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Mikhail von Hohenheim

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Everything posted by Mikhail von Hohenheim

  1. been awhile since i checked my request,, what do you mean?? will this be a quest?? thanks for these,, but where do you place these??
  2. the first link worked,, thanks a lot,, what's with the second link,, any way thanks again,,,
  3. Uhm,, I just downloaded the one in this post>>> mind creating a small pack with the required map files to run without the update? See Attached uhm,, where can I get the iRO file?? sorry I only have kRO files on my end,,
  4. Guys,, first I dont know if I'm putting the request on the correct place,, I dont know if this would be a src request or a script request,,, but since I dont know how to use a script,, I put it in here,, So here's what I would like to know,, We all know that if you kill a monster it would give you a Base EXp and a Job Exp for you to level up,, BUT,, Is it also possible to give a status point?? or a stats itself like 0.01 something per kill?? FOR EXAMPLE: For every poring that you will kill will give you 0.01 LUK,, so if you kill 100 porings it will give you permanent 1point for LUK stat,, OR For every poring that would kill will give you 0.01 Status point,, that you can use to allocate throughout your stats,, Either of the two,, Can someone please answer this out,, thanks a lot guys Edit: Requests: *statpoint per number of monster Kill : DONE,, Thanks to Ms AnnieRuru *perma stat per number of monster kill per set of monsters: DONE,, still learning,, Thanks also to Ms AnnieRuru
  5. I was thinking of putting it on item... just like healing scroll.... can you tell me where can I find it? in your server database db>re>item.db { Id: 25001 AegisName: "Earthquake_Scroll" Name: "Level 5 Earthquake Scroll" Type: 11 Buy: 1000 Weight: 10 BuyingStore: true Nouse: { sitting: true } Script: <" itemskill NPC_EARTHQUAKE,5; ">}, in your client System>itemInfo.lua [25001] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Level 5 Eartquake Scroll", unidentifiedResourceName = "¹°ÀÇÁÖ¹®¼­", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.", "Allows to use ^000088Level 1 Frost Diver^000000.", "^FFFFFF_^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, identifiedDisplayName = "Level 5 Eartquake Scroll", identifiedResourceName = "¹°ÀÇÁÖ¹®¼­", identifiedDescriptionName = { "A spell scroll which was made by the essence of ancient magic.", "Allows to use ^000088Level 1 Frost Diver^000000.", "^FFFFFF_^000000", "Weight: ^7777771^000000" }, slotCount = 0, ClassNum = 0 }, just a disclaimer though,, I havent tried this out yet,, to the others,, PLEASE help us out here,,
  6. Thank you. Were you able to do this?? Nope. Hexing clients is a very difficult task, few people know how to do it. oooh how sad,, I've been looking for this also,, cause i'd like to make kagerou skills as 3rd job skills,, anyway,, thanks alot for the reply ,
  7. still genetic so far?? xD *drool* Yes, jRO is slowly releasing them, I will keep update the replace sprite until there is a dress room feature supported in emulator thanks man,,,
  8. mind creating a small pack with the required map files to run without the update? See Attached I added the attached file on my main grf file,, But,,its not working,, it's still blackout at the starting map,,
  9. Thank you. Were you able to do this??
  10. yes possible but you need also to put an icon to the skill,, as most monster skills do not have icons on the client
  11. try to edit the jobinheritclass also under skillinfoz,, if you remove inherit from a job,, skills for that job will now show,,
  12. ok,, so IT IS required to add custom job patch to do this,, anyway,, thanks for the answers,, haha,, I actually would like to change the jobs sprite like this Biochemist = Biochem Sprite Genetic= Alternate Genetic Sprite( sprite from jRO) Genetic_T= Default Genetic Sprite solved
  13. thanks for the answer,, but this is not what i mean,, what I mean is the file that assigns what sprite will be used on a specific job,,
  14. Question,, where in the GRF files can we assign the sprite for each job?? i mean the official ones(not the custom jobs)?? thanks,,
  15. I've been doing trial and error for a while now,, This status actually allows you to move/attack while on hide status,, But I would like like also to add the ability to use skills while on this status,, I tried to unquote this at the codes,, if ( sc->option&OPTION_CHASEWALK ) { if ( sc->data[SC__INVISIBILITY] ) { if ( skill_id != 0 && skill_id != SC_INVISIBILITY ) return 0; } else if ( skill_id != ST_CHASEWALK ) return 0; } But,, I always get alot of errors in repacking/rebuilding the files,, While in here,, if (skill_id && //Do not block item-casted skills. (src->type != BL_PC || ((TBL_PC*)src)->skillitem != skill_id) ) { //Skills blocked through status changes... if (!flag && ( //Blocked only from using the skill (stuff like autospell may still go through sc->data[SC_SILENCE] || sc->data[SC_STEELBODY] || /*sc->data[SC_BERSERK] ||*/ sc->data[SC_OBLIVIONCURSE] || sc->data[SC_WHITEIMPRISON] || /*sc->data[SC__INVISIBILITY] ||*/ (sc->data[SC_COLD] && src->type != BL_MOB) || sc->data[SC__IGNORANCE] || unquoting berserk is doing fine,, while on berserk i can use skills,, BUT,, the SC_Invisibility still cannot use skills,,
  16. well,, just need someone to check this out also for me,, I am actually checking out the skills from wanderer and minstrel,, im doing some changes at the skills,, to give an expectation,, I'm redistributing between bard/ Dancers~~clown/gypsy~~minstrel/wanderers,, and i also disabled the ensemble requirement for the skills (so they can use skills alone) I'm almost done w/ it there're just 2 skills that interests me,, BUT,, having hard time editing them,, (not that familiar w/ src code editing,, but yeah,, i'm just making changes base from the FIX values of the skills) these 2 skills are the warcry from beyond,, and sinking melody,, well,, i dont know if these skills are actually supportive to party skills or debuff to enemies but base from the description of the skills and from my tests here are the results: FOR SINKING MELODY "Description: ^777777When sung by the caster and at", "least one other Maestro/Wanderer, Sinking", "Melody increases Matk and decreases ATK of", "everyone around including the caster. Cannot", "be used with the chorus skill Beyond of", "Warcry. Each additional Maestro or Wanderer", "in the party increases Matk by 3%.", "^00BB00Requires instrument/whip class weapon^777777.^000000", "[Lv 1]: ^777777Success rate 20%, Duration 20 sec.^000000", "[Lv 2]: ^777777Success rate 30%, Duration 30 sec.^000000", "[Lv 3]: ^777777Success rate 40%, Duration 40 sec.^000000", "[Lv 4]: ^777777Success rate 50%, Duration 50 sec.^000000", "[Lv 5]: ^777777Success rate 60%, Duration 60 sec.^000000" BUT,, when using the skill,, what's happening is,, instead of increasing Matk and reducing attck,, it reduces the INT,, AND it eats up the SP,, like around 10% every 1 sec,, AND it affects only enemies,, The Only thing I've changed in here is the success rate of the skill as the success rate sucks,, I've increase it,, under the skill.c from: case WM_MELODYOFSINK: case WM_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY: { int chorusbonus = battle->calc_chorusbonus(sd); if( flag&1 ) sc_start2(src,bl,type,100,skill_lv,chorusbonus,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv)); else if( sd ) { if ( rnd()%100 < 15 + 5 * skill_lv + 5 * chorusbonus ) { map->foreachinrange(skill->area_sub, src, skill->get_splash(skill_id,skill_lv),BL_PC, src, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag|BCT_ENEMY|1, skill->castend_nodamage_id); clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); } } } break; to: case WM_MELODYOFSINK: case WM_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY: { int chorusbonus = battle->calc_chorusbonus(sd); if( flag&1 ) sc_start2(src,bl,type,100,skill_lv,chorusbonus,skill->get_time(skill_id,skill_lv)); else if( sd ) { if ( rnd()%100 < 15 + 15 * skill_lv + 5 * chorusbonus ) { map->foreachinrange(skill->area_sub, src, skill->get_splash(skill_id,skill_lv),BL_PC, src, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag|BCT_ENEMY|1, skill->castend_nodamage_id); clif->skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); } } } break; under status.c here are the codes: if(sc->data[SC_MELODYOFSINK]) int_ -= sc->data[SC_MELODYOFSINK]->val3; case SC_MELODYOFSINK: val3 = val1 * (2 + val2);//INT Reduction. Formula Includes Caster And 2nd Performer. val4 = tick/1000; tick_time = 1000; break; case SC_MELODYOFSINK: if( --(sce->val4) >= 0 ) { status->charge(bl, 0, st->max_sp * ( 2 * sce->val1 + 2 * sce->val2 ) / 100); sc_timer_next(1000+tick, status->change_timer, bl->id, data); return 0; } break; well,, for me this effect it good as a debuff for the enemy,, and also i cannot change it as I'm not able to get anything from the codes,, except for the tick_time that it seems to me means that it would take effect for every 1second,, NOW FOR the WARCRY FROM BEYOND "Description: ^777777When sung by the caster and at", "least one other Maestro/Wanderer, increases", "ATK and decreases Matk of everyone around", "including the caster. Cannot be used with the", "chorus skill Sinking Melody. Each additional", "Maestro or Wanderer in the party increases", "ATK by 3%.", "^00BB00Requires instrument/whip class weapon^777777.^000000", "[Lv 1]: ^777777Success rate 20%, Duration 20 sec.^000000", "[Lv 2]: ^777777Success rate 25%, Duration 30 sec.^000000", "[Lv 3]: ^777777Success rate 30%, Duration 40 sec.^000000", "[Lv 4]: ^777777Success rate 35%, Duration 50 sec.^000000", "[Lv 5]: ^777777Success rate 40%, Duration 60 sec.^000000" }, Well this skills seems to me, base from the description, is somewhat related to sinking melody it just that it would benefit atk,, but base from my tests,, it gives around 10 str,, adds around 10 CRIT and reduces max HP to around 4k AND only affects Enemis, so i dont know if this would serve as a debuff or should be a buff, again as you can see from above the only thing i've changed is the success rate of the skill as i increased it,, and here are the codes for the warcry skill in status.c if(sc->data[SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY]) str += sc->data[SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY]->val3; if(sc->data[SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY]) critical += 10 * sc->data[SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY]->val3; if(sc->data[SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY]) maxhp -= maxhp * sc->data[SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY]->val4 / 100; case SC_BEYOND_OF_WARCRY: val3 = val1 * (2 + val2);//STR And Crit Reduction. Formula Includes Caster And 2nd Performer. val4 = 4 * val1 + 4 * val2;//MaxHP Reduction break; well i cannot understand any of these( except for theCRIT effect) as it is full of variables,, so i cannot make any changes with it,, NOW My question is,, except for the success rate,, are these effects the CORRECT one?? or it should be base from the description?? AND IF NOT,, well I'm good with the effect of sinking melody,, it would serve as a good unique debuff skill for the enemies,, but as for the warcry from beyond,, the HP reduction is good for the debuff,, BUT,, can someone help me w/ it giving the effect instead of the maxHP reduction,, would give a HP per second reduction,,
  17. luafiles514/lua files/skilleffectinfo/ thanks,,,,, lemme try this out,,
  18. thanks for the answer,, I already checked both of them at the grf files,, but i have a question still,, what's the difference in the Sprite and and BMP?? and also,, where can you see the files for the effects of skills ingame?? thanks for the answer,, I already checked both of them at the grf files,, but i have a question still,, what's the difference in the Sprite and and BMP?? and also,, where can you see the files for the effects of skills ingame?? already checked that out,, the SPR files are the icons when you are moving the skills/items(like dragging them from the skills interface to the hotkeys) and BMP files are the icons when they're at the interface(like skills or at the inventory) and at the hotkeys,, now the last question please,, THANKS
  19. Nevermind,, i actually place it on the wrong place,, Here's the code that's working,, case SR_RIDEINLIGHTNING: r = skill->get_splash(skill_id, skill_lv); map->foreachinarea(skill->area_sub, src->m, x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r, BL_CHAR, src, skill_id, skill_lv, tick, flag|BCT_ENEMY|1, skill->castend_damage_id); if (unit->movepos(src, x, y, 1, 1)) { #if PACKETVER >= 20111005 clif->snap(src, src->x, src->y); #else clif->skill_poseffect(src,skill_id,skill_lv,src->x,src->y,tick); #endif if (sd) skill->blockpc_start (sd, MO_EXTREMITYFIST, 2000); } break;
  20. as title suggests,, what i'm trying to do is I would like to merge the src of MO_BODYRELOCATION and SR_RIDEINLIGHTNING,, but whenever i do that,, getting errors,, like when you target the location w/ ride in lightning,, you will be moved also to that location at the same time giving damage,, thanks in advance
  21. tried to check this wiki: http://herc.ws/wiki/Adding_new_skills#Finishing_up on the last part that says finishing up,, it says need to add up sprites for the skills and BMP files,, my question now is,, where to locate it from GRF files,, what i want to do is to be able to use the Elemental Skills,, and some NPC skills,,but when i tried to add them to the skilltrees of jobs getting an error because there's no desc and icons(I think**) on the skills,, *** the reason why I said I think is because I did these to Rune Knight Skills, (like Crush Strike, Storm Blast),, added them as skills itself to the RK job,, the skills does not have descriptions,, but the skills are working perfectly fine,,
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