiendo que en Git tras clonar un repositorio, salvo para actualizar ya no se depende de él (estás en tu propio hilo de desarrollo y puedes lanzar tus propias actualizaciones para ti con absoluta capacidad) cuesta más aún saber qué versión se tiene porque los hashes SHA-1 serán distintos unos de otros. Una solución, aunque chapucera, es descargar periódicamente tu copia local a Windows u otro sistema operativo con interfaz gráfica, y tratarlos con programas Git que dispongan de interfaz gráfica (como TortoiseGit, SourceTree o Github for Windows, todos éstos para Windows). Una interfaz gráfica resta mucha potencia a Git, pero las funcionalidades que se ofrecen son muchísimo más sencillas de usar. ------ Hercules también soporta ser descargado a través de programas SVN, pero se trata de un soporte híbrido el cual no dispone de todas las funcionalidades nativas de SVN sino solo las básicas. Dado que nos basamos esencialmente en Git, el soporte que podemos prestar a clientes SVN es muy limitado. Además, se pudo comprobar que por motivos desconocidos los números de revisión de Hercules varían según cómo se haya descargado Hercules a través de SVN. ------ Para evitar este tipo de problemas y confusiones, yo mismo sugerí hace algo de tiempo a los desarrolladores contar con un número oficial de revisión independiente de con qué sistema de control de versiones o programa se haya descargado. Por desgracia, desconozco su estado de desarrollo (o incluso si es posible) aunque se me comentó que se le echaría un vistazo. Espero que, aunque un poco denso, este comentario haya sido de utilidad. ¡Un saludo!
  18. I don't understand this? If you want Beelzebub card to reduce all variable cast time (it reduces 30 variabe cast time at the moment) simply do to db/re/item_db.txt and change this: 4145,Berzebub_Card,Berzebub Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,136,,,,,{ bonus bVariableCastrate,-30; },{},{} To this: 4145,Berzebub_Card,Berzebub Card,6,20,,10,,,,,,,,136,,,,,{ bonus bVariableCastrate,-100; },{},{} This should work.
  19. Hmmm... Then, if idle_no_share doesn't work (I can't test it ATM since I'm on my cellphone) I can only think about trying to make a script that, when inactive (use checkidle() script command) gives them an unlimited time negative (or 0, IDK) bubble gum effect (SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM) for negating any item drops that gets removed when the user is no longer idle or logs out. What I don't know is if autocasted skills remove the idle time check (in that case you could just see if player's position changes). In any case I'd recommend a source mod rather than a script but here's a sample script with the assumption autocasted skills don't remove your idle status if you want to keep with this anyways (put this inside a NPC and add the tabs since Mobile UI ignores tabs): - script noafk -1,{OnInit:set .afktime, 3*60; // 3 minutes in SECONDSset .sampletime, 5*1000; // 5 seconds in milliseconds, make it higher if this causes your server freezeend;OnPCLoginEvent:sleep2 (.afktime * 1000) - .sampletime + 10; // Delaying the first check until player can actually be AFK plus a little threshold, you could safely remove this line but saves you some processingaddtimer .sampletime,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheckAFK";end;OnCheckAFK:deltimer strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheckAFK";if (checkidle() >= .afktime && ! @idle) {set @idle, 1;sc_start SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM, -1, 0; // Rates x0 for this guy}else if (checkidle() <= .afktime && @idle) {set @idle, 0; // Removing idle penalty for this guysc_end SC_CASH_RECEIVEITEM;}addtimer .sampletime,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheckAFK";end;} Can't test it for obvious reasons so try it yourself (after adding proper tabs) and give me the feedback.
  20. Could you show us these errors? Maybe there's something important there we overlooked.
  21. I don't think an npc attacking or using actual skills (not just effects) will get a nice behavior in the emulator. I bet you can make it but you'll probably get a server crash or a huge warning, since npcs don't have any atk value. What you can do with it is maybe making a monster attack another monster provided you have their GIDs. Or a player attacking some other thing without actually ordering his player character himself. But as said, I don't think making a npc attacking or being attacked is a big idea.
  22. idle_no_share works both with party shared exp and drops (autolooted or not). I think this won't work on AFKchemists but a source mod could do wonders about this last point. Usually, if you're AFK you can't manage to kill monsters lol
  23. jaBote


    But since eAmod is a free software derivative work (never mind the custom illegal license he has), you could rescript and release them to the public if you wish. I have neither time nor means at the moment for doing that but I think they were rescripted and released back in eAthena, so you should go check their forums. I can't tell you the exact topic since I'm on a mobile device and looking for it would be extremely slow.
  24. I'd make some adjustments for accomplishing this in the npc/guild/agit_template.txt file. Just before the end; of the OnStartArena label I'd add an initnpctimer; In the OnAgitBreak, before any of the sleeps is executed, I'd put a stopnpctimer for making the timer stop. Then, still inside that NPC, I'd make a new label like this: OnTimer900000: // 900000 = 15minutes in milliseconds //Here goes the prize, you should attach the script to the guildmaster or the guildmember(s) you'd like to get the prize, it's up to you stopnpctimer; initnpctimer; end; Some similar modifications should be made to npc/guild2/agit_main_se just if you use WoE SE, but I'm not that familiar with it and can't check from my cellphone. Sorry for the vague response, I'm on my cellphone.
  25. Please be more specific. There is a permission given to groups from ID 3 onwards that lets them to warp to any place, be it allowed for normal players or not. Check what the any_warp permission does (and any other you need/want to know about in doc/permissions.txt and change them if you want in conf/groups.conf Also, in conf/battle/gm.conf there's another permission for GMs which lets them warp to unwalkable cells without any problem, but I thin, you aren't looking for this, even if it would somewhat fit your question.
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