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Everything posted by Beret

  1. Beret

    Item bonus

    In aegis the bonus items are cleaner than the current emulator, I don't know why eathena never followed the model aegis to bonus because let cleaner script tab items. Why not change some bonus for aegis mechanics, for example: Aegis AddParamTime VAR_STR 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_DEX 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_AGI 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_INT 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_VIT 3 5400AddParamTime VAR_LUK 3 5400 Hercules sc_start SC_INCALLSTATUS,5400000,3; The way it exists in the aegis can view which is much better, because we can work as a bonus for STR, AGI, among others, consumable items currently does not support str bonus to consume the item, has only effects support SC Another example. Aegis AddAttrTolerace PROPERTY_All 3 MAGIC Hercules bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Water,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Dark,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,3,BF_MAGIC;bonus3 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,3,BF_MAGIC; In hercules is created an effect for each State, in aegis besides a of every effect there is one that involves everyone. There are bonus items in aegis that does not yet exist in hercules, and also very items are with the incorrect bonus compared to aegis. Leave your opinion about this subject, let's leave hercules with the same mechanics aegis, thank you all.
  2. Beret

    near offical data

    I don't think it would be interesting to implement this way and yes the way official aegis which uses a table for calculations of HP level by level.
  3. It could only be the Yommy and Ind. xD Merry Christmas Community Hercules.
  4. Neo some custom files as EnableCustomJobs not work on client 2013-08-07. It is also possible in the future to create a patch that allows me to change the color of the value of healing and damage.
  5. Let's hope the ind and see your opinion
  6. Use client 2013-07-31, does not show the error only crash the client when you click the button.
  7. I am having crash the client by clicking the register button in the window to type login and password, does anyone know how can I solve this problem.
  8. Beret

    Monster transform

    This effect is nothing more than the continuation of the scroll effect with a difference this effect is activated by hitting the target has some chance of success, in addition to being transformed you earn some bonus http://herc.ws/board/topic/1087-scroll-transform/page-2 SC_ACTIVE_MONSTER_TRANSFORM We can see an example of item aegis which uses this status. item COMBIITEM_Shiba_Set event OnStartEquip: var temp = GetRefineLevel [LOCATION_HEAD2] SetAutoWeapon COMBIITEM_Shiba_Set 3+(3*temp) 5 SetAutoAttacked COMBIITEM_Shiba_Set 3+(3*temp) 5 return event OnFinishEquip: var temp = GetRefineLevel [LOCATION_HEAD2] ResetAutoWeapon COMBIITEM_Shiba_Set 3+(3*temp) 5 ResetAutoAttacked COMBIITEM_Shiba_Set 3+(3*temp) 5 return event OnActiveWeapon: ShowEffect "" EF_POTION_BERSERK Active_Montransform ATROCE SetDisappearSPAmount COMBIITEM_Shiba_Set 1 5 AddExtParam User VAR_ATTPOWER 30 return event OnDeactiveWeapon: DeActive_Montransform ATROCE ResetDisappearSPAmount COMBIITEM_Shiba_Set SubExtParam User VAR_ATTPOWER 30 return event OnActiveArmor: ShowEffect "" EF_POTION_BERSERK Active_Montransform ATROCE SetDisappearSPAmount COMBIITEM_Shiba_Set 1 5 AddExtParam User VAR_ATTPOWER 30 return event OnDeactiveArmor: DeActive_Montransform ATROCE ResetDisappearSPAmount COMBIITEM_Shiba_Set SubExtParam User VAR_ATTPOWER 30 return
  9. I think we should leave this feature for ind implement, as submitted by pull request that comes from rathena doesn't work at all as the official. I left exactly the operation and file used for this system, I don't think it pays to use rathena feature since it was done without a follow-up to aegis.
  10. This feature of rathena doesn't work like aegis, I think we should follow the official mode this way rathena did was not cool.
  11. I hope I helped. I have more aegis systems, however I need the ind has time and willingness to add.
  12. I use hercules and don't regret since it consumes less memory, so the initial reading of the emulator is faster. There are also systems in hercules which are of own official server. In rathena only good content I see are the npcs and database. In hercules many new features are coming, I'm hoping to get some time ind to give you some information of the aegis systems, so hercules getting practically right next aegis mechanics missing only part of skills.
  13. Beret

    Paid Server

    Actually is just one example in hours that I used as an example, it has to be on the login table.
  14. Beret

    Paid Server

    Well this feature is much more ancient was never implemented in an emulator. This system sets the time in which the player has access to the server for example: 18:54:50 in this case above I have 18 hours 54 minutes and 50 seconds of server access. - When that time runs out even me being online I will be disconnected from the server. - When character is offline time is not counted, only counts the time in which the character is online in game. If I'm not mistaken the same packet working other types of restrictions that are they: 1 - maintenance = Here you must block access to the server allowing only GM. 2 - over 18 = Here is to check the age of the player for him to have access if it has 18 years or more. 3 - paying = here is to check if the player has and how much credit he has time before being kicked from the server. If the time ends and he is online will be kicked from the server and a message will be displayed that he need more credits. 4 - P2P = Here is the server in free mode. I find it interesting that the implementation of this system, because players who help with a donation to the server could have access to a paid server, which could be determined the time by the administrator for example: 2013-10-10 18:54:50 In this case above the player has 30 days of access to the paid server.
  15. When you add support for all items, could add the item log as the aegis. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[itemLog]( [index] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Ver] [int] NULL, [SID] [int] NULL, [Action] [int] NULL, [logtime] [datetime] NULL, [ip] [varchar](20) NULL, [eventx] [int] NULL, [eventy] [int] NULL, [srcAccountID] [int] NULL, [srcAccountName] [varchar](24) NULL, [srcCharID] [int] NULL, [srcCharName] [varchar](24) NULL, [srcJobType] [int] NULL, [srcLevel] [int] NULL, [desAccountID] [int] NULL, [desAccountName] [varchar](24) NULL, [desCharID] [int] NULL, [desCharName] [varchar](24) NULL, [Serialcode] [bigint] NULL, [ItemName] [varchar](24) NULL, [ItemID] [int] NULL, [ItemCount] [int] NULL, [MapName] [varchar](24) NULL, [price] [int] NULL, [slot1] [int] NULL, [slot2] [int] NULL, [slot3] [int] NULL, [slot4] [int] NULL, [refiningLevel] [int] NULL, [AuctionID] [int] NULL, [ItemBuyCash] [int] NULL, [Zeny] [int] NULL, [DestZeny] [int] NULL, [ItemHireExpireDate] [datetime] NULL, [bizType] [int] NULL, [identity] [bigint] NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_itemLog] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED
  16. the current doesn't work as the official team, Kenpachi an item for example it asks if you want to link the item to account and pressing yes the item is attached to the account. As the file ItemMoveInfoV4.txt has the following safety: Drop, Trade, Storage, Cart, NPC, mail, auction
  17. As there must be some official file to add items, if I'm not mistaken in aegis are ItemMoveInfo.txt and ItemMoveInfoV4.txt There is a message to equip item that opens a window with Yes or no, if marked Yes the item is equipped and linked the account if it is marked not the item is not equipped. msgstringtable.txt lines 1328 and 1329. This item will be permanently bound to this character once it is equipped. Do you really want to equip this item?#%s is now permanently bound to this character.# I hope hercules support this feature, I hope it helped with the information for that system. This system works in many ways, blocks the drop of the item, the sale in npc, among other functions.
  18. You have chosen the option Disable Packet Encryption? It is necessary already had the same problem
  19. Need to edit something in the client ?
  20. Well I wanted to change the names of the classes, I had seen this file pcjobnamegender.lua looks like he is responsible for changing the name of the class, I tried to change more continues with the same name, someone knows how can I change the names?
  21. I was wondering if it is possible to increase the quantity of numbers that the attack e heal is shown, example: 999999 for 9999999999999999999 Also if it is possible to change the color of the numbers of healing, damage, damage sum
  22. That, plus my 2013-03-20 didn't need this option, weird o.o
  23. I'm getting the following error when using client 2013-07-10 or above. clif_parser: Received unsupported packet (packet 0x0000 (0x47b1), 19 bytes received)
  24. Many still use HK, and other types of macros that are configured to drop items or even evolve all night on low rate.
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