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Everything posted by Beret

  1. A while back when hercules was implemented new updates I gave the idea to ind use configuration (.conf), today I see how much this mode brought more easily for creation and configuration, I noticed that the item_db is now also in file Well why not expand to other files which can facilitate both in future updates following the aegis, as for members who use the emulator. To make clearer how much easier to use that way, look below. skill_db - hercules: 662,0,6,4,0,0x2,14,10,1,no,0,0x2,0,weapon,0, NPC_HELLJUDGEMENT,Hell's Judgement663,0,6,4,0,0x3,2:5:8:11:14,5,1,no,0,0x2,0,none,0, NPC_WIDESILENCE,Wide Silence661,0,6,4,0,0x2,7,5,1,no,0,0x2,0,weapon,7, NPC_PULSESTRIKE,Pulse Strike skill_db - aegis: SetSkill NPC_HELLJUDGEMENTOnInit: SkillType TOME SkillMaxLv 10 SkillPattern DIRECTATTACK SkillSplash SQUARE 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 SkillAtkPer 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000returnOnSuccess: SkillHandicap HEALTHCurse 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000returnSetSkill NPC_WIDESILENCEOnInit: SkillType TOME SkillMaxLv 5 SkillSplash SQUARE 2 5 8 11 14 returnOnUse: SkillHandicap HEALTHSilence 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 SkillNoDamagereturnSetSkill NPC_PULSESTRIKEOnInit: SkillType TOME SkillMaxLv 5 SkillSplash SQUARE 7 7 7 7 7 SkillPattern DIRECTATTACK SkillAtkPer 100 200 300 400 500returnOnSuccess: SkillKnockBack 7 7 7 7 7return produce_db rune - hercules 12733,24,2010,4,1096,1,7123,1,7939,1 produce_db mode rune - aegis Rune_12733 = { -- 하갈라즈 ["Elder_Branch"] = 1, ["Round_Shell"] = 1, ["Dragon's_Skin"] = 1, } produce_db cook - hercules 12061,11,0,0,7472,0,518,1,514,2,501,1 produce_db cook - aegis [ [[Dex_Dish01]] ] = { Level={1}; --재료아이템 Meterial = { --아이템DB명, 개수 { [[Honey]], 1 }, { [[Grape]], 2 }, { [[Red_Potion]], 1 }, }; CreatingItembyFailed = { }; }, mercenary_skill_db - hercules 6017,8207,2 //MA_DOUBLE6017,8233,1 //MER_AUTOBERSERK mercenary_skill_db - aegis "MER_ARCHER01"{ "MA_DOUBLE",2 "MER_AUTOBERSERK",1} sc_config hercules SC_PROVOKE, 32 sc_config aegis EFST_PROVOKE={ ResetDead = true; ResetDispel = true; Save = true; Send = false; IgnorePretendDead = false; DeBuff = true; ResetCLEARANCE = true; ActorAppearance = false; SendMultiCast = false; ["backward compatibility send"] = true; -- 이전버젼 호환성을 위해 추가합니다.}; These are just a few examples, the manipulation of these files become easier when working with this format. Often you have to work with sums as 1 + 2 + 9 + 5, sum is not the problem, the question having to know what each number is, unlike when using constants, you can work as true or false for example for each option.
  2. I don't know if you saw ind or has not yet been added. more is not being possible to obtain the item through the bonus window as shown in the image below.
  3. Great job, always with news. Don't forget the GM Interface for Cash Shop Control
  4. At aegis have a system that leaves the exp and drop 0% if the player does not stop playing, this was done on aegis more for a measure to prevent bots that spend all night picking up items and gaining exp for the character. I posted a little while to be added in hercules this system. http://herc.ws/board/topic/2063-stop-message-play/
  5. I was wondering if it is possible to get npcs equal dialogues of yommy who worked in the past, I have account on kro and wanted to pick up some npcs.
  6. Hello is it possible create a diff to back have castles flags movements as in clients 2003 ~ 2004?
  7. When you open the client instead of selecting the server push cancel the client is not closed, I think something is missing in Restore Login Window
  8. I've been trying to use client 2013-12-23cRagexe on my server and I have received many messages from players complaining about crash the client when passing close to players with mount Boarding_Halter, tried other types of client above that and the same happens, clients below these are functioning normally.
  9. Some diff in trouble, when you close the client he keeps open in windows process.
  10. I was creating a client, I noticed a problem with client 2013-07-08aRagexe or higher. When you get about 30 seconds in the window select the server the client receives crash, this occurs when he has to show an error message when connecting.
  11. Maybe also add persistence of buyingstore.
  12. Well we have the command @at for vending, more why don't you extend the command to support buyingstore.
  13. Beret

    Monster transform

    It's actually an effect SC can't use disguise. More better way aegis.
  14. I think better to keep separate logs ind, is much more organized and easier to work with specific logs.
  15. Beret

    Monster transform

    I believe that no, it works like the montransform bonus, but a little different. He has a time and a chance to be active, tested on iro. I think we can do better than aegis, I suggest the following format. Active_Montransform, monsters name, time, chance, bonus;
  16. There is a limit of players who can be summoned who are they. Level1 = 7 players Level2 = 12 players Level3 = 20 players
  17. Beret

    Update mapzone

    I believe that mapzone is the best setting ever created, the facility that allows the modifications, I suggest adding a few more options as aegis and also a @reloadmapzone command that allows me to read again the configuration without having to relogin to the server. Noticed that the aegis there are some settings that hercules has not yet, let me tell you some. ADD_PROPERTY Here is the famous mapflag just needs updates as the aegis Example: ADD_PROPERTY(TELEPORT, TRUE); //텔레포트ADD_PROPERTY(NOTREMEMBER, TRUE); //기억ADD_PROPERTY(PARTY, FALSE); //같은파티PK불가 ADD_PROPERTY(GUILD, FALSE); //같은길드PK불가ADD_PROPERTY(DISCONNECT_NOTREMEMBER, TRUE);// 접속종료시기억금지 ADD_PROPERTY(CALLMONSTER, FALSE); ADD_BLOCK_EQUIPITEM This blocks the item and cannot equip while with the item equipped ADD_BLOCK_EQUIPITEM("Phen_Card"); // Phen_Card 사용 불가ADD_BLOCK_EQUIPITEM("Orleans_Gown"); // Orleans_Gown 사용 불가ADD_BLOCK_EQUIPITEM("Blood_Butterfly_Card"); // Blood_Butterfly_Card 사용 불가 ADD_BLOCK_BUFF Blocks the effect on a zone, will not get bonuses even using the skill ADD_BLOCK_BUFF("EFST_ENDURE"); ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION We need an update here too, here is the adjust_unit_duration we need a mapflag update for zones. ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_LANDMINE, 400); // 랜드마인ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_BLASTMINE, 400); // 블래스트 마인ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_SANDMAN, 400); //샌드맨ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_SHOCKWAVE, 400); //쇼크웨이브트랩ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_SKIDTRAP, 400); //스키드트랩ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_ANKLESNARE, 400); //앵클스네어ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_CLAYMORETRAP, 400); //크레모어 트랩ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_TALKIEBOX, 400); // 토키 박스ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_FREEZINGTRAP, 400); //프리징_트랩ADJUST_TRAP_DURATION (HT_FLASHER, 400); //플래셔
  18. Beret

    Encrypt grf

    lol? im using GRF editor on 2013 Clients even on 12-23 works normally in 2012 clients. more on client 2013 does not work, at least here does not work. I tried this, it works normally until client 2012.
  19. Beret

    Encrypt grf

    The GRF Editor is broken does not work with clients 2013 +
  20. Hello guys, I was wondering if anyone has an encrypt grf that runs on windows 8.
  21. Kro implemented discount on cash shop. There is also a top button that leads to the site of cash.
  22. We reached the 1000000000. Hercules always using logic. <3 8 * 125000000
  23. the NPC rightclick menu got removed on 2013 CLients you have to use @loadnpc and @unloadnpc I didn't know they had removed, so I thought it was strange. Thanks for the Info.
  24. The diff RemoveGMSprite does not allow open menu in npc.
  25. Beret

    Item bonus

    I don't think so, I think devs eathena made that way due to lack of information, and they thought it was an effect since most of consumable use SC effects. I know that there is such a way, more is not a form aegis. Not to mention that many newbies won't know to make a loop to apply this in your emulator. the bonus that I cited on the topic are some.
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