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Everything posted by Asheraf

  1. Could you post the script or at least the part that calls the bmp.
  2. Check the folder of your bmp's probably you have them in illust and the script calling them from cardbmp?
  3. Use job names (example): Job: { Swordsman: true Magician: true Merchant: true Knight: true Wizard: true Blacksmith: true Crusader: true Rogue: true Alchemist: true Taekwon: true Star_Gladiator: true Soul_Linker: true Gunslinger: true } and you could check the header of item db file for a list of all the available jobs.
  4. is it really working? i tried 2004 ~ 2006 client, there was so lot of bugs in client side (read my topic) The packets for all the clients are still available however yep you may found a lot of bugs so its not recommended to use them in a live server.
  5. You could add items to the cash shop window by using the cashshop_db.conf.
  6. every 30 min the rates on the old map would be rested to .origin_rate (100)
  7. here you go (exp npc) just add maps to the array. - script exp_event FAKE_NPC,{ OnMinute30: setarray(.maps$, "prontera", "geffen", "izlude", "alberta"); .origin_rate = 100; .event_rate = 200; if (.pick$ != "") { setmapflag(.pick$, mf_bexp, .origin_rate); setmapflag(.pick$, mf_jexp, .origin_rate); } .pick$ = .maps$[rand(getarraysize(.maps$)-1)]; setmapflag(.pick$, mf_bexp, .event_rate); setmapflag(.pick$, mf_jexp, .event_rate); announce(_("The rates on map: " + .pick$ + " are " + .event_rate + " now."), bc_all); end; }
  8. Yes, hercules support Sakexe clients starting from 2004-07-13 and Ragexe starting from 2008-08-27.
  9. hello i got error line 76 it seems like you're not using hercules
  10. Yeah, i dont think this is possible using script because even if you get healed while you're dead which is the case to tigger OnPCDieEvent your hp gonna get rested when you revive so you should use the battle config restart_hp_rate (try to change the value and restart the server instead of using reloadbattleconf).
  11. setarray .@CoinID[0], 607; for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@CoinID); ++.@i) .@Menu$ += getitemname( .@CoinID[.@i] )+":"; .@i = select(.@Menu$) - 1; if (#KAFRAPOINTS < 2) { mes "Sorry but you didnt have 2 Reward Points."; } else { mes "How many ^339FFFArrow Quiver^000000"; mes "you want to purchase?"; mes "Amount : 1 ~ " + (#KAFRAPOINTS / 2); input .@Amount, 0, (#KAFRAPOINTS / 2); if (.@Amount) { if (!checkweight(Knife, 1) || MaxWeight - Weight < 1000) { mes "- You're over weight or you dont have enough space in your inventory -"; close; } #KAFRAPOINTS -= .@Amount * 2; getitem .@CoinID[.@i], .@Amount; mes "Done"; } } close;
  12. Emm try this one - script Heal FAKE_NPC,{ OnPCDieEvent: sleep2 1300; dispbottom "50% of Max HP/SP will be restored"; percentheal 50,50; end; }
  13. Asheraf

    NPC Blank

    emm maybe something like that mes "[npc name]"; if (@count == 1) { mes "Please, do not bother me. I am in pain."; } if (@count == 2) { mes "Can you not see I am grieving? Begone."; } if (@count == 3) { mes "I have no quarrel with you stranger, LEAVE ME BE."; } if (@count == 4) { if (countitem(578) >= 80) { delitem 578,80; getitem 19620,1; mes "Congrats!"; ++@count; close; } } else { mes "Im sorry for being rude, please, come near me. Would you like to hear my melancholic tale?"; } ++@count; close();
  14. if you're using a custom sound file make sure that the file is on PCM format.
  15. Warning 1 warning C4138: '*/' found outside of comment Hercules-master\src\plugins\hBG.c 165 1 hBG Warning 2 warning C4138: '*/' found outside of comment Hercules-master\src\plugins\hBG.c 166 1 hBG Warning 3 warning C4138: '*/' found outside of comment Hercules-master\src\plugins\hBG.c 168 1 hBG Error 4 error C2039: 'class_' : is not a member of 'mmo_charstatus' Hercules-master\src\plugins\hBG.c 402 1 hBG Warning 5 warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch Hercules-master\src\plugins\hBG.c 832 1 hBG Warning 6 warning C4018: '>=' : signed/unsigned mismatch Hercules-master\src\plugins\hBG.c 1900 1 hBG Warning 7 warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch Hercules-master\src\plugins\hBG.c 1954 1 hBG Warning 8 warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch Hercules-master\src\plugins\hBG.c 2068 1 hBG try to change line 402 from WFIFOW(fd,c*104+18) = psd->status.class_; to WFIFOW(fd,c*104+18) = psd->status.class;
  16. new_1-1,51,67,3 script ShadowRO Gifter 10039,{ mes "[ShadowRO Gift]"; mes "Hi, Welcome to Shadow Ragnarok Online !"; if (#gotgift) { mes "You have already claimed your gift."; close2; warp "prontera",116,73; end; } mes "Do you want your gift ?"; next; switch(select("Sure !", "Hmmm..")) { case 1: mes "[ShadowRO Gift]"; mes "Have Fun,"; mes "Remember, the job master will meet you in the middle of prontera."; next; mes "[ShadowRO Gift]"; mes "See You !"; next; savepoint "prontera",116,73; getitem 755, 1; #gotgift = 1; warp "prontera",116,73; end; case 2: mes "[ShadowRO Gift]"; mes "... !?"; close; } }
  17. Hello there, you can read more about permanent monster spawning in the script command doc https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/script_commands.txt#L148
  18. Hello there i made it in 2 ways 1- short way - script timeannouncer FAKE_NPC,{ OnMinute00: announce("It is currently " + gettimestr("%Y-%m/%d %H:%M:%S", 21), bc_all); end; } 2- A bit long one - script timeannouncer FAKE_NPC,{ OnMinute00: setarray(.@Days$, "Monday", "Thuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"); setarray(.@Months$, "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"); .@sec = gettime(GETTIME_SECOND); .@min = gettime(GETTIME_MINUTE); .@hour = gettime(GETTIME_HOUR); .@day = gettime(GETTIME_WEEKDAY); .@dayofmonth = gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFMONTH); .@month = gettime(GETTIME_MONTH); .@year = gettime(GETTIME_YEAR); if (.@dayofmonth == 1) { .@tr$ = "st"; } else if (.@dayofmonth == 2) { .@tr$ = "nd"; } else if (.@dayofmonth == 3) { .@tr$ = "rd"; } else { .@tr$ = "th"; } announce(sprintf("It is currently %d:%d:%d on %s, %s %d%s, %d", .@sec, .@min, .@hour, .@Days$[.@day], .@Months$[.@month], .@dayofmonth, .@tr$, .@year), bc_all); end; } (ps: maybe there is a better way to do this but i dont know it )
  19. Really a nice release You just forgot to add weight checks.
  20. Nemo has some diff to disable those (rodex, achivements...)
  21. The mail system in all the new clients (Rodex) is not yet implemented yet in Hercules but else than the mail i think there is no problem with the client.
  22. If you want dress room only you could use 20150513 (No dorams).
  23. 2014 clients uses iteminfo file so you should add your items there (System/iteminfo.lub)
  24. Probably you didn't diff the client with the increase headgear viewID option so its limited to 2000 try to increase it using nemo.
  25. 2015-05-13aRagexe client use iteminfo file so you need to add your items there, the items scripts can be founded in the item_db.conf and you can find some item sprites at the download section http://herc.ws/board/files/category/3-sprites-palettes/
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