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Everything posted by OverLord

  1. Dont work i add this pallets in my grf and same error, in any color >=4 if have mount if no mount 100% work this pack
  2. T_T where i found this pallet for download... Googling... if any know... send me a link pls
  3. If Crusader have mount and clothes colored, client crash I use this client pack http://herc.ws/board/topic/3768-2013-12-23-full-client-download/
  4. Really? thanks pasquale teacher. HUE BR DETECT!!! Pasquale kkkkkk
  5. I re-dowload all (emulator and client) and no work
  6. What is the latest 2014 client that is running smoothly. Completely stable? What have those menus in "icons" and work with 64k Hairs Styles ...
  7. Sad... Vending Skill, do not work in this client ... I tested now using the latest version of Hercules. With this client when I click "OK" to open the store, nothing happens and the character is locked even if you cancel the skill. Using a client of 2013 this error does not occur. Does anyone know how to fix?
  8. Sad... Vending Skill, do not work in this client ... I tested now using the latest version of Hercules. With this client when I click "OK" to open the store, nothing happens and the character is locked even if you cancel the skill. Using a client of 2013 this error does not occur. Does anyone know how to fix?
  9. If i disable 64k support, everything works ok in hairstyle NPC and character creation screen. But when active the option to add more hairstyles when creating the characters can not change the color and the NPC Stylist can not use the first color. Does anyone know what I can do?
  10. I have the following problem. In rAthena I used the code below, and when I clicked elsewhere in the map, the character walked and canceled the progress bar, it was like this one "end; or Break;" in the script. Hercules in the character is locked. To finish the progress bar. And my server is PK, so this is not positive. How can I find a solution? So that the player can cancel the progress bar when he wants ... specialeffect2 EF_REPAIRWEAPON; progressbar "ffff00",@MiningSpeed; Debug: *Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing...) quit and try again.
  11. Garr, my npc have rand coords. No fix coord
  12. Where my erro? I want the NPC only run if the player is a minimum 3 cells away. But regardless of the distance he always call the function. - script Ore Mine::oremine 844,{ .@number = 1; getmapxy .@map1$, .@x1, .@y1, 0; getmapxy .@map2$, .@x2, .@y2, 0; set h_run$, strnpcinfo(0); if ( .@map1$ == .@map2$ && distance(.@x1,.@y1,.@x2,.@y2) <= 3 ) { if ( h_run$ == strnpcinfo(0) ) { callfunc("StartMining",.@number); set h_run$, ""; } } else { mes "Far Away"; close;} }
  13. Oh its normal i tot its a bug. Yes... I'm in deep doubt if I release it or not on my server ... I believe that will irritate the players go play roulette and the client crash
  14. My server i PK Mode Config. I like add Skill Damage Reductions in all maps. Sample: Asura Strike... -40% only players....
  15. Have notices to translate new kRO lua files to fix hot keys in ragexe 2014-10-22?
  16. Hello takari_L!! Grats to Good Work! I use your CP in my server Please, you have "How to make template guide" ?
  17. http://www.playrok.com/ My MAP Server Online, Register 100%, I can play the game without any problems. But the Status says the MapServer this Offline ... which is not consistent! How i fix map server status?
  18. autobonus "{ bonus2 bHPRegenRate,1,10000; }",10,10000,BF_MAGIC,"{ specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; }"; whats the error? effect no show... I wish every 10 seconds appears when healed on the head. Because the passive skill swordman.
  19. All items have "bonus bAtkRate,2;" and "bMatkRate" no change character ATK and MATK stats... is bug... or The increase is not normally displayed? sample code { Id: 15060 AegisName: "Sky_Blue_Smock" Name: "Sky-Blue Smock" Type: 5 Buy: 0 Weight: 30 Def: 1 Slots: 1 Upper: 63 Loc: 16 Trade: { nodrop: true notrade: true nocart: true nogstorage: false nomail: true noauction: true } Script: <" bonus bAtkRate,2; bonus bMatkRate,2; if(BaseLevel<80) { bonus bAddItemHealRate,5; } ">},
  20. I using Windows 8.1, the compatibility mode for Windows 7 no work, i need use compatibility mode for Windows XP for Work... I believe that players do not saberam the need to do this procedure ... Does anyone know any procedure or creator and installer that makes the configuration of the compatibility module automatically?
  21. Thx. Waiting for version CORA™ v0.9.4 BETA link download.
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