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Everything posted by Asheraf

  1. Simply as a server owner you need to setup your db only 1 time, while default confs are for devs that need to have multiple databases for their work and it makes more sense to have the logs in the same database.
  2. Hello there, the picture you posted doesn't seems to work but i'm assuming you're searching for something like this? This is the only client that i know thats supports RTL language (Arabic) which is aRO client.
  3. - Open inter-server.conf - Search for @include "conf/global/sql_connection.conf" - Replace with //Logs DB connection info sql_connection: { db_hostname: "" db_port: 3306 db_username: "ragnarok" db_password: "ragnarok" db_database: "ragnarok" }
  4. I second this, Please put them on different database. You can change them by editing inter-server.conf its just defaulted to use 1db.
  5. "version 15288 from hercules"?!!! as i know hercules have never used svn @.@
  6. Hello there, you can use an npc with trader type for more examples check this link https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/sample/npc_trader_sample.txt
  7. To generate luas for custom maps use this plugin https://github.com/HerculesWS/StaffPlugins/tree/master/Haru/naviluagenerator
  8. Recently there was a commit that added support for map server auth packet for clients >= 20160330, however we still miss many features in the 2015 clients, hopefully getting them soon and start supporting newer client versions.
  9. the first one I don't know the date but for the item preview it got added in 2016-10-26 in kRO (not sure if in sakray or main or both). Edit: no Hercules does not support clients > 2015 yet.
  10. Simply that server uses a newer client version both the features that you talked about them are client side features from kRO.
  11. Currently there is no magical config in the emulator to set the episode, the only way to do it is by changing everything manually.
  12. Do not run hercules using root user, make a new user and use it.
  13. Hercules support 2ways of adding shops first one similar to what you said <map name>,<x>,<y>,<facing><TAB>shop<TAB><NPC Name><TAB><sprite>,<itemid>:<price> also there is another way to do it using trader type, you can check the documentation at https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L309-L330 and for some samples check https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/sample/npc_trader_sample.txt
  14. "His base lvl: " + BaseLevel + "."
  15. As ridley said those quests cant be completed due to missing of other official features. I have a completed Verus city scripts but it miss a lot because of that.
  16. im not sure how this is could be done but an easier solution would be to give the player the box again if it failed.
  17. if (30000 - countitem(ID) < Amount) { message("make sure you have enough space in your inventory"); end; } getitem(ID, Amount); end;
  18. I always wondered what are people supposed to use instead of goto Depended on the situation it could be replaced with callsub/while/switch....
  19. .sc files are scripts for the Official server software those cannot be used directly in the emulator and need to be converted first.
  20. resetstatus() should be lowercase however the script uses a lot of goto (deprecated command) and its not recommended to use it.
  21. This is how it works on official servers you could equip the item but the effect disabled however you can edit that using a battle config https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/conf/map/battle/items.conf#L111-L116
  22. Hercules support clients up to 2015-12-16aRagexe however not all new features working.
  23. Asheraf

    compilation error

    any errors after ./configure finish?
  24. Check this tutorial http://gitready.com/advanced/2009/02/10/squashing-commits-with-rebase.html
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