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Anisotropic Defixation

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Everything posted by Anisotropic Defixation

  1. Most of them are declared in pc.c (pc_bonus stuff, for the list of constants go to enum status_point_types in map.h) and then obviously executed in the correspondent parts of skill/status/battle/clif/etc. Of course don't forget to flag them in const.txt
  2. After a quick glance, this seems to just contain the outside NPCs in Lutie (instance creation, gear vendors and enchanters, etc), not the actual instance.
  3. I'm personally sick of those jRO chibis being used in every single RO related thing nowadays.
  4. Pretty sure that's a poorly translated script from this package: http://herc.ws/board/topic/11649-semi-official-instances-package-v03/ Which is already working on hercules just fine (the entrance part and quests need to be sorted out though), so just look at the original.
  5. Since this is a rather big project, it makes more sense to use the most solid and well-known language, which would be C.
  6. Try editing the item db and edit the weight of the costume item.? Costumed stuff aren't new items.
  7. Did anyone figure out how to remove the weight from costumed items (or anything worn in the costume tab)?
  8. This can be done with OnTouch invisible NPC's that set variables later checked in the warper script.
  9. Ant Eggs have 65 VIT, you're missing due to soft DEF. You aren't supposed to be killing those for exp but rather kill normal monsters.
  10. You gotta add exceptions for boss types to all related entries in clif.c and mob.c since the commit that updated the feature is missing them.
  11. It might be a good idea to translate the text from the base Auriga's Japanese scripts most of these are based on since the language is easier to deal with than Chinese, iRO footages would help as well.
  12. The sprite is the same as the mob.
  13. This is very much needed as there wasn't any content scripting and datamining done for years. We're lagging behind heavily and it's pretty sad how new official content scripts today are private and never shared so the community can improve them.
  14. Where exactly is this handled? I'd like to change weight based on different conditions.
  15. The skill is only castable on mobs, not enemy players in PvP.
  16. You would have to change item and mob IDs for certain stuff in src, not a big deal though.
  17. Create a function script and make the item usage call it with callfunc. function script Random_Box_Script { .@[member=Rand] = rand(1,3); switch(.@[member=Rand]) { case 1: getitem 1001,1; end; case 2: getitem 1002,1; end; case 3: getitem 1003,1; // The special item announce strcharinfo(0)+ " was lucky and obtained the special prize!",bc_map,0x00FF00; // Map announcement end; }} { Id: 1000 AegisName: "Random_Box" Name: "Random Box" Type: 18 Buy: 0 Weight: 0 Script: <" callfunc "Random_Box_Script"; ">},
  18. From: if( !skill_id ) { if( sc->data[SC_ENCHANTBLADE] ) { //[( ( Skill Lv x 20 ) + 100 ) x ( casterBaseLevel / 150 )] + casterInt i = ( sc->data[SC_ENCHANTBLADE]->val1 * 20 + 100 ) * status->get_lv(src) / 150 + status_get_int(src); i = i - status->get_total_mdef(target) + status->get_matk(src, 2); if( i ) ATK_ADD(i); } if( sc->data[SC_GIANTGROWTH] && rnd()%100 < 15 ) ATK_ADDRATE(200); // Triple Damage } To: if( sc->data[SC_ENCHANTBLADE] ) { //[( ( Skill Lv x 20 ) + 100 ) x ( casterBaseLevel / 150 )] + casterInt i = ( sc->data[SC_ENCHANTBLADE]->val1 * 20 + 100 ) * status->get_lv(src) / 150 + status_get_int(src); i = i - status->get_total_mdef(target) + status->get_matk(src, 2); if( i ) ATK_ADD(i); } if( !skill_id ) { if( sc->data[SC_GIANTGROWTH] && rnd()%100 < 15 ) ATK_ADDRATE(200); // Triple Damage }
  19. You're wrong on this, some people just find plugins cumbersome and hard to deal with. I mentioned this because you already had a normal patch available but decided to remove it.
  20. The easiest way would be to adjust SC_ARMOR_PROPERTY value in sc_config.txt, just change it from 29 to 25. Be aware that this is the same status used by armor element change scrolls and NPC elemental change skills so those would become dispellable as well. If you don't want this behavior then you would need to create a new SC_ status to be used by SA_ELEMENT skills and ranger traps.
  21. I would appreciate if both versions were shared in any case, not everyone likes plugins.
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