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Everything posted by Beret

  1. It is not possible to increase this limit to work as the aegis ?
  2. The variation of attack is too high in hercules if compared to the official servers. In hercules for example Arrow Storm I have a variation of 4000 in certain monsters in iro my variation is of 350 that is the variation is about 12x more on hercules
  3. A question yommy The Packet Parser can grab this code or just using IDA? struct PACKET_CH_ENTER { /* this+0x0 */ short PacketType /* this+0x2 */ unsigned long AID /* this+0x6 */ int AuthCode /* this+0xa */ unsigned long userLevel /* this+0xe */ unsigned short clientType /* this+0x10 */ unsigned char Sex}
  4. As I said in another topic that would be interesting. Still I give another suggestion on top of that discount: { Saturday: 50 //Gives 50% discount on the day Saturday} In this way the administrator can put an item with each discount on different days.
  5. Well looking back to aegis, noticed that the current effects of SC are worked by the script, that would be great in hercules because effects could be created quickly and without source code editions. Buff "EFST_TARGET_BLOOD" event OnStartEquip: AddStateTolerace BODYStun 10 AddStateTolerace BODYFreezing 10 AddStateTolerace BODYStoneCurse 10 AddStateTolerace HEALTHCurse 10 AddStateTolerace HEALTHPoison 10 AddStateTolerace HEALTHSilence 10 AddStateTolerace HEALTHBlind 10 AddStateTolerace BODYSleep 10 AddStateTolerace HEALTHBlooding 10 AddStateTolerace HEALTHConfusion 10 return event OnFinishEquip: SubStateTolerace BODYStun 10 SubStateTolerace BODYFreezing 10 SubStateTolerace BODYStoneCurse 10 SubStateTolerace HEALTHCurse 10 SubStateTolerace HEALTHPoison 10 SubStateTolerace HEALTHSilence 10 SubStateTolerace HEALTHBlind 10 SubStateTolerace BODYSleep 10 SubStateTolerace HEALTHBlooding 10 SubStateTolerace HEALTHConfusion 10 returnBuff "EFST_MANU_ATK" event OnStartEquip: AddDamage_Name Target NEPENTHES 10 AddDamage_Name Target HILLSRION 10 AddDamage_Name Target CENTIPEDE 10 AddDamage_Name Target CENTIPEDE_LARVA 10 AddDamage_Name Target TATACHO 10 AddDamage_Name Target HARDROCK_MOMMOTH 10 return event OnFinishEquip: SubDamage_Name Target NEPENTHES 10 SubDamage_Name Target HILLSRION 10 SubDamage_Name Target CENTIPEDE 10 SubDamage_Name Target CENTIPEDE_LARVA 10 SubDamage_Name Target TATACHO 10 SubDamage_Name Target HARDROCK_MOMMOTH 10 return
  6. I am happy to help the community. Let's turn the aegis xD.
  7. Beret


    It seems that aegis works in sql. INSERT INTO [IPInfo].[dbo].[Mapinfo] ([ZSID],[MapName],[type]) VALUES ('40','prt_fild11.gat','2')INSERT INTO [IPInfo].[dbo].[Mapinfo] ([ZSID],[MapName],[type]) VALUES ('40','prt_maze01.gat','3')INSERT INTO [IPInfo].[dbo].[Mapinfo] ([ZSID],[MapName],[type]) VALUES ('40','prt_maze02.gat','3')INSERT INTO [IPInfo].[dbo].[Mapinfo] ([ZSID],[MapName],[type]) VALUES ('40','prt_maze03.gat','3')INSERT INTO [IPInfo].[dbo].[Mapinfo] ([ZSID],[MapName],[type]) VALUES ('40','prt_monk.gat','0')
  8. Waiting for this feature, thank you ind.
  9. In pvp works normally. In gvg if you use the scroll won't make the transformation. If I use before and get in gvg after is removed.
  10. Testing in iro again thanks to a friend in gvg unable to transform using scroll. Thanks kyeme for the question.
  11. Has this effect also, I found something similar to mvps. SC_ACTIVE_MONSTER_TRANSFORM
  12. So, any news about i t?
  13. Thank you. I will make a bug report. (ive failed to use another scroll) You say to use a different, isn't it? When I played in iro never tried using one over the other so that information can not say.
  14. Can use another kyeme. Kyeme KS, was posting the attributes.
  15. Can use in woe kyeme. @malufett Forgot to two information. - Using mount cannot use the item. - When it's about the effect of the transformation, it is not possible to use mount.
  16. Working 100% as the official. Soon bring more official resources for hercules. #edit. Missed a detail the bonus that is earned.
  17. Then we can make a beta implementation ?
  18. Then this must be it, I'll wait for the addition to test.
  19. Renewal attack was added just a few days. So I decided to go in will make a comparison. Attributes: dex +120 and agi +120 In iro using the items of id: 1743 as refining +0 and 1773. In iro damage I got 14536 ~ 14687 In hercules using the same items I got the damage: 7484 ~ 7535 Wanted to know if the formula is 100% complete attack ? If the problem is in the def of monsters or if it's in the formula of the skill. Tested using Arrow Storm.
  20. Continues with the transformation.
  21. where to buy? item id? is it available in sakray servers? I would like to add if no one objects..hahaha Are cash items. box item_db: 17037,17038,17039,17040,17041,17043
  22. You buy the monster scroll box that you will get 10 scrolls. These scrolls by clicking turns into monster.
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