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Everything posted by jaBote

  1. jpnazar: It isn't that difficult to change that line yourself when I've clearly stated that change and you have full source code for the NPC. What prevents you from doing that simple task yourself? Echelon: Thanks!
  2. Ah nevermind then. I thought there was something i was missing after having used it some times.
  3. ¡Por cierto! De esto hace unos pocos días, pero debía comentar que aunque me hayan promocionado a Global Moderator, esto no implica que esta comunidad haya quedado huérfana. A pesar de que mi título no me dé expresamente poderes de moderación en este foro (puede leerse en la entrada de la Wiki sobre los cargos en Hercules, aunque está en inglés), he pedido expresamente seguir liderando esta comunidad (que era mi idea inicial), así que no hace falta asustarse. ¡Un saludo!
  4. That page is for configuring the WoE setter, not the warper. Warper doesn't have any configuration script, so I guess you meant WoE setter all the time then.
  5. You have it at his file repository, which can easily be accessed by any web browser. Here is his folder on any RO script he has: http://sushiduy.plesk3.freepgs.com/ROScripts/ You can find his warper on the /ToastyWarper folder.
  6. Still don't know how to apply those translations on it, and I'm seriously trying xD
  7. Xgear, you have a little mistake in line 25: switch(select(Start Event:End Event")) { should be: switch(select("Start Event:End Event")) { Correcting this, the NPC event would be OK.
  8. If you scroll up a bit on that error it gives the description and what caused it. Sadly, I don't know what error codes are, but those errors usually come with some extra information on it and may help you (or me knowing what the problem is). I'm not TortoiseGit professional but I can be of help.
  9. It's not possible as far as I know. And if it was possible it wouldn't tell apart the interesting maps to the ones that don't have absolutely nothing.
  10. You should install msysgit, then TortoiseGit, and then try to clone your repository. If you run into any problems, feel free to ask me here or in another forum section. You could use Subversion (SVN) and TortoiseSVN for downloading and upgrading Hercules, however, neither all its features nor the Git capabilities are functional.
  11. After some hours of work I finally have it, but it's still untested. This should work provided you correctly set the maps and mobs on it. Since the concept of evening is relar¡tive to the country you're in, I've made this to work from Friday at 00:00 to Monday at 00:00. Here's the script: Code removed. See edit reasons for explanations. I'd be glad if you made the list of suitable maps and mobs: I didn't do it because it was too much work after making the script. If it doesn't work please tell me! Edit: This code had a serious issue. I've posted a revised script later on this topic.
  12. Yes, it's possible. Take a look at these script commands: *day;*night;These two commands will switch the entire server between day and night moderespectively. If your server is set to cycle between day and night byconfiguration, it will eventually return to that cycle.Example:- script DayNight -1,{OnClock0600: day; end;OnInit: // setting correct mode upon server start-up if(gettime(3)>=6 && gettime(3)<18) end;OnClock1800: night; end;}This script allows to emulate the day/night cycle as the server does, but alsoallows triggering additional effects upon change, like announces, gifts, etc.The day/night cycle set by configuration should be disabled when this script is used. Your script would be like this one (change Name_of_the_character to the name of the character you want this script to run with): - script nightanday -1,{OnPCLoginEvent: if(strcharinfo(0) == "Name_of_the_character") night; end;OnPCLogoutEvent: if(strcharinfo(0) == "Name_of_the_character") day; end;} Remember to disable the day and night cycle on your conf/battle/misc.conf file to make this work properly: // Choose if server begin with night (yes) or day (no)night_at_start: no// Define duration in msec of the day (default: 7200000 = 2 hours)// Set to 0 to disable day cycle (but not @day GM command).// Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute)day_duration: 0// Define duration in msec of the night (default: 1800000 = 30 min)// Set to 0 to disable night cycle (but not @night GM command).// Except 0, minimum is 60000 (1 minute)night_duration: 0 This basic script should work with these configurations. Any further modifications are up to you.
  13. As long as I know, current HP of a mob cannot be retrieved without modifying the source. There was a mob controller modification for eAthena quite long ago, but don't know whether it never got commited or got committed then removed because it was quite a lot processor-heavy. If I remember well (don't take this as official word) I've read over there that the mob controller moification would be made and supported for Hercules, but this would seriously degrade Hercules' perfomance, so best way to restore this mob's life at the moment is respawning them when they're dead.
  14. Could you give us a bit of more information? Like if you want a random monster or map among all the entire database, or some special mobs or maps you want to use? I'd suggest a whitelist of selected mobs or maps because the random map/monster picking may be impossible to use that week.
  15. jaBote


    You know you have to recompile your server with those modifications applied? In case you didn't, you will never get that command. Just do what Yommy said before and if you have that command properly installed and recompile your server (and have a recent Hercules version) you are 99% sure to get it working.
  16. Nice work! I tried to make my own Spanish, Spain translation. You may want to have error messages untranslated since people can address you with the translated error message, so you can revert that part of the translation (or whatever other, it's your program after all) if you want. Here it is: RO open setup spanish.txt Hope you like it!
  17. You can do almost nothing with GMs alone right now. Now in rAthena/Hercules we use groups (main file: /conf/groups.conf), which is a far more advanced system than just the GM level ones (but the GM level feature is still maintained). GM levels are specified on the groups as you can see and you assign command usage or grant permissions for whatever groups you want. What you can do for assigning a GM level to an user is to create a new group with the desired GM level and then use the adjgroup command. Its usage is as follows: @adjgroup <group_id> This command runs only on self. If you want to make it run on another player you'd have to use the corresponding charcommand. Hope I helped.
  18. Whops, my habit betrayed me. Emistry is right: that first close is used without an active NPC conversation window and that's not allowed in scripting. But I'd make a major cleanup to that NPC anyways, making it look like this: prontera,149,182,4 script Healer#h1-1::Healer 100,{ percentheal 100,100; sc_start SC_BLESSING,600000,10; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,600000,10; // sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,600000,5; // sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,600000,5; // sc_start SC_GLORIA,600000,5; // sc_start SC_IMPOSITIO,600000,5; // sc_start SC_SUFFRAGIUM,600000,3; // sc_start SC_GLORIA,600000,5; sc_start SC_ASPDPOTION2,600000,0; atcommand "@repairall"; dispbottom "Thanks for using my service."; end;OnInit: waitingroom "HEALER",0; end;} morocc,159,96,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#h1-2 531 Look at it: it's more readable and I've removed any unnecessary code: I've left the other buffs in case you want to use the rest of buffs and it's still half its original size. This one has no errors that I know, but I haven't tested it.
  19. Could you show us your /conf/drops.conf file?
  20. I've heard about ROCshield, but haven't known any notice of it in the last months. Feedback also said this was pretty bypassable, though. Best option is Harmony, although it isn't free.
  21. I don't know if that's because the small error at the beginning of the OnInit label (sorry no error there): OnInit:setarray .Name$,"H","E","A","L","E","R"; Should be: OnInit:setarray .Name$[0],"H","E","A","L","E","R"; And there's some unnecessary code in that label. Those loops and even the construction of the waiting room title aren't necessary. Also you don't use most of the code, why you don't remove what isn't on use? Sorry for not being of further help since I'm on my cellphone.
  22. As I said before you can make a map clone to host this system or use another pre-existing maps. If I remember well (I'm on cellphone right now) ordeal_1-1 could be a nice choice. Just remember to move all the NPCs and change the coordinates they all work on, especially the emperium spawn map and coordinates!
  23. What's wrong with that map? You have a total of 8 clones of that mapwithout even needing to clone it further client-side and it's a quite good environment for making emperium breaks. If you have specifically used pvp_n_4-5 you can change the map this script will run: you have from pvp_n_1-5 to pvp_n_8-5 for running it. Or you also can adapt the script to any map you want.
  24. ¡Hola! Me voy a permitir ampliar la respuesta de Enko: Cualquier cosa relacionada con el lado del cliente funcionan independientemente del emulador, y hasta pueden hacerse funcionar en los servidores oficiales si tienes suficiente conocimiento. ¿Y a qué me refiero con cualquier cosa relacionada con el lado del cliente? Pues es aquello a lo que puedes acceder desde tu ordenador, sin ejecutar el programa cliente para conectarte a ningún servidor. Prácticamente, es todo lo que ves en la carpeta de instalación de Ragnarok Online, sin necesidad de tocar nada en ningún emulador (sea eAthena, rAthena, Hercules o cualquier otro). Por ejemplo: Los propios ejecutables de los servidores oficiales o privados; Los archivos .dll o .ini que se distribuyen en la propia instalación; El patcher que utilices también está del lado del cliente, aunque se conecte al servidor para obtener las actualizaciones (las actualizaciones sí vienen del servidor); La carpeta data y los archivos .grf (un archivo .grf a fin de cuentas es una carpeta data comprimida, puedes ver su contenido con programas como GRF Builder o GRF Factory, que puedes descargar desde RateMyServer); La carpeta System que últimamente es muy importante porque contiene entre otras cosas los sprites y descripciones que asignar a los items, dentro del archivo itemInfo.lub. No sé si te referías a esto con el archivo nuevo para agregar los items. Etcétera. En cambio, todo aquello a lo que puedes acceder desde un emulador sin necesidad de tocar nada desde el cliente, es esencialmente la parte lógica que ocurre y se procesa en el propio servidor: Los scripts, todo efecto de los items, las skills, cálculo del daño, posición de cada objeto, etcétera (excepto efectos visuales). Obviamente, hay cosas que deben tener correspondencia entre servidor y cliente, como especialmente la IP del servidor en el archivo clientinfo.xml de la carpeta data y la versión del cliente en la definición de PACKETVER del emulador. También hay que cuidar que haya coincidencias en IDs o nombres de sprite de items, mobs, etcétera, aunque con esto ya entramos en el apartado de lo que el servidor tenga custom. Espero haber ayudado en este asunto. ¡Un saludo!
  25. Yes it does. Its configuration is much like rAthena, every advanced configuration like that one is in the /src/config folder.
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