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Everything posted by Angelmelody

  1. you can try src modification https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/src/map/mob.c#L2373 to add this line if ( it->type == IT_CARD && ( md->status.mode & MD_BOSS ) ) continue;
  2. base drop rate in mob_db.txt Orc Lord ---> 5007,400 --->400/10000 --->4% Stormy Knight --->5007,1---->1/10000 ---->0.001% ---->min cape drop rate --> 0.01% and drop ratio was set to 800 (8X) so get multiplied Orc Lord ---> 4% *8 -> 32% Stormy Knight----> 0.01% *8 ---> 0.08%
  3. @Godirc maybe you can try : partyscript.c:408: warning: suggest parentheses around '&&' within '||' find this line if( !script_hasdata(st,2) && !(sd = script->rid2sd(st)) || script_hasdata(st,2) && !(sd = map->charid2sd(script_getnum(st,2))) ) { change to if( (!script_hasdata(st,2) && !(sd = script->rid2sd(st))) || (script_hasdata(st,2) && !(sd = map->charid2sd(script_getnum(st,2)))) ) { partyscript.c:613: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type To comment out this line //party->reply_invite = party_reply_invite_mine;
  4. make sure your client diffed with load lua before lub option and check your lua files are in ROdataluafiles514lua fileshokey.lua if still not working here is the lua file for 2012-04-10a you can try these lua files instead of yours. 2012-04-10 lua file.7z
  5. can you try @itemlist command in game to show the correct equip name ? like this:
  6. The processing get stuck when item was with override label of nouse struct e.g. { Id: 5555 AegisName: "Leaf_Cat_Hat" Name: "Leaf Cat Hat" Type: 5 Buy: 20 Weight: 100 Def: 6 Upper: 63 Loc: 256 View: 539 BindOnEquip: true Nouse: { override: 99 <---add this line for test sitting: true } Trade: { nodrop: true noselltonpc: true nogstorage: true } Script: <" bonus bAgi,2; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,AL_HEAL,3,10; "> }, except for that small bug, there is no bug for me
  7. I mean In future, non-English country user did new item_db.conf translatoin by following these steps: convert to old item_db.txt --> did translation --> convert back item_db.conf It will lose some new fields(BuyingStore、Delay、Nouse 、Stack... so on) , So that's why I ask a tool can translate item_db.conf directly. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/tree/master/tools -> item_merge.lua adds those buyingstore and all fields.I will try to make the tool you requested. These archives,item_***.txt,You know, are no longer maintained in future ,So it's possible to know in advance the mentioned things will happen. TYVM for being willing to create a such tool..<3 ,that's good news for me and other users. https://github.com/dastgir/LuaScripts/tree/master/Lua/CopyDisplayName thanks, there is a comment on git
  8. Fix Camera Angles (FULL) and Fix Camera Angles (medium) seems not work for 2013-12-30 client ,the rotation degrees was limited to 30 ...
  9. I mean In future, non-English country user did new item_db.conf translatoin by following these steps: convert to old item_db.txt --> did translation --> convert back item_db.conf It will lose some new fields(BuyingStore、Delay、Nouse 、Stack... so on) , So that's why I ask a tool can translate item_db.conf directly. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/tree/master/tools -> item_merge.lua adds those buyingstore and all fields. I will try to make the tool you requested. These archives,item_***.txt,You know, are no longer maintained in future ,So it's possible to know in advance the mentioned things will happen. TYVM for being willing to create a such tool..<3 ,that's good news for me and other users.
  10. I mean In future, non-English country user did new item_db.conf translatoin by following these steps: convert to old item_db.txt --> did translation --> convert back item_db.conf It will lose some new fields(BuyingStore、Delay、Nouse 、Stack... so on) , So that's why I ask a tool can translate item_db.conf directly.
  11. replace this line savepoint "prontera",156,199; with getmapxy .@m$, .@x, .@y, 0; savepoint .@m$,.@x,.@y;
  12. I'd like to suggest devs to add mob_skill_db.txt converting feature.
  13. Is there any tool can translate the Name field of item_db.conf by reference to idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt (my country ro still read txt file )? Becoz my player's native language isn't English, I need to translate them to my native language .I have a tool can translate old format item_db.txt ,I can convert it to old format and did translation and convert back item_db.conf like Dastgir says, but after this update 8dc6717 , itemdbconverter.pl or online converter seems no longer compatible with new format of item_db.conf , so if there is a tool can translate the Name field of item_db.conf directly, non English country users would be appreciated
  14. Here is the lua file compatible with 2010-07-30 lua files.7z
  15. #include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include "../common/HPMi.h"#include "../common/malloc.h"#include "../common/nullpo.h"#include "../map/npc.h"#include "../map/pc.h"#include "../map/script.h"#include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h" // should always be the last file included! (if you don't make it last, it'll intentionally break compile time)HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = { "temp", // Plugin name SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with? "0.1", // Plugin version HPM_VERSION, // HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated)};void npc_event_doall_sub(void *key, void *data, va_list ap){ struct event_data* ev = data; int* c; const char* name; int rid; nullpo_retv(c = va_arg(ap, int*)); nullpo_retv(name = va_arg(ap, const char*)); rid = va_arg(ap, int); if (ev ) // Do not run on duplicates. [Paradox924X] && !ev->nd->src_id { if(rid && !strstr(name,"OnMyEvent")) { // a player may only have 1 script running at the same time char buf[EVENT_NAME_LENGTH]; snprintf(buf, ARRAYLENGTH(buf), "%s::%s", ev->nd->exname, name); npc->event_sub(map->id2sd(rid), ev, buf); } else { script->run(ev->nd->u.scr.script, ev->pos, rid, ev->nd->bl.id); } (*c)++; }}HPExport void plugin_init (void){ npc = GET_SYMBOL("npc"); script = GET_SYMBOL("script"); status = GET_SYMBOL("status"); npc->event_doall_sub = npc_event_doall_sub;} I want to overload npc_event_doall_sub function but got failed compiling ,Who can help me ?
  16. tool : http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Tools/K3dtDiffpatcher_beta.exe http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Diff_Project/kRO/RagexeRE/2010/2010-07-30/ download and open 2010-07-30aRagexeRE.diff with text editor find this byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_2000:XXXXXX:xxx:208 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_2000:XXXXXX:x:7 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_2000:XXXXXX:xxx:208 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_2000:XXXXXX:x:7 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_2000:XXXXXX:xxx:208 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_2000:XXXXXX:x:7 change to byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:xxx:48 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:x:117 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:xxx:48 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:x:117 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:xxx:48 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:x:117
  17. byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:xxx:48 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:x:117 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:xxx:48 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:x:117 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:xxx:48 byte_[Add]_Increase_Headgear_ViewID_to_30000:XXXXXX:x:117
  18. here is the dump file http://1drv.ms/1nDMJY3 I m using window os ----------------------------------------------------------- I disabled the red part ,the crash was gone... bool clif_spawn_AuraPost(bool retVal, struct block_list *bl){ //[Dastgir Pojee/Hercules] struct view_data *vd; vd = status->get_viewdata(bl); if (retVal == false) { return false; } /* if ((bl->type == BL_NPC && !((TBL_NPC*)bl)->chat_id && (((TBL_NPC*)bl)->option&OPTION_INVISIBLE)) // Hide NPC from maya purple card. || (vd->class_ == INVISIBLE_CLASS) ) return true; // Doesn't need to be spawned, so everything is alright */ if (bl->type == BL_PC){ clif_sendauras((TBL_PC*)bl, AREA); } return true; }
  19. dunno the reason why when I modify the max_level 175 to 1000 plug-in will crash map server
  20. Is BG Queue working or still under developement now?
  21. how can i fix it? add this line in the header #include "../common/timer.h" I got the same error =( It seems happen with NDG Protection not Auraset plug-ing
  22. how can i fix it? add this line in the header #include "../common/timer.h"
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