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Elurair Patching Launcher (RO Patcher Lite+ROCred Merge) About Universal auto-patcher for all your updating needs combined with a launcher, which is fully skinnable, highly customizable and easy on resources. It is free of any cost and works on every 32-bit and 64-bit Microsoft* Windows* platform. How this came to be: Future of ROCred and RO Patcher Lite Known Issues None. FAQ Q: Does the patcher support encrypted GRFs? A: Yes, common GRF encryption schemes are supported. Q: Can I use the Patcher part without the Launcher part? A: Yes, the Launcher mechanics and UI can be disabled in configuration. Q: Can I use the Launcher part without the Patcher part? A: Yes, remove all Patcher sections from the configuration. Download & Website (discord available for real-time support) License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License.
Hello Hercules Community I would like to ask you to tell your opinion on the future development of both ROCred (launcher) and RO Patcher Lite (auto-patcher/updater). While I may have an opinion myself, it is you who use it, so I would like to make sure future changes are in favor of the people using those. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Poll is closed. See below for results.
RO Credentials About Simple and tiny client launcher+login. Has no prerequisites and runs on all Windows versions. Known Issues [aavc] This tool is not safe for computers running Avast Anti-Virus. Download binary, reference source Q & A Is it customizable? Yes. How? With resource editing tools, such as ResourceHacker. All text and icons can be customized. Settings can be edited in an INI file, instructions on how to do that are provided in the example files together with the launcher. What is "reference source"? You cannot compile it (unless you provide the missing components), but see what functionality the latest binary contains. I want it to be xyz.exe, but it does not read the INI file. Why? You have to match the INI name to the EXE name. rocred.exe -> rocred.ini mytest.exe -> mytest.ini How can I embed an INI file into the EXE? Add the INI file as RCDATA resource named CONFIG with ResourceHacker. How do I use background skinning? Create a file named bgskin.bmp (magenta #ff00ff is considered transparent). You can also embed the file as BITMAP resource with the name BGSKIN. Window size is adjusted to the bitmap size, position of controls must be set in the INI. Buttons can be skinned as well, see the INI for names. Can I add custom buttons, if so, how many? Yes, see the INI template for details. There is no defined limit on how many, the only constraints are available memory, GDI resources and INI size limit on some platforms. By the way, custom buttons can be skinned as well. Why does the client not auto-login when I press "Start" / Why do I have to login twice? The client must be 2010-08-04aRagexeRE or newer and must not have the "Restore Login Window" patch and should have the "Use SSO Login Packet" patch. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
I am following to setup my client side. I have tried patching several clients (2013-08-07, 2014-02-05, 2014-04-16a), tried disabling recover login and adding a launcher (loki), checked that the patch for disabling ragexe name was applied, etc. However whenever i start the client it just does not start, the process can be seen in the task manager, but it does not start and there is no error message to help me. The DATA.INI file is not created, i also have no idea about where i need to create the xml for the client settings, and the resources around are very scarce.
Ragnarok Online Launcher eXecutable (R.O.L.eX) Info: I started learning C# + .net and I thought why not create a client launcher and "kill 2 birds with 1 stone and here is the result.I chose the name cuz well who doesn't like rolexes Screenshots: Default Look With BG Features: 1) Configurable Window Title & Background (I am also planning to make buttons also configurable in future) 2) Settings button - invokes setup.exe (the file name is configurable within the ini file) 3) Register button - you can specify the website for registration in the ini file 4) Once you press Login Button (or press Enter) the Launcher minimizes to the background and rises back if the Client gets closed (Useful especially when you press cancel button during initial screens) 5) Starts updater before you log in to ensure RO folder is updated (can be turned off from ini file). Filename of the updater as well as Minimum No of days (default is 1) before next update can also be specified. - Credits to Shakto for the idea Download Link: EDIT: Second version built for .NET 2.0 using WinForms - aka "Lazy Version" (I still believe its far better to go for .NET 4.0 - you can include the installer for .NET along with your client installer when you provide it to players). Screenshots: Default Look: With BG Image: Download Link: Let me know if you have any suggestions or face any issues with either version (Flicker appearing in the LQ version cannot be avoided). EDIT 2: Planned Updates: 1) Skinnable Buttons & Customizable Button Locations. 2) Editable Names for Buttons + Labels. 3) Inbuilt Official & Private GRF Patcher. EDIT 3: Discontinued Further Updates since many are too lazy to get .NET 4 or their OS don't support it.
File Name: hAx File Submitter: Xgear File Submitted: 25 May 2013 File Category: Scripts This is an old RO launcher I have. Been using it ever since it came to my hands. Restarts the server as soon as it crashes. No idea who wrote it other than whats in the script's usage: Zak Farrington alias fritz <[email protected]> Usage: ./hAx [OPTIONS]... [MAPSERVER-BINARY]... [OUTPUTFILE]...Examples: ./hAx --hup map-server map-server.out # Inerpret hang up signals && output to map-server.out ./hAx --nohup map-server.exe /dev/null # Ignore hangup signals && output to /dev/nullThe Flags: --hup Passes map-server directly to the command line, thusly it interprets hang up signals --nohup Passes map-server thru nohup to ignore hang up signals To use it you can create a file called "run", chmod +x the file and add this on it nohup ./hAx --nohup login-server ~/server/log/login/slog & nohup ./hAx --nohup char-server ~/server/log/char/schar & nohup ./hAx --nohup map-server ~/server/log/map/smap & After that, simply type ./run and voila. All the console output will be logged to ~/server/log/<server>/s<server>_<start_time> Hope it helps Cheers. Click here to download this file
This is an old RO launcher I have. Been using it ever since it came to my hands. Restarts the server as soon as it crashes. No idea who wrote it other than whats in the script's usage: Zak Farrington alias fritz <[email protected]> Usage: ./hAx [OPTIONS]... [MAPSERVER-BINARY]... [OUTPUTFILE]...Examples: ./hAx --hup map-server map-server.out # Inerpret hang up signals && output to map-server.out ./hAx --nohup map-server.exe /dev/null # Ignore hangup signals && output to /dev/nullThe Flags: --hup Passes map-server directly to the command line, thusly it interprets hang up signals --nohup Passes map-server thru nohup to ignore hang up signals To use it you can create a file called "run", chmod +x the file and add this on it nohup ./hAx --nohup login-server ~/server/log/login/slog & nohup ./hAx --nohup char-server ~/server/log/char/schar & nohup ./hAx --nohup map-server ~/server/log/map/smap & After that, simply type ./run and voila. All the console output will be logged to ~/server/log/<server>/s<server>_<start_time> Hope it helps Cheers.