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Everything posted by Asheraf

  1. Either add a aFree(item_name); or better use a stack allocation instead of malloc char item_name[ITEM_NAME_LENGTH];
  2. Macro Detection Interface Four new client interfaces are getting implemented in Hercules: - Macro Register UI - Macro Detector UI - Macro Reporter UI - Captcha Preview UI Usable though the chat commands: /macro_register, /macro_detector, macro_preview for all clients starting 2016-06-30. Available for testing now at: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/3051 Some sample images
  3. This is GPL licensed code, you're violating the license by distributing it this format.
  4. Hello, You need to save the motd file with the correct encoding, for korean that would be euc-kr.
  5. Again typo on my side, switched the place of variables and forgot to switch the sign 😂
  6. Oops, my mistake i mixed up the checks... it does indeed check for 1 element (a 4 bytes float). This is the struct for cell attributes in aegis, and the check against water level uses h1 struct AttrCell { float h1; float h2; float h3; float h4; int flag; }; *Edit*: corrected the code in previous post
  7. The athena way is what aegis uses, it reads the 4th dword in the cell info struct and compares it with the map water level read from the RSW, the code roughly looks like this (quick draft so i apologize if it's not so clear). { std::ifstream gat_fs(filename, std::ios::binary); VALIDATE_MAGIC(gat_fs, "GRAT", 4); gat_fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&m_verMajor), sizeof(char)); gat_fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&m_verMinor), sizeof(char)); gat_fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&m_width), sizeof(int)); gat_fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&m_height), sizeof(int)); m_cells.resize(m_width * m_height); gat_fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(m_cells.data()), m_cells.size()); std::for_each(m_cells.begin(), m_cells.end(), [idx = 0](struct CAttrCell &cell) mutable { if (cell.flag == 1 || cell.flag == 5) m_TileInfo[idx] |= SVR_CELL_BLOCK; if (cell.flag != 1) m_TileInfo[idx] |= SVR_CELL_ARROW; if (cell.h1 > m_waterLevel) // m_waterLevel from RSW m_TileInfo[idx] |= SVR_CELL_WATER; ++idx; }); return 0; }
  8. Here you go, you can download the two sprites you wanted from here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1At5AEa-reKsM1-l5YLdsen6ljVKrGBr7/view?usp=sharing OR if you prefer you can download the full 17.2 patch from http://ropatch.xcache.kinxcdn.com/Patch/2019-10-02data_sakray_001.gpf
  9. The data available in the GRF files is just the resources, the actual animation is done by the client code (which isn't public), basically his project is to look into decompiled client code and try to emulate these animations in roBrowser.
  10. use atcommand(sprintf("#warp \"%s\" %s 22 50", .@playername$, .arena_map$));
  11. This topic is being closed for now, if you want to get a client you can do that from http://nemo.herc.ws/downloads/ which provides download instructions for the clients that are distributed without a packer applied by gravity, this includes both Ragexe and Ragexe_zero.
  12. https://github.com/Asheraf/Translation/blob/master/data/luafiles514/lua files/skillinfoz/skilltreeview.lub#L1166-L1175
  13. Can you try with https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2252
  14. @astralprojection I have pushed an update to #2218 which added support for specifying an item amount range (0 should be allowed), feel free to test it and tell me if you found any issues.
  15. Well, in kRO they never use it in that way but rather the questinfo notification is shown when the player did not accept the quest yet or have requirements finished (ex: all items were gathered). regardless of that I believe we should give the ability to do whatever you want.
  16. @astralprojection You can't set item amount to 0 i believe you should be having a warning in the console, i will push an update to change that later.
  17. You should be able to have an OR effect by using 2 questinfo definitions in the following way OnInit: questinfo(QTYPE_QUEST, 1); setquestinfo(QINFO_QUEST, 30049, 0); questinfo(QTYPE_QUEST, 1); setquestinfo(QINFO_QUEST, 30050, 1); end;
  18. Yes apparently there is a problem with quest validation you can pull https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/2218 in order to fix it. And for your question about multiple values yes you can have a list in both QINFO_ITEM and QINFO_QUEST.
  19. As of v2018.07.29 release Hercules supports item id up to 65535 for client versions older than 2018-07-04 RE, main and zero client, and up to 2147483648 for RE clients with version bigger than that.
  20. Then install zlib1g-dev library since it clearly states it's missing
  21. Hello everyone, small announcement.. as of 2018-07-04aRagexeRE release the official client started using 4 bytes to process the item id, this mean we had to update every packet to increase this size, Thanks to the great work of @4144 you can check that out in #2126, please consider testing the pull request and reporting anything that you find broken . *This update apply (for now) to the RE type of clients ONLY.*
  22. @Freyr of Alfheim This error is the result of not disabling game guard on ragexe and ragexe_zero, you can fix it by patching your client with "Disable Cheat Defender" and replacing cdclient.dll with the version included in 4144/NEMO repository.
  23. Hello there, please direct you rAthena related question to their forum, this is Hercules forums we can only assist with that. any further topics of this type will be removed.
  24. *some false informations XD*
  25. Hello, I'm sure i have answered this somewhere else but basically, Ragexe, RagexeRE, Ragexe_zero these are the client releases used on the official Korean servers in general there is few user interface differences and few features that may exist in one and not the others but eventually all of them get the features in later releases. as for Hercules I'd suggest the use of Ragexe or Ragexe_zero (zero only if you want something that exist in it..) because those are the main servers (RagexeRE are for a test server so some features can be broken in early versions) last thing your server build (pre-re or re) doesn't matter to the client you can run any version for any build you want. for nemo fork secret's one is discontinued you can use this instead: https://gitlab.com/4144/Nemo
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