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anacondaq last won the day on June 8 2024

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About anacondaq

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  1. I'd like to ask you what options you used to patch the client, if you can share them as a profile or if you prefer to sell it. Thank you!

  2. I'm Ukranian in Ukraine. Russia begun war against my country, and doing right now genocide. Destroying cities, even mine own, killing thousands of people, civil people, burn to the ground cities. If you wish to support me in this hard time (I will try to re-route money for people who I know to support them under this awful conditions). You can make a donation by the link: https://nowpayments.io/donate/anacondaq (crypto)
    Alternatively, you can send money to Ukraine: https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/ 


    I've spent almost decade to provide free help, free support, free developments, free answers, free packages to all of you. This is very interesting time personally for me, to see: are there still people on this planet, or only silent shells?


  3. Update v2022 with 4th jobs, 17.2 episode. Introduction: This is a huge upgrade of the RO offline pack. Exclusive. Why? Simply because there is a lot of work, and thanks to all people who contributed to this project. First of all, you can try just right now ALL 4th jobs, their skills, mechanics, and commands developed for 4th jobs. Second: you can try to test 17.1, 17.2 episodes, instances, or even improve it. (it's pretty unstable but usable). Third: this content NOT exist yet in official emulators, as far as I know. Important note: Dear friends, I have been volunteering for more than a decade for *Athena. I've never asked for donations or any help, and for many years did support newbies, and not only around the RO community. But this time is critical for me, and I need your help, and you're my last hope. If you can donate, please do it. I've never asked for that before, but this time I'm asking directly: dear friends, please help me. Long story short: covid + depression + other problems = extremely critical condition that can be solved with your help. I apologize for that. I have almost no hope anymore. Changelog for v2022: 1. Added extra emulator with 4th jobs (complete translation, skill mechanics, etc.). 2. Added 16.2, 17.1, 17.2 episodes (quests, instances, mobs, drops, etc.) 3. Upgraded Hercules & rAthena to latest versions 4. New game client just for 4th job client. Compatible only with 4th job emulator. 5. Known issues with 4th jobs: the game window can free when you create a new character. Just close the window and try to log in again. This is a known bug. Also: I did not test content well here. It's raw but at least good fundament for doing your projects. 6. OpenServer replaced by Laragon because laragon is less problematic, total size less, works faster, and better. 7. All emulators upgraded to the latest versions. Clients for Hercules & rAthena pretty stable (2019 ones). 8. The game client for the 4th job (20211111) is not stable but playable. Download Links (4.5GB) - https://k00.fr/oxcge98v - https://filen.io/activate/92ec03a7d768ec8cd0de66a9d2bbaef1 - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NKzHYH4o2KUMxR5yFeVxV6iKkD11MLSr?usp=sharing Donation Credentials: (paypal / creditcard): Donate Paypal - Bitcoin (BTC): bc1q6q470sk54hgjxthnpknfsunk0uxegyczy3m9fn - Etherium (ETH): 0x36E784BFC7b898Cfd711199C696b5F031C095AF1 - USDT (ETH): 0x36E784BFC7b898Cfd711199C696b5F031C095AF1 - LTC: LbXrdmabzhgRrA4s3Yr6au9Vqcn9uvPAB6 Our Discord: https://discord.gg/p2kvabm
  4. Sorry guys, I'm rarely answer here now. Most of the people talk in discord (link you can find in readme.txt)
  5. Built from a scratch new version of RO Offline Pack. Contains both emulators, both mechanics (x4). Latest 2020-04-01Ragexe. Latest OSPanel, with latest MySQL, emulator files, and all updates. Re-uploaded to all mirrors on the front page. Current version: 2021 April 10.
  6. @buchachi11 I don't know why you mentioned the RO offline pack here. But I want to admit that basic principle the same and on Linux and Windows. If you can set up RO offline on Windows (https://gist.github.com/anacondaq/3eae8e4afb5d3c3880d08b95b2c54b78) the same, you can do on Linux. What do you need for running the emulator? operation system where everything will be set up (windows or Linux, even macOS) emulator files cloned by git from Github (git clone https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git) installed MySQL or MariaDB server on your operation system created databases inside MariaDB or MySQL for main and logs databases from emulator above (stored in /SQL/ folder) You need to create database users who will have access rights to manipulate data (select, insert, update, delete, drop, alter) inside databases. (easy to do with PHPMyAdmin) You need to import database files from the emulator folder (/sql/main.sql, logs.sql) into creating your new databases. Go to the login table and edit s1/q1, go to emulator folder /conf/, and find s1/q1 for login and pass and edit to the same value. find in conf folder MySQL connection configuration data and setup-up users/passwords that you made above for MySQL . You need to install required for complications and running tools for your operating system. (on windows VS Community 2019, on Linux different set of tools + GCC) compile and run, if no errors in running windows -> everything is done properly. More details you can find in @AnnieRuru guide above. How to achieve that? Just install any operating system by using guides on youtube, very, very simple. And then do what the guide said, do not afraid to do experiments, destroy everything if you broke something, and start again. P.S. if you do not know what operating system to pick. Short answer: there are yum and apt-based systems. They have different structures and experiences but doing the same. Fedora, OpenSUSE for one type. (yum) ubuntu, linuxmint for the second type. (apt) pick any.
  7.  My muse and eathena genius come back. I glad to see you again 😃

    How are you doing?

  8. open npc/custom/ folder, and try to use search over hercules community, you will find tons of examples (dozens) and ready to use scripts made by someone. also doc/script_commands.txt you can't. This is max what offer emulator. interesting. Try to open conf/import folder in the emulator, and replace to your local ip (cmd -> ipconfig). in System/ folder you can find korean language. Also, you can use korean on emulator side after recompiling emulator. I don't know. Open github of hercules (herculesws) and check issues. repair broken tables. Read reamde.txt Not enough info. Files what need to check: sclientinfo.xml (inside data/) folder. And char, map server configs in conf/import/ folder of the emulator. And numbers it's about it. Usually everything works out the box because bound to all interfaces in the system. You have running another game client which run gepard shield, and this game still open. The question not related to the pack. Please ask outside the thread and make separate topic (ideally at src side, or db side). Also, there are many delays, but the thing that i see on the screen not really looks good. Really too long delay. But I can't help with this, because busy with other things.
  9. Hey bro, why is it your account in the server is not working. It says it failed to connect to server. I don't know how to fix it.

    I typed admin then 123456 but still cannot connect. 

  10. Yes, you can, on windows vps. I do not know how to organize it to work with hamachi, because did not tried it before. Sorry, can't help. Oh, this is very sad, but some of the content missing. I personally can't work on this due to super busy time in my life. Try to ask some contributors or script writters about porting content to hercules.. Might be someone will help... You're welcome 😃 You're welcome 😃 No, you can't. Only clients that you can find on the board. Nothing really else. You can't to see iRO content too. The emulator very different in some things, but at the same time a lot of formulas are correct. The emulator stick to kRO instead of iRO.
  11. Note: i tried the compiler few weeks ago, and it does not work. I do not have a time for fixing problems, I think something changed on hercules side, and make does not work properly anymore like it was for a long time.
  12. No no no, this is just a "project", only for playing, not for real cases. cygwin has tons of cons, (much slower performance, and in latest hashes of hercules emulator can't compiled at all, many errors). Better if you will stick to VS Community 2019 Yes, VS Community 2019 and mark checkbox in installer on C++ It will install everything. When you will open SLN file, right click on solution -> retarget solution, and press OK. Build -> Clean Solution Build -> Compile.
  13. https://discord.gg/p2kvabm - channel for users of RO offline Packs pre-made by me. 

  14. without proper info before posting on the forum - it's impossible to fix. There are 3 different mirrors of the same files under youtube video (description). There are no issues so far with these download links. optionally you can use Air Explorer, or rclone to download whole files at once via 3rd party download manager mentioned above. No, it's does not work like that. The game client it's just a wrapper of logic what is calculated and stored on the server-side (emulator). In grf editor change encoding to korean one, your one is awful. Second -> follow any modern guides about adding customs to the server with ItemInfo.lua and lua files. http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=how+add+custom+items+iteminfo.lua&l=1 This is not hard to fix it for it's owner, but he for his private reasons will not do it. all of these features will not help. Read guides, need to work or optimize by reading and understanding structure of files what need to edit and do it by yourself. There are a lot of info, and this process pretty hard, and consume a lot of time. Google over athena boards for answers or ready solutions. Can you add more info? There are not aspd bugs as far as I know ??? who knows, can't reproduce, try to do the same thing on another character. The app write to you what is happening, and I already answered what to do (or close app what uses a port, or change 80 port to 81 or something like that) Everything looks like you have corrupted tables inside database. The solution for fixing all tables (repair all mysql tables) you can inside readme.md, read the guide please.
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