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Guide setting up 2013+ Client for Hercules

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Was lucky to fix other stuffs but this is my current problem, I am having errors when equipping the custom headgear item. but I already properly defined it on:


itemInfo.lua and itemInfo.lub


[29000] = {
unidentifiedDisplayName = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",
unidentifiedResourceName = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",
unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
"Unknown Item, can be identified by ^6A5ACDMagnifier^000000."
identifiedDisplayName = "Red Valkyrie Helm",
identifiedResourceName = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",
identifiedDescriptionName = {
"An ornate, winged helmet worn by the warrior maidens that serve Odin.",
"STR +10",
"Class: ^777777Headgear^000000",
"Defense: ^77777710^000000",
"Location: ^777777Upper^000000",
"Weight: ^777777100^000000",
"Jobs: ^777777All Transcendent Classes except Novice^000000"
slotCount = 1,
ClassNum = 0
Red Valkyrie Helm
Strenght + 10
Class :^777777 Headgear^000000
Defense :^777777 5^000000
Equipped on :^777777 Upper^000000
Weight :^777777 10^000000
Applicable Job :^777777 Every Job^000000
accessoryid.lub and accessoryid.lua
ACCESSORY_Red_Valkyrie_Helm = 2167,
accname.lua and accname.lub
[ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Red_Valkyrie_Helm] = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",



Id: 29000
AegisName: "Red_Valkyrie_Helm"
Name: "Red Valkyrie Helm"
Type: 5
Buy: 500000
Sell: 100000
Def: 10
Slots: 1
Loc: 256
View: 2167
Script: <"
bonus bStr,10;
I always try to make it to 216 (baseball cap) or delete it in db in order to get into the game. 
Edited by wengbenedict93

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  On 5/7/2015 at 5:24 PM, wengbenedict93 said:


Was lucky to fix other stuffs but this is my current problem, I am having errors when equipping the custom headgear item. but I already properly defined it on:


itemInfo.lua and itemInfo.lub


[29000] = {

unidentifiedDisplayName = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",

unidentifiedResourceName = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",

unidentifiedDescriptionName = {

"Unknown Item, can be identified by ^6A5ACDMagnifier^000000."


identifiedDisplayName = "Red Valkyrie Helm",

identifiedResourceName = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",

identifiedDescriptionName = {

"An ornate, winged helmet worn by the warrior maidens that serve Odin.",

"STR +10",

"Class: ^777777Headgear^000000",

"Defense: ^77777710^000000",

"Location: ^777777Upper^000000",

"Weight: ^777777100^000000",

"Jobs: ^777777All Transcendent Classes except Novice^000000"


slotCount = 1,

ClassNum = 0










Red Valkyrie Helm

Strenght + 10

Class :^777777 Headgear^000000

Defense :^777777 5^000000

Equipped on :^777777 Upper^000000

Weight :^777777 10^000000

Applicable Job :^777777 Every Job^000000









accessoryid.lub and accessoryid.lua

ACCESSORY_Red_Valkyrie_Helm = 2167,


accname.lua and accname.lub

[ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Red_Valkyrie_Helm] = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",








Id: 29000

AegisName: "Red_Valkyrie_Helm"

Name: "Red Valkyrie Helm"

Type: 5

Buy: 500000

Sell: 100000

Def: 10

Slots: 1

Loc: 256

View: 2167

Script: <"

bonus bStr,10;




I always try to make it to 216 (baseball cap) or delete it in db in order to get into the game.

what client version you use?


Please note that: 


Defining Item clientside (Renewal Clients <= 2012-04-10a & Main Clients <= 2012-07-10a)

- using .txt


is different with


Defining Items clientside (For New Clients)

- Using iteminfo.lua/lub

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Hello @@Mhalicot I am using 2013-08-07 client


File name is Red_Valkyrie_Helm.spr and Red_Valkyrie_Helm.act


This is the inside of the itemInfo.lua and itemInfo.lub


[29000] = {
unidentifiedDisplayName = "Red Valkyrie Helm",
unidentifiedResourceName = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",
unidentifiedDescriptionName = {
"Unknown Item, can be identified by ^6A5ACDMagnifier^000000."
identifiedDisplayName = "Red Valkyrie Helm",
identifiedResourceName = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",
identifiedDescriptionName = {
"An ornate, winged helmet worn by the warrior maidens that serve Odin.",
"STR +10",
"Class: ^777777Headgear^000000",
"Defense: ^77777710^000000",
"Location: ^777777Upper^000000",
"Weight: ^777777100^000000",
"Jobs: ^777777All Transcendent Classes except Novice^000000"
slotCount = 1,
ClassNum = 2167



Confused with classnum, do I define it as number 2167? <View ID - yes the same one that was there item_db> 




Id: 29000
AegisName: "Red_Valkyrie_Helm"
Name: "Red Valkyrie Helm"
Type: 5
Buy: 500000
Sell: 100000
Def: 10
Slots: 1
Loc: 256
View: 2167
Script: <"
bonus bStr,10;
This is the accessory.lub and lua
ACCESSORY_Red_Valkyrie_Helm = 2167,
and accname
[ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Red_Valkyrie_Helm] = "Red_Valkyrie_Helm",
Edited by wengbenedict93

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Hello, i have problem regarding entering @go 0 or is there any problem with the client?




Pleaset let me know if what is missing on it, greatly appreciated!

Thank You!

Edited by Vlync

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  On 5/22/2015 at 6:23 PM, Vlync said:

Hello, i have problem regarding entering @go 0 or is there any problem with the client?




Pleaset let me know if what is missing on it, greatly appreciated!

Thank You!


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hi, can you help me, I change my data folder from rathena to data folder from the link in the first page, I follow every step but when I try to login my account, I recieved this error before going to character select. I notice that there is no sprite in the data folder. I follow every step in the first page. Working find when using data folder with sprite, but why my client is not getting the sprite from data.grf?



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check my signature...

there is link for all officials sprite... minus from KRO ofc


I remove all sprites from that project, because i want that project focus on translating client,

not collecting sprite etc.

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  On 5/23/2015 at 9:00 AM, zackdreaver said:


check my signature...

there is link for all officials sprite... minus from KRO ofc


I remove all sprites from that project, because i want that project focus on translating client,

not collecting sprite etc.


hi, i combine the two, but still have the same error, cant find sprite? how to fix it? and how can i convert ascii to korean or korean to ascii? thanks

Edited by avahdon

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@@zackdreaver yeah i move now to hercules emulator and changing my client now.

I'm using 2013-08-07aRagexe i guess which client is pretty good and stable. and now, my problem is why i got error when clicking the ,exe


This are my Diff patches (50 patches apply)

  Reveal hidden contents


And of course, i use the ROClientSideTranslation for my pre-renewal server.

please let me know if something did i miss or what because i'm having hard time with client side. :(



Edited by Vlync

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If you don't know what you are doing, just use the basic patch, disable the following:


Enable Custom 3D Bones

Enable Custom Shields

Ignore Missing File Error

Enable Custom Homunculus

Chat Color - GM

Use Custom Aura Sprites

Skip Resurrection Buttons

Force Send Client Hash Packet



Dont forget to update NEMO, there are critical update in past week, include today

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Followed your guide and it went well until the final step [7].

It always gives me "Failed to retrieve patch.txt" message.

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 Hello guys, when im trying to patch my client i got this error

on Load Custom Quest Lua/Lub Files, following this guide ..


Help please!



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Excuse me I have the problem with client 


I got this error 


ServiceType Error 




Rejected form the server


and disconnect from the server :(







Btw, I have a little confuse in mmo.h  which date should I use the the client date or ragexe date ?


Thanks :)



Edited by Akaneharuka

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  On 7/12/2015 at 6:55 AM, zackdreaver said:


- servicetype? maybe you made mistype on clientinfo.xml


- follow ragexe date, i already listed all the correct date of every clients in guide.


Sorry this problem already fixed 2 days ago  XD  


I misstype the packetver  :/

Edited by Akaneharuka

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Good day sir, can you me about my problem ? every time I log-in my account the login-server.bat says "Closed connection from". Then when i create my character it always rejected from server. Can you help me please. :(

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