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Kuya Jeo

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Posts posted by Kuya Jeo


    @@butasro explain it so that we can make a script

    Probably he means, delete all entries of specific character


    However I feel, this kind of thing should be atcommand but rather be scriptcommand for safety reasons.

    Like deleting the whole character 


    for example : @charwipe dastgir, then all entries in dbase would be deleted? something like that?

  2. how about resetting the hatred?

    Open src/map/atcommand.c


    Find this :

     * Feel (SG save map) Reset [HiddenDragon]
    	clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1324)); // Reset 'Feeling' maps.
    	return true;

    Add this after the code for FEELRESET


    * Hatred Reset [Plug and Play]
    	clif->message(fd, "Reset 'hate' mobs, kicking...");
    	clif->GM_kick(NULL, sd);
    	return true;


    Then recompile your server


    in the NPC Custom Script

    you can use this



    -	script	Hatred_Reset	FAKE_NPC,{
    	bindatcmd "hatredreset",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnHatredReset";
    	if(Class == Job_Star_Gladiator){
    		message strcharinfo(0),"You will be kick after 3 seconds to reset your Hatred Skill";
    		sleep2 3000;
    		atcommand "@hatredreset";
    		message strcharinfo(0),"Sorry, Only Star Gladiator Job can use @hatredreset";

  3. We got server lag, we though that it cause DDOS ATTACK but when we ask the host, they said


    As per the logs and graphs there is no attack on your server. This seems normal traffic routing through port 5121 for your gaming server. Further, you should be able to set the temporary diversion from your client area for an hour and even permanent diversion can be set from there. If you are still facing the issue, then please provide the tcpdump output.


    In-game we experience lag/delay issue, not totally* lag but its a delay, we can see some players walking and talking then we got Disconnected or sometimes "Now log outing" in the popup window ingame


    How can resolve this issue? Anyone can't answer?

  4. Try this @@Kubix

    // ----------------------------------- //
    -	shop	PvPPoints_Shop	-1,512:100
    prontera,101,80,6	script	Kafra Shop	4_F_LGTGIRL,{
    function ShopSettings;
    function ValidateCost;
    function CurrencyInfo;
    function ClearData;
    function ValueConvert;
    function ErrorNotice;
    mes "Each Shop from the Menu may purchase using ^FF0000Different Currency^000000.";
    mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000";
    mes "So,Which shop you would like to look at it";
    // Menu Selection
    select("Usable Items");
    ShopSettings( @menu );
    npcshopitem "PvPPoints_Shop",512,100;
    npcshopdelitem "PvPPoints_Shop",512;
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set .@i,.@i+1)
    	npcshopadditem "PvPPoints_Shop",@ItemLists[.@i],@ItemCost[.@i];
    mes "Okay...wait awhile";
    mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000";
    CurrencyInfo( @Currency$ );
    mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000";
    callshop "PvPPoints_Shop",1;
    npcshopattach "PvPPoints_Shop";
    function	ShopSettings	{
    	switch( getarg(0) ){
    		case 1:
    			// Currency [ Item ID / Variable Name ]
    			set @Currency$,"PvPPoints";
    			// Item ID Lists
    			setarray @ItemLists[0],505,506,507;
    			// Item Price
    			setarray @ItemCost[0],100,150,200;
    			ErrorNotice( "Invalid Menu Selection for Menu "+@menu+"." );
    if( @Currency$ == "" )
    	ErrorNotice( "Invalid Currency Setting in Menu "+@menu+" ." );
    if( getarraysize( @ItemCost ) != getarraysize( @ItemLists ) || getarraysize( @ItemLists ) != getarraysize( @ItemCost ) )
    	ErrorNotice( "Missing or Extra Value of Item or Cost Settings in Menu "+@menu+" ." );
    function	ErrorNotice	{
    	mes "^FF0000ERROR^000000 - "+getarg(0);
    	mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000";
    	mes "Inform this Message to ^0000FFGame Staffs^000000 immediately !";
    function	CurrencyInfo	{
    	if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){
    		mes "Item Currency : ^FF0000"+getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000";
    		mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) )+"^000000";
    	}else if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) == "null" ){
    		mes "Variable Currency : ^00FFCCPvP Points^000000";
    		mes "Available Amount : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( getd( getarg(0) ) )+"^000000";
    function	ValidateCost	{
    	if( getitemname( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) != "null" ){
    		if( countitem( atoi( getarg(0) ) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1;
    		if( getd( getarg(0) ) < getarg(1) ) return 1;
    return 0;
    function ClearData	{
    	set @Currency$,"";
    	set @TotalCost,0;
    	deletearray @bought_nameid[0],getarraysize( @bought_nameid );
    	deletearray @bought_quantity[0],getarraysize( @bought_quantity );
    	deletearray @ItemLists[0],getarraysize( @ItemLists );
    	deletearray @ItemCost[0],getarraysize( @ItemCost );
    function	ValueConvert	{
    	set .@num, atoi(""+getarg(0));
    	if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0);
    	set .@l, getstrlen(""+.@num);
    	for ( set .@i,0; .@i < .@l; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) {
    		set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$;
    			if ( (.@i+1) % 3 == 0 && .@i+1 != .@l ) set .@num$, ","+ .@num$;
    	return .@num$;
    	ShopSettings( @menu );
    	for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1)
    		for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize( @ItemLists ); set @j,@j+1)
    			if( @ItemLists[@j] == @bought_nameid[@i] )
    			set @TotalCost,@TotalCost + ( @ItemCost[@j] * @bought_quantity[@i] );
    	mes "^FF0000       BILLING LIST^000000";
    	mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000";
    	for( set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1 )
    			mes "^FF0000"+@bought_quantity[@i]+" x ^0000FF"+getitemname( @bought_nameid[@i] )+"^000000";
    	mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000";
    	if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" )
    		mes "Total Cost : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" x "+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+"^000000";
    	else if( getitemname( atoi( "PvP Points" ) ) == "null" ){
    		mes "Total Cost : ^0000FF"+ValueConvert( @TotalCost )+" PvP Points^000000";
    	mes "^00FF00____________________________^000000";
    	if( ValidateCost( @Currency$,@TotalCost ) ){
    		if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" )
    			mes "[ ^FF0000X^000000 ] Insufficient ^0000FF"+getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) )+"^000000";
    			mes "[ ^FF0000X^000000 ] Insufficient ^0000FF"+@Currency$+"^000000";
    		if( select( "^0000FFPurchase^000000:Cancel" ) == 1 ){
    			if( getitemname( atoi( @Currency$ ) ) != "null" )
    				delitem atoi( @Currency$ ),@TotalCost;
    				set getd( @Currency$ ),getd( @Currency$ ) - @TotalCost;
    			for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize( @bought_nameid ); set @i,@i+1)
    				getitem @bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i];
    			message strcharinfo(0),"Purchased "+getarraysize( @bought_nameid )+" Items.";
    			mes "Thank you for shopping.";

  5. I noticed that when i used Advance Field Manual / Awakening Potion / Concentration Potion or Other Delayed-Consumable

    if i relog then the time of the Delayed-Consumable will reset



    EDIT : even the skill time, it will reset and back to original time, so if i use the blessing then if i will relog before the end time, then its unlimited blessing


    using the latest trunk 15025 gits

    Bump for this :)

  6. Using the latest rogue.txt


    Some of the players questing rogue quest said that, NPC(Mr. Smith), player  need to collect all the QUEST REQUIREMENTS from set #1 upto set #3. then you cannot take the next step...


    Bug is you dont need to get all the quest requirements only one of the set quest requirements

  7. src/config/core.h


    comment it and compile, and autotraders won't bother you..


    for PhpMyAdmin, i don't know how you installed it, but if you have installed it normally, starting httpd is enough


    chkconfig httpd on

    ^ Above command will start httpd as vps boots

    that solve but not cannot login in the server


    Solved, thank you :) i just reboot again the VPS

  8. @Dastgir @kyeme yes how can i remove them? it making me dumb


    EDIT :

    even i changed the group id from 0 to 1 then that autotrader keep logging, when i return it the group id into 0 still it keeps logging.

    i restarted the VPS same problem


    another problem is
    our phpmyadmin is down after the vps rebooted, even if we start it


    service mysqld start

    service httpd start

  9. I restarted the server then i got disconnected and i found this

    [info]: Connection request of the char-server 'Server Name' @ IPADDRESS:6121 (account: 'username', pass: 'password', ip: '')
    [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: username, id: 1, ip:
    [info]: 'PLAYERNAME' logged in. (AID/CID: '2001214/153185', IP: '', Group '0')
    i restarted the server 100x but always appearing that , IP: '' then server stop and cannot login into the server

  10. I noticed this kind of error, whenever i put 50% tax in Guild Leader im getting errors and cannot put tax in guild leader but in other guild position there is no error popping up in my putty


    EDIT : even guild Position Title


    /*==================================================== * Notification of member has changed his guild title *---------------------------------------------------*/int guild_position_changed(int guild_id,int idx,struct guild_position *p){	struct guild *g=guild->search(guild_id);	int i;	nullpo_ret(p);	Assert_ret(idx > 0 && idx < MAX_GUILD);	if(g==NULL)		return 0;	memcpy(&g->position[idx],p,sizeof(struct guild_position));	clif->guild_positionchanged(g,idx);	// Update char name in client [LuzZza]	for(i=0;i<g->max_member;i++)		if(g->member[i].position == idx && g->member[i].sd != NULL)			clif->charnameupdate(g->member[i].sd);	return 0;}

    getting error in this line Assert_ret(idx > 0 && idx < MAX_GUILD);




    i have no idea why i get this because i think i did this right


    1. i enabled the packet on client conf.

    // Whether to enable the official packet obfuscation support (good vs WPE)

    // 0: disabled

    // 1: optional (not recommended) -- identifies whether it is required

    // 2: enabled (recommended)

    packet_obfuscation: 2


    2. i diff my client with my PACKET KEYS and i uncheck the skip obfuscation something


    3. on mmo.h i already comment the

    #ifndef PACKETVER

     #define PACKETVER 20130807

    #endif // PACKETVER


    //Uncomment the following line if your client is ragexeRE instead of ragexe (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).



     //#define PACKETVER_RE <---------------------





    4. in packets.h (it is passed on the robrowser something for packet checker)

    #if PACKETVER >= 20130807





    5. i recompiled it.



    so what did i miss?

    forgot to get the client_hash




    then open your trunk/conf/login-server.conf


    Find this line

    client_hash_check: off


    and change to

    client_hash_check: on


    Find this line

    //client_hash: 0, cb1ea78023d337c38e8ba5124e2338ae
    //client_hash: 10, cb1ea78023d337c38e8ba5124e2338ae
    //client_hash: 99, disabled
    and change to ( remove the // )
    client_hash: 0, Put Your Client Hash Here
    client_hash: 10, Put Your Client Hash Here
    client_hash: 99, Put Your Client Hash Here

    but show your error first, you just miss this thing



    >>Show what error you got?

    im so sorry i was going to edit it but suddenly my internet got a problem



    bykjdsi.png?1 here you go.


    @@Zhao Chow im gonna try that


    i have no idea why i get this because i think i did this right


    1. i enabled the packet on client conf.

    // Whether to enable the official packet obfuscation support (good vs WPE)

    // 0: disabled

    // 1: optional (not recommended) -- identifies whether it is required

    // 2: enabled (recommended)

    packet_obfuscation: 2


    2. i diff my client with my PACKET KEYS and i uncheck the skip obfuscation something


    3. on mmo.h i already comment the

    #ifndef PACKETVER

     #define PACKETVER 20130807

    #endif // PACKETVER


    //Uncomment the following line if your client is ragexeRE instead of ragexe (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).



     //#define PACKETVER_RE <---------------------





    4. in packets.h (it is passed on the robrowser something for packet checker)

    #if PACKETVER >= 20130807





    5. i recompiled it.



    so what did i miss?

    forgot to get the client_hash




    then open your trunk/conf/login-server.conf


    Find this line

    client_hash_check: off


    and change to

    client_hash_check: on


    Find this line

    //client_hash: 0, cb1ea78023d337c38e8ba5124e2338ae
    //client_hash: 10, cb1ea78023d337c38e8ba5124e2338ae
    //client_hash: 99, disabled
    and change to ( remove the // )
    client_hash: 0, Put Your Client Hash Here
    client_hash: 10, Put Your Client Hash Here
    client_hash: 99, Put Your Client Hash Here

    but show your error first, you just miss this thing

    hi zhao chao i used level 99 so there's no need for me to use md5 hash generator(because i don't know how to use it :D)

    client_hash: 99, disabled

    client_hash_check: on


    this is what i did.


    you need to use it because if the client_hash_check is on then level 99 below cannot be connected in the server


    about your error, you need to put your

    1st Packet Encryption = 63224335

    2nd Packet Encryption = 0F3A1F27

    3rd Packet Encryption = 6D217B24

    in nemo by diffing again the client, you got unsupported packet because you didn't put the encryption keys in your client

  12. i have no idea why i get this because i think i did this right


    1. i enabled the packet on client conf.

    // Whether to enable the official packet obfuscation support (good vs WPE)

    // 0: disabled

    // 1: optional (not recommended) -- identifies whether it is required

    // 2: enabled (recommended)

    packet_obfuscation: 2


    2. i diff my client with my PACKET KEYS and i uncheck the skip obfuscation something


    3. on mmo.h i already comment the

    #ifndef PACKETVER

     #define PACKETVER 20130807

    #endif // PACKETVER


    //Uncomment the following line if your client is ragexeRE instead of ragexe (required because of conflicting packets in ragexe vs ragexeRE).



     //#define PACKETVER_RE <---------------------





    4. in packets.h (it is passed on the robrowser something for packet checker)

    #if PACKETVER >= 20130807





    5. i recompiled it.



    so what did i miss?

    forgot to get the client_hash




    then open your trunk/conf/login-server.conf


    Find this line

    client_hash_check: off


    and change to

    client_hash_check: on


    Find this line

    //client_hash: 0, cb1ea78023d337c38e8ba5124e2338ae
    //client_hash: 10, cb1ea78023d337c38e8ba5124e2338ae
    //client_hash: 99, disabled
    and change to ( remove the // )
    client_hash: 0, Put Your Client Hash Here
    client_hash: 10, Put Your Client Hash Here
    client_hash: 99, Put Your Client Hash Here

    but show your error first, you just miss this thing

  13. Hi!


    Npc that warps the player into a given map with a wide list of restricted items

    If the player have that item equiped or in the inventory they are not allowed to enter the map.


    Please help.

    here's the script by AngelMelody


    -	script	Vanilla1	-1,{OnPCLoadMapEvent:getmapxy(.@map$,.@mapx,.@mapy,0);if(.@map$ == "prtg_cas01"){	for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.itemcheck); set .@i, .@i + 1){		if(countitem(.itemcheck[.@i])){			dispbottom "[ Info ] : item ["+getitemname(.itemcheck[.@i])+"] found (Inventory). Kicking..";            			warp "prontera",200,180;			end; 		}		if(query_sql("SELECT `nameid` FROM `cart_inventory` WHERE `char_id` = " + getcharid(0), .itemcheck[0]) {			dispbottom "[ Info ] : item ["+getitemname(.itemcheck[.@i])+"] found (Cart). Kicking..";            			warp "prontera",200,180;			end;		}    }end;OnInit:setarray .itemcheck[0],2383,2204,20025,20026,20027,20028,20029,20030,20031,20032,20033;end;}prtg_cas01    mapflag    loadevent

    i just search it here

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