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  1. Upvote
    Eurydice got a reaction from Nebraskka in I think it is time..   
    But I just got back?! D:< *shoots*
    No, really, wish you the best and all the luck in the world.
  2. Upvote
    Eurydice got a reaction from Neo-Mind in Happy birthday malufett!   
    It says so on your Facebook page!

  3. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Jguy in Hercules ready for client SQL 5.5 ?   
    Since the use of Hercules requires MySQL to be installed, we don't update the files in the 3rdparty folder (actually, there were talks of getting rid of that directory, probably back on rAthena). Since when MySQL-server is installed, it includes the mysql.h file in the correct place, the files in the 3rd party folder are not required.
    I'll bring this up in a meeting soon and see what the fate of this folder might be. We realize they're out of date but there's been no reason to update them as no one uses them.
    If for some reason you don't have mysql-server on the same machine that you plan on running Hercules on, then you can install the libraries seperately, and is actually recommended as they are put in the right place and other scripts/programs can access them. For most Linux distributions this is package libmysqlclient-dev.
  4. Upvote
    Eurydice got a reaction from Jguy in What's your favorite class?   
    Sorcerer! Because I'm awesome at it.
  5. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Ind in Memory Slasher !!" - May 30 Patch   
    Hercules casts "Memory Slasher !!" - May 30 Patch
    Memory Slasher !!
    Regardless all the fancy features in it, this patch's greatest achievement is smart, clever employment of memory, by looking at our memory usage wisely we've been able to reduce map-server's memory (RAM) usage by more than 2/3, about 183MB of RAM were dropped, while maintaining Hercules outstanding record on performance improvement. Beyond the memory usage drop there is also a significant processing speed improvement which can be noticed during boot, map cache loading which used to account for most of the map-servers boot time no longer exists, its gone, dead, fini, boom! it was replaced by a smart map cache handler that loads its data only when a map is necessary (the data is then kept until shut down), this logic also makes map-server's shut down process a hell lot faster.
    Instance Rework
    As suggested by the community, this wasnt supposed to be bundled with this commit but the memory usage improvements required me to modify how instances were stored, so I re-wrote part of it to fit the suggestion as well.
    Instance Functionality/Feature Server may now create instances of any maps regardless of client-side edits, e.g. one can clone prontera and call it "mymapname" (as is best described in the *instance_attachmap script command note) Instances may now be available in 4 distinct ways (as is best described in *instance_create script command note), by nobody (server type instance, to be used with special map names), by a sole character, by a party, or by a guild Script Command Changes *instance_create 2nd param is now called owner_id instead of party_id, and it got a 3rd optional param that defines what kind of owner id it is (when not provided, assumes party_id, for backwards compatibility), available options are (IOT_ stands for INSTANCE OWNER TYPE) IOT_NONE (0), IOT_CHAR (1), IOT_PARTY (2) and IOT_GUILD (3). *instance_destroy no longer autodetects instance id from party id *instance_attachmap now supports a 4th, optional, param, "<new map name>", it will allow you to specify a entirely new map name for the instance (without the need of client-side edits). This option can be best employed when used on a instance of <owner_type> IOT_NONE *instance_detachmap no longer autodetects instance id from party id *instance_id no longer supports any param *instance_set_timeout no longer autodetects instance id from party id *instance_announce no longer autodetects instance id from party id, and to tell it to autodetect from the attached script you must set instance_id param as -1 as opposed to 0 *instance_npcname no longer autodetects instance id from party id *has_instance no longer autodetects instance from party, however it now checks if attached player possesses a instance with same map as has_instance(<param>) checks for *instance_warpall no longer autodetects instance from party Other ChangesInstance IDs (valid ones) are now always >= 0 as opposed to > 0 (update your scripts!) Battlegrounds Queue
    As suggested by the community, most of its features were added in this patch, we were unable to finish it though because we lacked some information, we've put our questions in this topic, once our questions are answered we should be able to finish it in a matter of minutes (all the heavy lifting was done in this patch).
    Arenas They're easily configurable in the new conf/battlegrounds.conf file, it possible to add more arenas by editing the client's lua files/entryqueue/entryqueuelist.lua file Configuration Sample arenas: ({    name: "Tierra Gorge" //must match the name in client files    event: "Tierra_BG2::OnPlayerListReady"    minLevel: 80    maxLevel: 150    reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */        win: 3        loss: 1        draw: 1    }    minPlayers: 6 /* minimum amount of players to start */    maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */    minTeamPlayers: 6 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */    delay_var: "Tierra_BG_Tick" /* npc variable name that will store the delay for this match */    maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */},{    name: "KVM (Level 59 and below)" //must match the name in client files    event: "KvM03_BG::OnPlayerListReady"    minLevel: 1    maxLevel: 59    reward: {/* amount of badges awarded on each case */        win: 1        loss: 0        draw: 0    }    minPlayers: 4 /* minimum amount of players to start */    maxPlayers: 60 /* maximum amount of players */    minTeamPlayers: 5 /* minimum amount of team members required for a team (party or guild) to join */    delay_var: "KVM_BG_Tick" /* npc variable name that will store the delay for this match */    maxDuration: 30 /* maximum duration in minutes, if reached game ends and highest score wins (or calls a draw if scores are equal) */}) QueueWe wanted to make the queue as easy to play with as possible, so we've created a whole new set of script commands designed with this purpose. These commands make it easy to create and control queues for anything, games, events, quests, and of course in this case, the battleground's queue. Queue - Script Commands *queue()creates a new queue instance, returns created queue id set .@id,queue(); *queuesize(<queue_id>)returns the amount of entries in queue instance of <queue_id>. set .@length,queuesize(.@queue_id); *queueadd(<queue_id>,<var_id>)adds <var_id> to queue of <queue_id>, returns 1 if <var_id> is already present in the queue, 0 otherwise. queueadd(.@queue_id,.@var_id); *queueremove(<queue_id>,<var_id>)removes <var_id> from queue of <queue_id>, returns 1 if <var_id> is not present in the queue, 0 otherwise. queueremove(.@queue_id,.@var_id); *queueopt(<queue_id>,<optionType>,{Optional <option val>})modifies <queue_id>'s <optionType>, when <option val> is not present, <optionType> is removed from <queue_id>, when present it modifies <queue_id>'s <optionType> with the new <option val> value.
    Currently 3 options are available, HQO_OnDeath (0), HQO_OnLogout (1), HQO_OnMapChange (2) (the constant names are not final). queueopt(.@queue_id,0,"MyNPC::MyOnQueueMemberDeathEventName");It allows you to hook npc events to be triggered by specific actions that may happen to a player in the queue (when the queue in question is used for account ids) *queuedel(<queue_id>)deletes <queue_id> returns 1 when <queue_id> is not found, 0 otherwise. queuedel(.@queue_id); *queueiterator(<queue_id>)creates a new queue iterator instance, a queue iterator is not a reference to a queue's actual members, it copies the queues members when initialized, this way you can loop through them even if you remove them from the queue set .@it,queueiterator(.@queue_id); *qicheck(<queue_iterator_id>)checks whether there is a next member in the iterator's queue, 1 when it does, 0 otherwise. qicheck(.@queue_iterator_id); *qiget(<queue_iterator_id>)obtains the next member in the iterator's queue, returns the next member's id or 0 when it doesnt exist. for( set .@elem,qiget(.@queue_iterator_id); qicheck(.@queue_iterator_id); set .@elem,qiget(.@queue_iterator_id) ) *qiclear(<queue_iterator_id>)deletes a queue iterator from memory, returns 1 when it fails, 0 otherwise. qiclear(.@queue_iterator_id) Sample Usage: /* say create a queue */set .@id,queue();queueadd(.@id,getcharid(3));/* ... add as many entries ... (no limit) */if( queuesize(.@id) == 999 ) {    /* whatever */}/* anywhere in the code */set .@it,queueiterator(.@id);for( set .@elem,qiget(.@it); qicheck(.@it); set .@elem,qiget(.@it) ) {    //do anything e.g.    /* attachrid .@elem; */    /* mes "ID:"+.@elem; */}qiclear(.@it); Special Thanks To
    Yommy for providing me with a hell lot of data for the BG Queue, wouldn't have been able to get it to this point without his help. Rosiel for his suggestion on the instance feature Xgear for his help with the network timeout bug mkbu95 for pinpointing the script parser bug All of Hercules Staff for their ideas/suggestions/criticism and support, and for keeping me sane during this memory slashing madness The Future~! This patch sure has taken me away from my usual bug-squashing mode, I'll be going back to my over-10-bug-fix-a-day schedule. We have quite a hell lot planned so this might not last long, make sure to keep an eye on your bug reports for I sure will be replying to them. Link~u! Commit 1 Commit 2 Commit 3
  6. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Jguy in Aegis?   
    FYI - Aegis is NOT an emulator. It is the OFFICIAL software. AFAIK there hasn't been a public leak of Aegis fully available to the public in a few years. You also need Windows and a Microsoft SQL server to run it. While rAthena/Herc run on 256MB of RAM or less being idle, Aegis usually consumes 2-3x that being idle.
  7. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Jguy in rAthena devs/staff/members on Hercules   
    While we do not mind that rAthena developers, staff members and regular members register an account, post or send PM's on our forums, we do not take kindly to 'rAthena is better because x y and z' posts, or anything promoting rAthena as a superior emulator because of such and such. There is no such post on rAthena made by a Hercules staff member about Hercules and we intend to keep it that way, we would appreciate the same respect.
    Those who do not follow this simple clause listed above will have their post(s) deleted and/or hidden from view. Repeat offenders will be suspended from our forum with no further warnings or post manipulation.
    We do not appreciate, nor welcome drama here. While criticism is welcome in the form of 'why doesn't Hercules have such and such a feature', drama and belittling a project (hercules or not) will not be tolerated. This is a collaboration, not a drama infested 12 year old's contest.
    Thank you.
  8. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Ind in Someone know why rAthena is offline since 14 day   
    drama and hate speech are not welcome here on hercules.
    To rAthena staff: you're more than welcome to join us or remain as a community member if you wish to, however if you're here to crap around, get lost. I'll not allow hate speech and/or drama to take place in Hercules, our staff has been advised to delete such posts on sight.
  9. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Ind in Someone know why rAthena is offline since 14 day   
    oh grow up. you guys own incompetence started the rumors, by keeping everyone in the dark for so long. if backups truly exist, this 2 week delay to use them just further demonstrates rathena admins ineptness.yes it would, much more can be achieved together.
  10. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to anacondaq in Someone know why rAthena is offline since 14 day   
    i think rathena admin who was administrate rathena website/files/backups totally newbie. All things in our life is unstable. And rathena was really great community what reborn ragnarok server development. It's sad to see rathena more than 2 weeks offline.
    Make backup every day, and reupload it to your pc, dropbox, google drive, mega, custom vpses, etc.
  11. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Antares in Someone know why rAthena is offline since 14 day   
    I think this whole story sums very well how rA management dealt with things in the last half+ year. I'm pretty sorry for the developers and the contributers
    I hope that much of their work is preserverd in Hercules's rA merges. There were some pretty good fixes/new stuff rencently which I would miss pretty much 
  12. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Jguy in Someone know why rAthena is offline since 14 day   
    The countless times I logged in and noticed that all the backups were being done on the local machine and NOT to an offserver backup storage despite me begging for something....I doubt there is another recent backup anywhere that is recoverable. And having the backups on a seperate VM on the same physical machine doesn't count (as is probably the situation here).
    If they do have a recent backup and haven't cut their losses and applied it, then that's a pretty dumb move as well. Most people would not settle for downtime more than a few days, especially on a non-business site such as this. Most people in this situation would provision a new server, install the backups and announce that a week or two's work has been lost. Them not doing that just screams "no backups available for weeks". If there was financial data involved then the result might be different, but for no financial or client data, just a server with forums on it, having a week or two of lost data is no big deal. Of course, for shame, they moved the SVN off of Sourceforge and onto that server, despite mine as well as Ind's disagreement that something like this (a failed server) would kill the project.
  13. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to mkbu95 in Someone know why rAthena is offline since 14 day   
    This.When this whole thing started I suggested why not move to a temporary host or something? Well, they said it wouldn't take that long and it wouldn't be worth it. Maybe they should consider this.
  14. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Jguy in Someone know why rAthena is offline since 14 day   
    Looks like the rAID is destroyed. Lesson of the day: Have backups. All of the rAthena data is gone (because if I remember correctly, all their backups lived on the same box (maybe different VM)). 
    Another lesson: Don't leave people who don't know how to run a server of any kind in charge of it.
  15. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Mystery in Staff Changes   
    Hercules' Staff Changes
    Staff Changes

    As some of you may have noticed or will notice, Hercules as been going through some staff changes; especially between myself, Judas, and jaBote. As with every other change done to Hercules, we believe these changes between the staff will be more beneficial for the community at a large and with the staff. 
    Judas and I have been appointed to Forum Manager and no longer a Global Moderator. We were competent enough and proved ourselves that we were able to manage the community while the Administrators were busy with other things. Of course, we were excited to have taken this offer that was given to us!
    That's not all! Since jaBote joined the team as an International Moderator, he became very enthusiastic and has shown his capability of managing not just his own International Community, but also the rest of the forums. For this, we thought it was best for jaBote to get promoted to a Global Moderator! Also, not to fright! The Spanish Community will still be moderated by jaBote even though he is a Global Moderator.

    Staff Applications
    With the recent changes done, the Staff Applications have been moved under the tab "Others" rather than removed. For those who still wish to become part of Hercules' staff, you may do so by applying through the Staff Application process!

    We thank everyone for being a part of Hercules' community and as with other changes done towards Hercules, we hope these will help benefit and further grow the community!
  16. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Cranel in Someone know why rAthena is offline since 14 day   
    If Jman still on rA that shoulve fix the very first day. If only right people has access on it... 
  17. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Ind in Skill ID Processing Overhaul   
    Skill ID Processing Overhaul
    Hello~! - What?!
    Yet another super-ultra-mega improvement, brought to you by Hercules. Improvement
    This is a monster improvement, map server's memory usage was dropped by no less than 38MB Processing on a number of areas that rely on this have improved, much faster e.g. skill tree calculation. This also prepares the game server to receive the new skills that have id of 5k or higher (e.g. Dragon Breath Water) Changes
    This changes how skills are stored during runtime for players, if you have any modifications on that you will want to update them before getting this update in your server. mob_max_skilllvl config was dropped, this limitation no longer exists (e.g. if you make a monster cast lvl 1000 jupitel thunder it'll do 1k hits) reintroduced, accidentally removed (misunderstood function) Special Thanks
    to Rytech, he brought up the topic of skill id processing which led me to do this Links~!
  18. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Ind in Hercules April 22 Patch   
    Hercules April 22 Patch
    Hello~! - What?!
    1st, most of these things were meant to be released separately but as I started to work with them one thing hooked up to another and I ended up deciding to get all out at once No second today! The all-long, all-mighty list
    New Map Zone DB Updates Added New "All" Zone, easy way to add modifiers to all maps in the game. Automatically inherited by all existent zones. Added new zone setting disabled_commands, can disable any command in any zone "command-name: min-group-lv" also supports min group level to override, to enable back a command disabled by inheritance just use "command-name: 0" Added new zone setting skill_damage_cap (as requested by the community), can cap any skill damage to any range of unit types, and also a new core config "HMAP_ZONE_DAMAGE_CAP_TYPE" that controls how the cap is applied (before or after modifiers) New target-type support (used by skill_damage_cap and disabled_skills): PET (special thanks to frenzmu06 for bringing it up!), CLONE and MOB_BOSS Added support to ids! item and skill ids may now be employed in all sections of the file in the place of item/skill names Detailed Map Zone DB Update Hercules Channel System Update Added a IRC bridge as requested by the community, allows users outside of the game (but in a irc network e.g. thru mobile/cel app) to communicate with anyone in-game that is within a specific #channel, and vice-versa Detailed Channel System Update Added Beret and Yommy's suggestion on cash shop file format, also added support for item ids Added Ryuuzaki's kafra point support to the new cashshop Updated map-server's save_setting, added new option: 128, to save buyingstore transactions on the fly Revisited bindatcmd feature, dropped level support, added group level support and added a new flag capable of deciding whether calls to that command should be logged in the atcommand log. Performance Improvement Added a in-memory list to store existent shops (saves iterating through all online players) Modified searchstore to use said db above, making its queries faster Improved pc_groups processing, decreased runtime ram usage by a about 1mb. Improved @command log processing through groups, now caching the state (no longer does dbmap lookup). Improved atcommand.conf file processing (was doing a extra lookup instead of using atcommand_exists already-performed lookup result) Improved atcommand's help file processing (no more lookups! string is now cached directly in the atcommandinfo struct of each command) and data management Improved @help's processing: dropped the huge config file lookup and replaced by using the caches. Improved atcommand logging, added option to not log specific commands (so you dont waste log room with stuff such as @iteminfo/@mobinfo/etc) -- atcommand.conf nolog group Sightly improved zone inheritance processing. Speeded up mvp drop processing Speeded up item log processing Speeded up mob item drop processing Misc With map_zone_db's new clone support, flag 0x8000 (no-clone-use) in the skill db was dropped With map_zone_db's new way to block commands, mapflag nogo was dropped. Fixed a number of discrepancies between unsigned and signed variables in many packets. Fixed loading messages for exp_db, attr_fix, statpoint, mob_chat_db, mob_pouch, mob_branch, mob_classchange, mob_boss, mob_poring and item_group_db pets from gms who cant drop items no longer can loot items (prevents exploit where gm kills something, pet loots, then drops and action is not logged nor blocked). Fixed combo bonuses that used getrefine on weapons/cards that affect weapons. Added @searchstore as to offer same availability to gms as @auction/@mail does Improved 2013 client charselect procedure, all thanks to Yommy! Links~!
  19. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Jguy in Yommy   
    $names = array("Jezu","dastgirpojee","JayPee","nanakiwurtz","hemagx","malufett","pr3p","nndsl","Zopokx","Vali","Virtue","M45T3R","Michieru","Judas","Beret","Yommy");
    echo "Hi ";
    foreach($names as $value) {
    if ($value != "Yommy") {
    echo $value." & ";
    elseif ($value == "Yommy") {
    echo $value.", ";
    echo "I'm Jman.";
  20. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Nameless2you in 04/10/2013 kRO Maintenance   
    ** May contain interpretation errors   ■ Inspection Time     - Servers: 01:30 to 05:30 (Spanish Time)   Common Patch:   - The entry warp to the Jitterbug Nightmare fight will disappear during the fight. - The Spring Welcome event starts (it lasts 3 weeks). - You'll find Bomi y Beryl in Prontera, who will help you to make a costume hat. - Sura Skill Modified: Skill [Flash Combo] will be carried out to its end even if the target dies. - Sura Skill Fixed: Skill [Flash Combo] now allows enemies to attack the caster when it's used. - Sura Skill Modified: If [Flash Combo] skill is used in an enemy and it's 3 or more cells away, it's cancelled. - Sura Skill Fixed: Skill [Fallen Empire] wasn't correctly recognising the enemy for applying size bonus. - Once you complete the Jitterbug Nightmare instance you have the possibility of combining certain items with "밍민" (Untranslated?). - Once you complete the Horrifying Toy Factory Dungeon, reward treasures will have an adjustment on drop rates.   Main Servers:   - Increased Job Manual Experience Event is now ended. - Auto cast of skill [Leap] in forbidden maps will be corrected. - Sura Skill Fixed: Your SP wasn't lowered when you used the [Rising Dragon] skill with Incubus Card equipped and its effect ended. This will be corrected. - Rune Knight Skill Fixed: When you used the [Dragon Breath] skill on someone affected by [Fiber Lock] the extra damage dealt by Fire Property wasn't added. This will be corrected.   Sakray Server:   - Hunter/Sniper Skill Fixed: When you're Ranger Third Job, level 5 of [blitz Beat] skill increased damage based on Job Level. This will be corrected. - Mechanic Skill Modified: Now skill [Magnetic Field] will only affect enemies in non-PvP maps. - Drop rate changed for some items from monsters in WoE TE Guild Dungeons. (This is done for maintaining Zeny stability on  (Drop rate changed for some items from monsters for maintaining Zeny stability on server commerce).     Translator note (Spa-Eng): There may be some serious incorrections because of a yet understandable but poor, confusing translation to Spanish. Big thanks anyways to Ziu for getting and translating it so we all can have it. Big thanks to jaBote for translating it from Spanish into English.
  21. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Ind in Hercules CC Program   
    Hercules CC Program
    Hello~! - What?!
    We're changing how the CC Badge works, making it a position that actually makes sense with it's name: a position given to community members who've contributed to Hercules.
    Badge Requirement
    Any of the following will make you elegible to receive the title, be aware the position is not automatically-granted, the staff who oversees the section in question will appoint you to receive the title.
    Outstanding presence in the bug report section Outstanding presence in the wiki Outstanding presence in the support sections (helping others) Outstanding presence in the downloads sections (sharing your stuff) Help the development by providing key information Any other outstanding effort to contribute to Hercules not necessarily listed here (we'll add more items as we see fit)  
    Position Benefits
    We have plans/intentions to implement specific benefits depending on why each title was given (e.g. if its because you're active in the bug reports section you may receive pseudo-moderation-powers on that section), however at this point in time the title is only a title -- there are no benefits to it yet.
  22. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Ind in Hercules CC Program   
    barely announced it and already heard some stuff, nevermind them -- I'll clear this point tho
    The "Community Participation Badges" (they didn't even mind to rename it) was introduced by me to them while I was in their staff last year.
    Yeah, such a surprise! (not)
  23. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to sketchyphoenix in Hercules CC Program   
    I need all the badges so I can go to Indigo Plateau and be a Pokemon Master.
  24. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Ind in PacketDB Overhaul   
    PacketDB Overhaul
    Hello~! - What?!
    1st, not a overhaul as much as...well we purged the poor thing completely 2nd, adding and maintaining packets is now much easier Changes
    packet_db.txt was dropped packet_ver was dropped in its entirety, the server has never been able to maintain multiple packet versions at once stably packet_ver_flag setting in conf/battle/client.conf was dropped packets are now stored at src/map/packets.h packets.h format
    for outgoing packets: packet(packet_id,length)/* example */packet(0x006a,23); for incoming packets: packet(packet_id,length,function,offset ( specifies the offset of a packet field in bytes from the begin of the packet ),...)/* example */packet(0x0072,19,clif->pWantToConnection,2,6,10,14,18); Improvement
    Users no longer have to touch packet files when changing their client versions, PACKETVER in src/common/mmo.h is now enough. With the map server not having to maintain packets for so many versions at once, its ram usage was reduced by 7MB Credits
    Feature Design by GreenBox Special Thanks
    to mkbu95 for bringing this topic up! (reworking the packetdb) Links~!
    Commit packets.h file
  25. Upvote
    Eurydice reacted to Mystery in March Digest 2013   
    You're welcome you two. It's just that @Ind is a working machine and if we don't create these digests, such features Ind and the rest of the developing team implements will be buried in a pile
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