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After a long time dealing with personal stuff, i'm back on spriting. OBS¹: My sprites/effects/images will never have the same style because i get it from a lot of sources. OBS²: Please don't ask for raw images/sprites, and i'll not teach how to get/do it.
View File Darkmoon - Sprite NPC DarkMoon Hi... I did this NPC some time ago Now I'm posting to the community FREE TioAkima Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 03/07/21 Category Sprites & Palettes
Hello! I found this thread on the other side and I just want to ask if there's an available options like this for hercules? Thank you. I already used google and search box.
Is there any way to view html and javascript in npc?
Hi guys, can someone help me with this script? i want the npc to check both Base and Job level (255) then reset level to 1, and give 1000 stat points, only 1 time per character.... is this possible to make? i have this for now, is working but i don't know what to add to give bonus stats, help plz !!! prontera,154,193,5 script Renascer 4_F_NYDHOG,{ if(BaseLevel < 255 && JobLevel < 255) { mes "Você ainda não está apto a Renascer."; mes "Volte quando estiver mais forte."; close; } else if(BaseLevel == 255 && JobLevel == 255) { mes "Você tem certeza que deseja Renascer?"; mes "Você irá ganhar 1000 pontos de atributos extra!"; if(select("[^4f179b•^000000] Sim, Claro!:[^4f179b•^000000] Não, Obrigado.") == 2) close; next; resetlvl(1); resetstatus; close; end; } }
Someone even, how can you make an inventory, to teleport it to a map?, And one that does not consume the item as well, but which requires the non-inventory item to be able to teleport ...
Hello Is there a way for someone who isn't a total Ragnarok Online Nerd (Myself) To control the episode Server wise and Client wise - Npcs - Monsters - Items - Maps - Commands I suppose all of this should be done manually... Is there a guide or a check-list to aid me in that process? For example, according to this episode Timeline: I want to FREEZE it at : 2007.04.10: Episode 11.3 : Nameless Island Right now I'm using 2013 client and latest Hercules. Seems like a lot of work... Would appreciate all available information! Really....
Hello. Does anyone has a VIP BUFFER script? I want it to gives +6 all stats food, 40 atk & m.atk, and +100% EXP & JOB EXP for 5 hours. Thank you.
yO... i made this script with a friend, and both can't find where we screw up... script works fine until we go to give all items to NPC, and get back the quest item !!! if we have all the required itens works fine, but... if we don't have 1 item exemple : needs 500 id = 607, we have 499 id = 607 the NPC remove all itens of the quest, and don't show any error !!! there he is : i Will be grateful if anyone can help me with that
This is the code that i have but its not working can you help me about this please thank you i want to create 3 punching bag when die it will automatically respawn - script Punching Bag -1,{OnInit:monster "prontera”,203,183,”Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill";monster "prontera”,203,180,”Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill2";monster "prontera",203,177,”Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill3";end;OnDummyKill: monster "prontera",203,183,"Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill"; end;OnDummyKill2: monster "prontera”,203,180,”Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill2"; end;OnDummyKill3: monster "prontera”,203,177,”Punching Bag",1905,1,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnDummyKill3"; end;}
Good Morning (Malaysia morning right now) Hercules i wonder how possible to add emotion popup like this (see attach picture) on my npc..? thanks to all of you in advance
Hello everyone, I am new forum and I need a help in the script so I would like it to run just the command when someone clicks npc only when someone clicks OnInstanceInit: areamonster "1@tower",7,351,17,387,"Metaling",1613,15,instance_npcname("#1F Controller", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@tower",7,351,17,387,"Marin",1242,5,instance_npcname("#1F Controller", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@tower",7,351,17,387,"Poporing",1031,5,instance_npcname("#1F Controller", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@tower",7,351,17,387,"Drops",1113,5,instance_npcname("#1F Controller", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@tower",7,351,17,387,"Mastering",1090,1,instance_npcname("#1F Controller", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; areamonster "1@tower",7,351,17,387,"Poring",1002,5,instance_npcname("#1F Controller", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: set .@mob_dead_num,mobcount("1@tower",instance_npcname("#1F Controller", instance_id())+"::OnMyMobDead"); if (.@mob_dead_num < 1) { instance_announce -1, "Todos os monstros no 1° andar foram derrotados.",bc_map,"0xffff00"; donpcevent instance_npcname("1FGate102tower", instance_id())+"::OnEnable"; //SetItemPartyInMap in_102floor 1 } else instance_announce -1, "Monstros vivos no 1° andar: " + .@mob_dead_num,bc_map,"0x00ff99"; end;
Hi guys. just wondering how can i enable this npc all the time? so i won't have to manually enable it and players can use it anytime. thanks in advance! // -----------------------------// // ------- Free For All --------// // -------- By : Butch ---------// // A simple Free for all script // // -----------------------------// guild_vs5,48,51,6 script FFA Master 999,{ if(getmapusers("guild_vs5") != 1) { mes "[^FF0000FFA Master^000000]"; mes "Current players - ^FF0000"+ getmapusers("guild_vs5") +"^000000."; close; } else if(getmapusers("guild_vs5") == 1) { dispbottom "You are a winner of Event Free for all. Congratz!"; donpcevent "Free For All::OnStopEvent"; announce "Free for all winner : "+ strcharinfo(0) +"", bc_all, "0xFFCE00"; getitem 25002,1; // Reward warp "prontera", 156,149; end; } } // ------ FFA Warper -------// prontera,147,149,6 script Free For All 999,{ if (.start != 1) { mes "[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"; mes "Free for all is not available at the moment"; close; } mes "[^FF0000Agent Mil^000000]"; mes "What do you want?"; switch(select("Free for all")) { case 1: if( getcharid(1) ) { mes "Please leave your party."; close; } if( getcharid(2) ) { mes "Please leave your guild."; close; } else switch(rand(3)) { case 0: .@x = 18; .@y = 50; break; case 1: .@x = 50; .@y = 77; break; case 2: .@x = 81; .@y = 49; break; case 3: .@x = 49; .@y = 22; break; } warp "guild_vs5", .@x,.@y; break; } close; OnStartEvent: OnClock1245: OnClock1645: OnClock2045: OnClock0045: OnClock0445: OnClock0845: .start = 1; disablenpc "FFA Master"; announce "Free for all will start in 5 minutes.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 120000; announce "Free for all will start in 3 minutes.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 120000; announce "Free for all will start in 1 minute.", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; sleep 60000; announce "Free for all has started!", bc_all, "0x00b89d"; .start = 2; enablenpc "FFA Master"; sleep 2000; if ( !getmapusers("guild_vs5") ) goto OnStopEvent; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 5", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 4", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 3", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 2", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "FFA starts in 1", bc_map; sleep 1000; mapannounce "guild_vs5", "GO! Kill all!", bc_map; setmapflag "guild_vs5", mf_gvg; removemapflag "guild_vs5", mf_noskill; end; OnStopEvent: .start = 0; disablenpc "FFA Master"; removemapflag "guild_vs5", mf_gvg; setmapflag "guild_vs5", mf_noskill; end; OnInit: bindatcmd("startevent",strnpcinfo(1)+"::OnStartEvent",60,99); waitingroom "[Free For All]",0; end; } guild_vs5 mapflag partylock guild_vs5 mapflag guildlock guild_vs5 mapflag notrade guild_vs5 mapflag nodrop
i tried to make a custom npc but its not showing in game
quakeman00 posted a question in Client-Side Support
i have added the .spr and .act in the npc folder on my grf, then i edited jobentity.lub JT_4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE = 10500, jobname.lub [jobtbl.JT_4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE] = "4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE", and npc.identity.lub JT_4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE = 10500, ive added it in const.txt 4_F_GENEROSITYWORKDONE 10500 but when i try to load it in game , it dosent show. Any steps im missing? also ive edited max npc in server side to 30000 -
need help with this one please. the npc wont show up. i already changed the<spaces> with <tabs> but still the same. need help pls. prontera,159,183,4 script Quest Room Warper 856,{ mes "[ Quest Room Warper ]"; mes "Hi!.. Would you like to enter the Quest Room?"; switch(select("Yes:Cancel")) { case 1: warp "jupe_ele_r",49,92; close; } case 2: mes "[ Quest Room Warper ]"; mes "Owh...."; mes "Nevermind..since it is your decision."; mes "It is all up to you."; mes "Come back to me if you changed your mind."; else { mes "Okay Bye.."; close; }
- 2 replies
- npc
- warper npc
(and 1 more)
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Hello. I'd like to request for a classic quest npc please. maybe around 5 npc's if possible or any. Thanks in advance!
First of all, thank you for click on my request ; Well, i'm very new into scripting and i'm looking for NPCs with these specs: All Renewall 2.0 PvP NPC : 2 Rooms : [ON] Healing Items are AVAILABLE to use [OFF] Healing Items are UNAVAILABLE to use - Kill & Heal Rank PvP (Top 50) Map - Izlude ----- Skull Exchanger : Items: Chemical Protection Armor Scroll Item ID# 14519 - 5 Skulls Chemical Protection Helm Scroll Item ID# 14517 - 5 Skulls Chemical Protection Shield Scroll Item ID# 14518 - 5 Skulls Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll Item ID# 14520 - 5 Skulls Chemical Protection Armor Scroll Box Item ID# 13545 - 20 Skulls Chemical Protection Helm Scroll Box Item ID# 13543 - 20 Skulls Chemical Protection Shield Scroll Box Item ID# 13544 - 20 Skulls Chemical Protection Weapon Scroll Box Item ID# 13546 - 20 Skulls LV5 Assumptio Scroll Item ID# 12218 - 10 Skulls Assumptio 5 Scroll Box Item ID# 12916 - 30 Skulls Concentration Scroll Item ID# 14531 - 5 Skulls Bradium Item ID# 6224 - 30 Skulls HD Bradium Item ID# 6226 - 100 Skulls Carnium Item ID# 6223 - 30 Skulls HD Carnium Item ID# 6225 - 100 Skulls --- Refiner : Need a Refiner with these specs : PS : Can refine Shadow equipments too. Success chance with normal metals Upgrade Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Armor +4 -> +5 100% 100% 100% 60% 60% +5 -> +6 100% 100% 60% 40% 40% +6 -> +7 100% 60% 50% 40% 40% +7 -> +8 60% 40% 20% 20% 20% +8 -> +9 40% 20% 20% 20% 20% +9 -> +10 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% Success chance with enriched metals Success chances using Enriched Oridecon/Elunium are: Upgrade Lv. 1 Lv. 2 Lv. 3 Lv. 4 Armor +4 -> +5 100% 100% 100% 90% 90% +5 -> +6 100% 100% 90% 65% 60% +6 -> +7 100% 90% 75% 65% 60% +7 -> +8 90% 60% 30% 35% 30% +8 -> +9 60% 30% 30% 35% 30% +9 -> +10 20% 20% 20% 15% 10% Equipment +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 Weapons Lv 1 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 40% 20% Weapons Lv 2 100% 100% 100%100% 100% 100% 60% 40% 20% 20% Weapons Lv 3 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 50% 20% 20% 20% Weapons Lv 4 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% 40% 40% 20% 20% 10% Upgrade Success Rate Table by Percentage % for +11 to +20 Equipment +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 Weapons Lv 1 23% 20% 19% 18% 18% 17% 17% 17% 15% 15% Weapons Lv 2 23% 20% 19% 18% 18% 17% 17% 17% 15% 15% Weapons Lv 3 23% 20% 19% 18% 18% 17% 17% 17% 15% 15% Weapons Lv 4 12% 11% 9% 9% 9% 8% 8% 8% 8% 7% Armor 12% 11% 9% 9% 9% 8% 8% 8% 8% 7% --- Enchantment NPC : Can enchant every Garment +8 , every Footgear +8 and every Weapon +10. --- Well, that is it. Sorry for ask too much and sorry about the english, it's not my native language.
Hi, I'm trying to make an NPC which players can donate zeny to, and the zeny count is for every player - as in when one player donates, it updates a tally for everyone else (stored in NPC). If I use .server_donate (as shown in example below), will it disappear when I restart my server? Thank you in advance. prontera,150,150,3 script Server Donation NPC 4_F_TELEPORTER,{ mes "Players have donated " + .server_donate + " zeny."; mes "How much zeny do you want to donate?"; next; input .@donate; if (Zeny < .@donate) { mes "You need more zeny"; close; } else { Zeny -= .@donate; .server_donate += .@donate; mes "You donated " + .@donate + " z."; close; } }
Hi, I am struggling to get my script to force an emotion from an NPC from another script. Bit of info: - Both NPCs are on the same map. - Player cannot see both NPCs at the same time on their screen (too far apart). - NPC 1 (who you are talking to) warps you in front of NPC 2, who talks a bit then responds with emotions. What is wrong with this? Thank you in advance for any help. prontera,100,100,5 script NPC1 53,{ mes "[NPC1]"; mes "I am now warping you to NPC2"; next; warp "prontera",150,150,0; mes "[NPC1]; mes "This is NPC2. Say hello to the player, NPC2."; set .@emote, e_paper; next; donpcevent "NPC2::OnEmote"; //Conversation 'mes' continues from here //At the bottom of NPC1's script (but still inside it) OnEmote: emotion .@emote; end; }
File Name: [NPC] FXFreitas' Custom NPC PACK File Submitter: fxfreitas File Submitted: 13 Mar 2016 File Category: Sprites & Palettes This includes some of my NPC's, based in other games and present in my Showcase, here you Find 7 NPC's: X and Zero (From Megaman X / Rockman X) Dark Knight (From Nintendo DS game) Both male and Female Gordon Freeman (From Half-Life Series) Alex Mercer (From Prototype game series) Vampire (A custom Made NPC supposed to be a custom job, but for now I'll release a free NPC) Click here to download this file
Version 1.0
This includes some of my NPC's, based in other games and present in my Showcase, here you Find 7 NPC's: X and Zero (From Megaman X / Rockman X) Dark Knight (From Nintendo DS game) Both male and Female Gordon Freeman (From Half-Life Series) Alex Mercer (From Prototype game series) Vampire (A custom Made NPC supposed to be a custom job, but for now I'll release a free NPC) -
Hi all. I try to link a website in my server. But when clicking on it, only a tiny ro browser will appear. How to make it auto size to 1024x768 or any big size by default when clicking a link ? Below is the screenshot, i need to resize to see the link I click. Help Me. How to resize. Thank you.
Is there a way to ALWAYS show the NPC name? (Without hovering your mouse to the NPC itself). If so, How? Thank you in advance!
Hello, I have a problem that just occured. when i try to change into a npc and i use @disguise 4_F_KAFRA5 it used to change me into the kafra. But last days that isent working anymore. Any 1 know what the problem could be? I recompiled server fiew days not sure if the problem was created than.