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Everything posted by 15peaces

  1. Itembound *Added patch for Account/Guild/Party/Character Bounded Items System, thanks to rAthena -Adds script commands 'getitembound', 'getitembound2', and 'countbound' -Adds at commands @itembound and @itembound2 -Adds bound_item_drop configuration -Documentation updated -DON'T FORGET TO UPDATE YOUR SQL TABLES USING 3ceam_Itembound_Patch_r809+.sql AND 3ceam_Itembound_log_Patch_r809+.sql! -Tested and working on 3ceam r809 ( 3CeAM/3CeAM@95a492f ) -You'll need item-v5 packets, so you'll need to use packetver 20131223 or newer! Commit Patch
  2. I've ported it once a while ago. Unfortunately I've not created a patch file.. It's not a big deal to make it again, but I don't have the time to do it right now. If you could wait for some days I could try to port it for current 3ceam rev. (Side-Note: Maybe move this to 3ceam section? ^^)
  3. use multi currency shop with variable as currency. Set the variable to #KAFRAPOINTS
  4. you could use 2013-12-23 ragexe on 3ceam. It's stable and you can add custom items there (client and related lua-files can be found on herc and rAthena forums). Adding custom items on 2013 ragexe: https://rathena.org/wiki/Custom_Items#Defining_Items_Clientside_.28For_New_Clients.29
  5. yes. i also want to play lucky roulette and have enable it in battle.config. i use 2015-09-16 rag.exe. how to enable the lucky roulette in-game? kRO removed this feature shortly after adding it, so I guess there is no way to enable it on 2015 ragexe...
  6. I wouldn't report it if allready fixed. @Costumes: You can try every Costume Robe with ViewID. ^^
  7. Hey all! I'll post all Bugs I (or my players) found on 3ceam here. Let's start of with the first 4 bugs ^^ Skill Bugs Bard/Dancer: Tarot Card of Fate: The Death: -Poison seems to be triggering much more then the other 2 statusses (Coma / Curse) The High Priestness: -Is acting like a pseudo-Dispell. But it's supposed to cancel ALL Buffs no matter what equip or buffs the enemy has. It's supposed to ignore all equip and buffs and cancel all buffs. The Devil: -Has no Curse-effect. The Hanged Man: -There should apply Stone Curse, Frozen or Stop status at a 100% base chance. However, the chance seems to be much less... Often the Card triggers without any effect. The Chariot: -Should destroy equip even if FCP is active: http://irowiki.org/classic/Full_Chemical_Protection Temperance/The Star: -seems to be the same as with The Hanged Man... no 100% base chance... Genetic: Cart Boost: This skill should give an ATK-Bonus... Source: iRO-Wiki Homunculus S: Painkiller: No Effect. Call Legion: Doesn't work. Some more Homunculus S Skills (not all tested yet ^^) Doesn't work. Glt. Cross: New Poisons: The effect of Paralysis (halve Movement Speed) is not working correctly... It seems like it's max 5% of movment speed reduction. Lord Knight: Bowling Bash: based on RateMyServer's forums info: - Bowling Bash knocks the target monster into the direction you last walked into, after the knockback, there will be a 3x3 splash damage around the target cell of the knockback --> working. - Every monsters hit by the splash damage will itself be knocked back one cell into a random direction and causes its own 3x3 splash damage --> doesn't work. - Every monster can be hit up to 2 times per bowling bash, after that it will be immune; only on the first hit, it will cause a 3x3 splash itself --> cannot be tested.(Point 2) - The chain reaction will continue until no new monsters are hit anymore, until the monster is knocked into a wall or until the max number of chains has been reached --> cannot be tested. (Point 2) - There is a gutter line from coordinates dividable by 40 with a certain size (see table above), at max level that would be 40-44, 80-84, etc. --> there is not a gutter line, so below points doesn't work. - On the gutter line monsters are immune to the chain reaction from bowling bash, even if they haven't been hit 2 times yet, instead they will be knocked back by x tiles whereas x is equal to the gutter line size; the initially targetted monsters will always take 1 hit even if on the gutter line - When there is knockback immunity, targets won't be knocked back by bowling bash, however, the splash will still be around the cell where the target would have ended up if knockback was possible --> cannot be tested. (Point 2) - Consequently, hitting a target into a wall will cause the chain reaction to stop, even if no knockback is actually possible --> cannot be tested. (Point 2) Monk: Occult Impaction: It seems like the damage ratio is outdated... Take a look here: -http://ragnarok.wikia.com/wiki/Occult_Impaction#Patches -http://irowiki.org/classic/Occult_Impaction#Notes -http://irowiki.org/wiki/Occult_Impaction#Effect Occult Impaction was modified during a balancing patch; however, the official site still lists occult Impaction as doing 475% damage at its maximum level, despite now doing double the damage (effectively 950%). Ranger: Camouflage: I guess the whole Skill-Effect is outdated / buggy. kRO-Behavior can be found here: https://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-7132-camouflage-not-working-properly/ Sorcerer: Elemental Spirits: There are many bugs related to them... Need to update this list later... Aqua: -Doesn't give MATK bonus in any case -No damge bonus on Diamont Dust (on level 2) -defense-buff (100% water resistence) doesn't work ... Sura: Knuckle Arrow: The no-knockback bonus damage is not applied. (Tested in WoE) Sources: http://irowiki.org/wiki/Tiger_Cannon http://ragnarok.wikia.com/wiki/Tiger_Cannon Tiger Cannon: doesn't drain targets SP by an amount equal to 10% of the damage inflicted. Source (first of the notes): http://ragnarok.wikia.com/wiki/Sura_Body_Bullet Other Bugs Costumes: Equip a normal Robe with ViewID (i.e. Backpack), Backpack is shown on Character. Equip a Costume Robe with ViewID (any Wings) and let the Backpack equipped. ViewID of Costume is shown on Character. Unequip the Costume Robe. There is no more ViewID shown on your Character. The Backpack is "invisible" for other players.
  8. I tried it several times in past. It seems to be related to all auras after lvl 99 aura. I guess gravity made all these aura-levels hard-coded into the ragexe so the serverside setting won't change anything anymore.
  9. You're currently using a older client...
  10. And why you post it here and not use rAthena forums? o.o"
  11. The main-problem on this is really the missing informations. We all know the Episode-Timeline etc. but who really knows what features, monsters, items, maps... came on which episode? All I'm doing currently is adding basic support to my emu to configure dbs/scripts and co for each episode. But even with the currently added episode-specific features I'm not 100% sure if I'm correct with the episode or not xD
  12. i'm working on this on my private emu-project. However, I've just started it and there is soooo~ much work to do. Any infos are welcome here. Link: https://github.com/15peaces/15-3athena Documents: https://github.com/15peaces/15-3athena/blob/master/doc/episode_system.txt
  13. you can use sql item- and mob-dbs. However, the files in sql-files-folder might be outdated...
  14. you mean complete db-folder as sql? ^^"
  15. here u go: https://github.com/15peaces/3ceam-Patches/blob/master/Scripts/MvPRanking.txt
  16. btw the card effect of lord of death card IS stacking. But it won't increase the chance directly, no matter how many cards you'll only get 4x 1% chance, not 4% chance (or how many cards you'll use).
  17. Bindatcmd & CashView *Updated bindatcmd patch -Fixed an issue where bindatcmd didn't store the correct ammount of parameters in .@atcmd_numparameters variable. -Please update this if you want to use the script mentioned below! *Added a small bindatcmd script to view the cash- and kafrapoints of any player. -You'll need the latest version of bindatcmd to use this script Commit bindatcmd patch Script
  18. guess it's your webservers or servers IP? ^^"
  19. Just tell me what commands you'll need ^^
  20. I'll take a look at this ... It's the DBMap I guess. I've fixed this on my server a while ago, so it might be easy to fix. The patch is simply outdated xD Fixed: Commit Patch
  21. I'll take a look at this ... It's the DBMap I guess. I've fixed this on my server a while ago, so it might be easy to fix. The patch is simply outdated xD
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