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Hello there, I'd like to modify SL_supernovice spirit to become a passive skill. I have edited SN skill tree in order to be able to use it as a SN but I didn't find how to modify it so it becomes a passive skill instead of being an active skill. I have looked in skill_db files, skil...
Hi guys, Can someone good with scripting help me with this idea? I want teleport skill (AL_WARP) to make a waitingroom (chat) or if not possible just one normal Message on top of the portal... with destination map (memo).... is this possible to make? if not possible, is possible...
Good night, could someone help me? I am not able to use the leaf of yggdrasil item, and the high priest resurrection skill also cannot. Item_db.txt skill_db.txt
Hello everybody! I need help making sure that when the player activates the "magnum break" ability, the same effect as the teacher's "flame launcher" ability appears on the side of the screen, and obviously that he charms the weapon with fire. Could someone help me, please?
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Good day everyone! newbie here! Does anyone remember or know the Auto Attack System skill of the High Priest job? Where he summons 3 Lord Knight Seyrens if so, do you have any links for this? Thank you!
I have problem in rebellion class on my Ro server , the skills are giving miss or only appears the sprite of the skill without damage and without miss. You guys know what this problem is and how to solve it? Thx Black Hat
File Name: Extended Vending System v1.8.1 File Submitter: dastgirpojee File Submitted: 16 May 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Original topic and code here:"]link[/url] Idea:
Criei um item que dá uma classe custom com todas as skills do jogo ( não coloquei allskill e nem criei uma nova skill tree , mas sim , coloquei skill uma por uma no script hehe), como essa classe é vip , eu queria colocar ela sem restrição de skill use como no permissions skill_unconditional: true,...
- skill
- unconditional
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I configured the whole server with high damage, but when I put it online with a Hoster, the damage was normal (low damage) skill and hit damage. Does anyone know how to solve it? Configurei o server todo com dano alto de skill e de hit mas quando passei para a host e liguei o servidor online o...
I have a clif->message I want to display in chat when a character begins casting a certain skill: clif->message(sd->fd, "Starting now!"); I want this to occur before the user starts casting the skill. I.e. order: 1. Player uses skill. 2. Player receives message in chat "Starting now!"....
Sup Herc PPL, I know it's a delicated topic and usually not given much attention due to the fact that it is custom stuff development but.... ;o So, i'm messing arround with custom skill and the client power to handle them and found out that from skill id 3036 foward, it does handle it pretty wel...
Olá. Gostaria de saber se é possível clonar as habilidades de transclasses que tiveram alteração com a chegada da renovação, e aplicar a mecânica pré renovação em um servidor renewa? Exemplo: Storm Gust e Lord of Vermilion de Bruxo alcançavem IC (instant cast) com 150 de DEX antes da renovação. Caso...
You can enable or disable the cash / item in file db/item_vending.txt 5.PNG Vending title can be looks like: "[ITEM_ID] name" 2.PNG Version 1.8 preview: 3.PNG db/item_vending.txt Modify your client data files: idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt idnum2itemresnametable.txt Ragexe...
I`ve been testing my server and all 4 sorcerer elementals can`t land any atacks and sometimes land weak skills. I tried to edit the elemental.txt to give hit and atack but nothing happened, but i changed the name to verify if its working and it`s working perfectly. Tried to add hit and atack on the...
Source inserting shop info into database. Few source lines and a little bit of magic php + js Decorated with new Twitter Bootstrap Remake of this /oops Installation Screenshots Main page Map position tooltip For map...
I tried to create a skill which mimics an effect like bragi where the wierd symbols/letters follow the character as they walk, and who ever enters the area gets damaged. I know I setup everything correctly but I encountered a problem, while the skill area that damages everyone who enters follo...
Hello guys. I'm trying to make a skill shot, that is ... a skill it is possible to enemy dodge. And I see that the Ragnarok most skills are Point click, It makes things a little without thanks. So if anyone knows and want to share information about. I want to make skill where the...
Hello people, I want to edit the skill Fire Pillar - (WZ_FIREPILLAR). The problem with this skill is that it does not work when you have a monster on the chosen area You have to use it in an area with no monster. As removing this condition ????? (bad condition) I've tried several...
So I was messing around earlier and I noticed something strange. Normally when I change direction (on old eAthena emulator), I can immediately high jump in that direction (assuming instant cast). But upon changing direction, there is a little delay I have to wait before I can jump in the new direc...
I tried to spam desperado while I'm surrounded by enemies, but it barely hits. I casted 10 times, it only hit once. Any thoughts?
File Name: Forcibly Strip File Submitter: goddameit File Submitted: 23 Jul 2013 File Category: Source Modifications Info : Preview : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Click here to download this file
Is there anyway to have a skill special effect stay at a desired amount of time? For example if I want to have a skill with berserk (redbody) special effect, body will go back to normal after the skill is dispelled. Is it possible to do that through src and/or lua edit? Most of the stuff I ask...
I have just tested this and I was wondering if this is a bug or something. I had a character with infinite endure while sitting, normal attacks and single hit skills doesn't make it stand, but multi-hit skills like Double Strafe, Double Attack,Sonic Blow causes the player to stand. I already t...
Hi there.. I just want to adjust the Skill Storm Gust "Stay Duration: 4.6 sec" to be the same with its "Effect Duration: 12 sec". It's just bumping in a storm gust effect duration not seeing it is somewhat uneven. Storm Gust (Skill ID# 89) Stay Duration 4.6 sec //Effect Duration 12...
So I've been working on a couple of passive skills, all were fine except for this one. I'm not gonna post all the codes in diff files because there are just too many, but here is the part I am mostly having a problem on. I need to have this skill add 1% Base MATK (the first number that shows i...