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Found 18 results

  1. RagEffect Client Plug-In About A client plug-in that replaces client's special effect table (.str) with data from an external database. This release is per request from Ragno on the rAthena boards with the permission to release it publicly. Known issues Currently the file is not loaded from GRF, but from data folder only. The range of clients might be limited, tested with 2012-07-02aRE and 2013-12-23c. For further possible issues see the Simple DLL Loader for RO Clients topic. Download binary, reference source License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    this application help you calculate the monster mode for more info about the monster mode https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/mob_db_mode_list.txt Source code: https://github.com/sader1992/Monster_Mode_Generator Contact me for Errors https://github.com/sader1992/sader_scripts
  3. Hello. I want to create a item in my Database, that can be equiped only by Doram Race. But i just don't kwon what do i have to put in "equip_jobs", since my database does not have any Doram Item yet, so i can not just copy it. Does anyone has any clue about that? Thank you a lot
  4. (NEW)Ragindex v.0.3.1 by : Recca Hi RO players ! I been working on this for months and the aim is to make a simple RO Database Search Engine that provide simple mob & item informations I'm excited/happy that I had finally contributed something to the RO community after 9+ years of Ragnarok. I hope this can makes your RO life better, and you no longer need to strain your eyes looking at the chatlog when using @mi , @ii , @whereis ======================== [email protected] ======================== "Hey ****, what's the dumbest thing you ever done in your RO years ?" "I tried to download RMS for the search engine, it took the whole day and doesn't even work" "I feel you ;~; say no more.." + What's News in v0.3.1: ( Download Link FIXED ) Ragindex's colors can now be change via .ini file ( Personalize your Ragindex ) Ragindex Stylish - GUI to help with easy editing Ragindex color Included new themes/colors Reduce space between results + Features: Works offline ( Only for Full Version ) Decent / constant load rate Renewal / Pre-Renewal Database New itemInfo.lub with new item's description format Sorting item drops by percentage in 'Drop By' window from high -> low On maps info (no respawn time, sorry) Element Effectiveness chart NPC Venders information Free memory Direct Ratemyserver link Direct iW Database link COOL in-game cursor + Search Modes: Item - can be search by : ID , Aegis Name, Screen Name Mob - can be search by : ID , Sprite Name, kRO Name, iRO Name Item's description -Examples of finding stat related items with "Search Item's description" "STR +" , "drop chance" , "enables use of" , "MaxHP" "after cast delay" , "cast time" , "`% chance of" "Demihuman" , "Fire property" , "medium size" + ToolTips: Item's description Mob's image *Right Click = On , Left Click = Off ( or just move your mouse away ) + Customizable: GUI color Add new mob Add new item Hide-Window hotkey Element table Base-EXP, Job-EXP, and drop rates + Credits: All images belong to Gravity and their respective creators. Taffy for the motivation and feedbacks. + DOWNLOAD: (Updated) FIXED - Ragindex Full (Included Ragindex Stylish) - Ragindex Full ( 30 MB ) ~ Mediafire ( Recommended ) Ragindex Lite - Ragindex Lite ( 1.3 MB ) ~ Mediafire ( More like a demo version, unsupported ) * The differences between the two is that the Lite use online images and the Full use internal images + Pictures: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Ragindex Stylish Pictures: + Themes created from Ragindex Stylish: * You can make your own too. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** This application was made with the intention of making Ragnarok item / mob's database easier to access in-game. Especially for slow computers that have trouble running browser and RO client at the same time. - Any feedback is appreciated !!! and you are more than welcome to share your Ragindex Skin
  5. Hello guys I wrote an article lately about automatic SQL database backup For Linux Systems (Sorry Wind0z guys and gals...) This is the one I'm using for my projects https://habilisbest.com/sql-database-automatic-backups Features: Backups database names specified in a list compresses and stores them Uses filename format for easy retrieval [DatabaseName].YYYY-mm-dd.gz Removes backups older than 28 days (to keep it nice and clean) Writes log files You can configure it to run every 12 hours with cron (crazy server owners...) I run it every 3 days. Because, I don't give a damn about my players I'm confident in my Raspberry Pi server! Would like your feedback and if you can think of any other features I can develop, please speak up!
  6. [SQL]: DB error - Duplicate entry '4700' for key 'PRIMARY' [Debug]: at c:\users\frt54ree4\desktop\ro\hercules\src\map\log.c:396 - INSERT DELAYED INTO `chatlog` (`time`, `type`, `type_id`, `src_charid`, `src_accountid`, `src_map`, `src_map_x`, `src_map_y`, `dst_charname`, `message`) VALUES (NOW(), 'O', '0', '150011', '2000003', 'invek', '151', '158', ?, ?) i recently update my folder then suddenly i got errors like this, does anyone encountered this type of problems too? It shows up every time i kill monsters.
  7. Hello Hercules, I am asking on behalf of somebody. Our server wants to move its database to Hercules. We are a very old server, still running eAthena. I'm unsure of the logistics, but our server's database is very large. The server has racked up 7-8 years of data. We have already begun moving all our scripts, soon we want to move server info like accounts and stuff. Please, I am looking for any advice. I'm a little scared something will go horribly wrong. I'm not hugely clued in on the operation, but the conversion/upgrade is the SQL database and such where account, char info, etc. is stored. Thank you.
  8. Can someone post any method how to delete cashpoint using sql or script? By the way, how to check player cashpoint in sql database?
  9. Hi, I am using: - Windows 8.1 (64 bit) - XAMPP (Mysql version 14.14) I just checked out Hercules from: https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules.git and then I tried to install it and imported most of the .sql files (I didn't import all of them, because it's simply too confusing, too many duplicate and error table). I recompiled the solution using VS 2013, and ran the run-server.bat. Everything just fine, until I tried to login to character selection...the char server crashed!!. Maybe it's related with my database.. So, after imported the sql files: I got this structure on my Ragnarok database: and this as Log database: The latest update in trunk/sql-files/upgrades is this file Are those correct structure? Don't we have a single main.sql with all the latest tables (including their structure) ? So, I don't need to import the sql files updates manually. Or could anyone give me the dump sql files for working database?
  10. Hi, I am new in Hercules, and I wanted to installed ti so I can play on LAN with my friends. I just checked out the Hercules from github, and upon processing the database (from /trunk/sql-files) I met sooo many error when importing the upgrades (/trunk/sql-files/upgrades). So, I wanted to ask are there any main.sql that I can copy to be ready to use (including the latest database update) ? And if it possible the file ready for Renewal... Thank you
  11. Hi all. I want to req a simple script on item database. When click the item, increase the pet intimacy for 100. So, if player click 10x times of Item, the pet intimacy will increase to 1000 and pet become friendly. Besides that, a disbottom message show, Your pet intimacy is now 100, then the value increase depends on how many times player click the item.
  12. File Name: Item DB Converter File Submitter: Jhedzkie File Submitted: 22 Nov 2013 File Category: Client Resources A tool that converts the old Athena item_db format to the new Hercules format. [instructions] 1. Select item_db.txt or item_db2.txt file to convert. 2. Press 'Process' button. 3. You may Copy-Paste the output to your existing item_db/2.conf or you may choose to save the output as a file. [Requirements] * .net Framework 4.0 Click here to download this file
  13. First, please don't feel strange if I make new post as suggestion here. Thank you. We know that on of many differences between Hercules and other emu is on item_db.conf. I feel 'the new' format file & item_db structure can provides some item_db values that currently are separated, like item_buyingstore.txt, item_delay.txt, item_trade.txt, item_nouse.txt, item_stack.txt, and item_avail.txt. I have suggestion to move those separated file to item_db.conf format: Buyingstore: Yes //item_buyingstore.txt Delay: <duration> //item_delay.txt Trade: <flag>,<override> //item_trade.txt Nouse: <flag>,<override> //item_nouse.txt Stack: <amount>,<flag> //or sperated values instead of use a flag, <inventory>,<cart>,<storage>,<guild storage> //item_stack.txt Sprite: <item_id> //item_avail.txt When those files are merged, then, the sql table for item_db can stores those values too. And maybe, later some db files can be merge to be one file like mob_db, skill, item creation, etc. (actually I'm doing something on 'other' emu related SQL - TXT databases then found that Herc's item_db.conf the only one can merges some separated item dbs)
  14. Version 1.0


    A tool that converts the old Athena item_db format to the new Hercules format. [instructions] 1. Select item_db.txt or item_db2.txt file to convert. 2. Press 'Process' button. 3. You may Copy-Paste the output to your existing item_db/2.conf or you may choose to save the output as a file. [Requirements] * .net Framework 4.0
  15. Good day people, so far everything is fine.. I was trying to set up an RO server for me to practice on.. before putting up my own private server on the near future. by the way I've registered on Rathena before.. but was not able to be an active member there. "Time passed.." a week ago or two. I've tried to visit Rathena and knowing that the server is forever down? I did some research and I found out about "Hercules". so much for my intro. anyway.. I was done following the guide sir Ind "Obtaining Hercules" http://herc.ws/board/topic/152-obtaining-hercules/?hl=obtaining also sir Judas "Latest KRO Installation & Small Client Package" http://herc.ws/board/topic/38-latest-kro-installation-small-client-package/?hl=installation I've read about setting up ( database, MySQL etc. ) so I need help about it.. hope someone could guide me through.. I need a Guide about it, Links & Recommended software to download. Thank you in advance! May you have a great day.
  16. Is 'Hercules/rAthena/eAthena/you know what I mean/anyAthena' storing in any consistent way the register data of the users? When I say consistent I mean in any way that can't be deleted or lost (logs). I thinks this is a good way to know how long the player have been playing in the server. BTW, would this be a good idea to be implemented into the 'login' table?
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