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41 files

  1. @whosell

    * @whosell - List who is vending the item (amount, price, and location).
    * revamped by VoidLess, original by zephyrus_cr
    * Converted into a Plugin by ossi0110
    Here is the @whosell Plugin
    tested with Linux and VS2010
    Current the Plugin is setted to show a Minimap Dot where the Vendor is Located , if you dont want this just change this line
    change it to 0
    bool flag = 1; // place dot on the minimap?
    can be used ingame with , @whosell ITEMID/ITEM_NAME
    for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
    have fun , ossi0110




  2. Visible Monsters HP

    HPM Plugin.
    - Monsters HP is visible to all players, instead of only those who hit it.
    - Monsters spawned with 'boss' flag have a greater bar (2-3x normal size, check screenshot in download page view)
    - Requires PACKETVER >= 20120404
    Whats the 'boss' flag?
    For example, gef_dun.txt's Doppelganger
    gef_dun02,0,0,0,0 boss_monster Doppelganger 1046,1,7200000,600000,1 How to Install
    Check the wiki page on 'Building a Plugin' http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin
    Contribute / Customize
    Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.




  3. Auraset

    For Building Plugins:
    Windows: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC
    Linux: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_gcc
    (usage: @aura <aura1> {<aura2> <aura3>})
    (aura1,aura2 are optional)
    (usage: aura aura1{,aura2,aura3}
    aura1 is compulsory, while aura2,aura3 are optional.
    aura1,aura2,aura3 are AuraID's
    NOTE: 1) This effects are permanent(unless the effect is not, which is clientside) and if you want to remove it, either do "@aura 0 0 0" or by Script (aura(0,0,0))
    2) If you type aura(586,-1,240), the 2nd aura will remain same, while first and third aura will change.
    You can check/set User's AuraID's by following variables
    USERAURA - Aura1
    USERAURA1 - Aura2
    USERAURA2 - Aura3
    You can also change aura by changing these variables.
    Some Useful aura Combinations:
    { 586, -1, -1 },{ 586, 362, -1 },{ 586, 362, 240 },{ 418, -1, -1 },{ 486, -1, -1 },{ 485, -1, -1 },{ 239, -1, -1 },{ 240, -1, -1 },{ 241, -1, -1 },{ 620, -1, -1 },{ 202, -1, -1 },{ 362, -1, -1 },{ 678, -1, -1 },{ 679, -1, -1 },{ 680, -1, -1 },{ 239, 418, -1 },{ 239, 486, -1 },{ 239, 485, -1 },{ 240, 418, -1 },{ 240, 486, -1 },{ 240, 485, -1 },{ 241, 418, -1 },{ 241, 486, -1 },{ 241, 485, -1 },{ 620, 418, -1 },{ 620, 486, -1 },{ 620, 485, -1 },{ 239, 418, 202 },{ 239, 486, 202 },{ 239, 485, 202 },{ 240, 418, 202 },{ 240, 486, 202 },{ 240, 485, 202 },{ 241, 418, 202 },{ 241, 486, 202 },{ 241, 485, 202 },{ 620, 418, 202 },{ 620, 486, 202 },{ 620, 485, 202 },{ 239, 418, 362 },{ 239, 486, 362 },{ 239, 485, 362 },{ 240, 418, 362 },{ 240, 486, 362 },{ 240, 485, 362 },{ 241, 418, 362 },{ 241, 486, 362 },{ 241, 485, 362 },{ 620, 418, 362 },{ 620, 486, 362 },{ 620, 485, 362 },{ 239, 418, 678 },{ 239, 486, 678 },{ 239, 485, 678 },{ 240, 418, 678 },{ 240, 486, 678 },{ 240, 485, 678 },{ 241, 418, 678 },{ 241, 486, 678 },{ 241, 485, 678 },{ 620, 418, 678 },{ 620, 486, 678 },{ 620, 485, 678 },{ 680, 679, 678 },
    I guess no further explanation is needed.




  4. NpcTalk2

    NOTE: Hercules now provides this functionality by itself (check unittalk). I'm not updating this anymore.
    When converting iRO's Xmas event I missed a way to use npctalk to a specific player, so today I made it.
    This plugin adds the npctalk2 script command that allows you to show a message like npctalk, but to a specific player only (by default the one attached to the script).
    *npctalk2("<message>"{, "<npc name>",{"player name"}})This command will display a message to the a target player as if the NPC object running it was a player talking - that is, above their head and in the chat window. The display name of the NPC will get appended in front of the message to complete the effect.If NPC Name is given, the message will display on this npc's instead.If Player Name is given, the message will be displayed to that player instead of the attached one (if he's online)If the player is too far from the NPC (for example, in another map), the message will only show in the chatbox.   Usage Example:
    Assumming it's running in a NPC named Test and that there's a NPC named Test2 near.// Will display "I'm only talking to <Attached Player Name>" only to the attached player over NPC Testnpctalk2 "I'm only talking to "+strcharinfo(0);// Will display "I'm only talking to KirieZ" to player named KirieZ over NPC Testnpctalk2 "I'm only talking to KirieZ", "Test", "KirieZ";// Will display "Don't bother my friend, I'll talk to you" to the Attached player over NPC Test2npctalk2 "Don't bother my friend, I'll talk to you", "Test2";   If you find any bug let me know.




  5. [AtCommand] afk

    HPM @afk complete package.
    Compatible with Windows System Only
    if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only afk.c
    1. Download and extract files using any application that can extract it.
    2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
    2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add afk
    3. Open Hercles/afk/afk.vcxproj and recompile.
    4.Your done. you can now try your plugins
    Note: It is compiled already, so don't bother to recompile it.
    use recompile if you modify the script.
    If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
    for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
    (Tested on Hercules rev. e9d695)
    Credit: Original file by Rebel and converted by Me


    1 comment


  6. Skill Error Messages

    Its more of a way to demonstrate how HPM overloading can be used (its going to be much more fun to play with once we get HPM Hooks released).

    Replaces client-side error messages by custom server-side error messages, for skills.
    Not Enough Spirit Spheres Message
    %d requires a total mind bullets becomes
    %s requires a total %d spirit spheres (%s being the skill name, %d the amount of spirit spheres)

    Contribute / Customize
    Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.




  7. [Atcommand]itemmap

    Itemmap Plugin

    @itemmap <mapname> <itemid> <amount>
    Note: The code of @itemmap isn't mine, credit goes to the owner , I just converted it to a plugin for Hercules




  8. @storeitem

    HPM Plugin. Implements the @storeitem command
    @storeitem <item name or ID> <quantity> <refine> <char name> Designed by Beowulf/Nightroad
    How to Install
    Check the wiki page on 'Building a Plugin' http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin
    Contribute / Customize
    Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.




  9. [AtCommand] autoatk

    HPM @autoatk complete package.
    Compatible with Windows System Only
    if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only autoattack.c and recompile it.. follow this steps
    1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
    2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
    2.1 if ask for Overwrite files? click OK.
    3. Your done. you can now try your plugins.
    In Recompiling:
    If you are using VS2010
    If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
    for more info on using HPM Click Me
    Original Released by: ossi0110
    Requested by: Karazu




  10. bonus bCoolDownRate,<x>;

    HPM Plugin.
    Implements the 'bCoolDownRate' item bonus, demonstrates how to implement a item bonus through a plugin.
    works like bDelayRate example:
    - cooldown is 10000 (10s)
    --'bonus bCoolDownRate,50;' = 15000 (15s) (+50%)
    --'bonus bCoolDownRate,-50;' = 5000 (5s) (-50%)
    How to Install
    Check the wiki page on 'Building a Plugin' http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin
    Contribute / Customize
    Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.




  11. @identifyall

    HPM @iall complete package.
    Compatible with Windows System Only
    if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only identifyall.c
    1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
    2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
    2.1 then read "read me!.txt" or edit conf/plugins.conf and add identifyall
    3. Your done. you can now try your plugins
    If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
    for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here




  12. @Autoloottype

    HI guys! Here is the plugin for the @autoloottype from rathena
    Special thanks to Haruna for the tutorial
    Credits for the original authors still indicated in the codes.
    How to use:
    @autoloottype +<item type>
    @autoloottype -<item type>
    Just type @autoloottype in game to see more details.
    Have fun and God bless!




  13. @autobuyammo

    Hi guys!
    Just converted Goddameit's @autobuyammo
    This files includes the plugin + script for the bind command (will try to make it a real command soon)
    How does it works?
    Just activate the command and when your ammo is depleted it will be replenished with the same ammo by 10s as long as you have zeny
    Have fun and God bless!




  14. @storeit

    Hi guys!
    Just converted Akinari's @storeit command into a plugin.
    What does it do?
    With this command you can store all items in your inventory except currently equipped equipment.
    Have fun and God bless!




  15. getrandmob (script command)

    Hi guys!
    Just converted Akinari's getrandmob script command into a plugin.
    What does it do?
    Grabs a random monster from one of the branch databases.
    Useful for hunter quests, disguise events, and anything else you can think of.
    Uses database stored in memory, so it's faster and more efficient than running SQL queries and doesn't require you to use SQL dbs for items and mobs.




  16. autopots

    HPM autopots complete package.
    Compatible with Windows System Only
    if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only autopots.c
    1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
    2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
    2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add autopots
    3. find autopots/autopots.sln and recompile it.
    4. You can now start using your ready made plugins
    if you are using VS2010/VS2009/vs2013 or whatsoever and you are failing to compile because of platform issue.
    this is what you need to do.
    In Recompiling:
    If you are using other MSVS/C
    Note: Recompile if you modify the script.
    if you want to use berry only type
    @autopots 50 607 0 0
    @autohp 50 607
    @autosp 50 607
    To turn it of, simply type @autopots again
    If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
    for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
    (Tested on Hercules rev. 137**)
    Credit: Original file by Goddameit and converted by Me




  17. @autoattack

    this is a @autoattack plugin , when using it your Char will run arround and attacks mobs
    for more info on using HPM Click Me
    have fun , ossi0110




  18. [Script Command] addrid

    Converted to plugins since its been a month in pull request e5d29d7 by Dastgir
    topic request here
    HPM addrid complete package.
    Compatible with Windows System Only
    if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only addrid.c
    Instructions:1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
    2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
    2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add addrid
    3. Your done. you can now try your plugins

    /*========================================================================= * Attaches a set of RIDs to the current script. [digitalhamster] * addrid(<type>{,<flag>{,<parameters>}}); * <type>: * 0 : All players in the server. * 1 : All players in the map of the invoking player, or the invoking NPC if no player is attached. * 2 : Party members of a specified party ID. * [ Parameters: <party id> ] * 3 : Guild members of a specified guild ID. * [ Parameters: <guild id> ] * 4 : All players in a specified area of the map of the invoking player (or NPC). * [ Parameters: <x0>,<y0>,<x1>,<y1> ] * Account ID: The specified account ID. * <flag>: * 0 : Players are always attached. (default) * 1 : Players currently running another script will not be attached. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Quote
    A small example to how it works:
    - script bla -1,{ end;OnClock0820: addrid(0); if (zeny>20000) set zeny,0; end;} means 08:20 each player who's currently logged in and has more than 20000 zeny would have his money set to 0;
    Another example:
    prontera,120,120,2 script bla 120,{ addrid(2000001); set cake,2; dispbottom "soup"; end;} means that if someone talks with that npc, it'd also add the player with the acc_id 2000001 ,set both of their cake variables to 2 and display soup at the bottom of their chatwindow.
    And a last one:
    prontera,120,120,2 script bla 120,{ addrid(3,1,getcharid(2)); mes "hey my guild"; close;} means that if someone in a guild talks with that npc , his entire guild as long as they aren't involved in a script currently, get a npcwindow with "hey my guild"
    Main Link~
    Note: It is compiled already, so don't bother to recompile it.
    use recompile if you modify the script.
    If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment. 
    for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here




  19. Broadcast Alarm

    @balarm <color> <type> <file name> <message> Type
    0 - Global message
    1 - Local message
    File name
    It's a file that is inside your grf\wav\file.wav
    WARNING! If nonexistent file is put all hexeds that receive this broadcast will crash!
    Uses the same configuration as '@kamic'
    http://pastebin.com/TFS0GCDs v1.0
    http://pastebin.com/idsFvmhJ v1.1
    For more information see: http://herc.ws/board/topic/3525-broadcast-with-sound-alarm/




  20. rentitem2 plugins

    HPM (Script command: rentitem2) (AtCommand: @rentitem) complete package.
    Compatible with Windows System Only
    if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only rentitem2.c
    1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
    2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
    2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add rentitem2
    3. find rentitem2/rentitem2.sln and recompile it.
    4. You can now start using your ready made plugins
    if you are using VS2010/VS2009/vs2013 or whatsoever and you are failing to compile because of platform issue.
    this is what you need to do.
    Note: Recompile if you modify the script.

    Sample Script:
    // Structure*rentitem2 <Item_ID>,<time>, <identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>;*rentitem2 "<Item_Name>",<time>, <identify>,<refine>,<attribute>,<card1>,<card2>,<card3>,<card4>;// Scriptrentitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@item],.rentime,@inventorylist_identify[.@item],@inventorylist_refine[.@item],@inventorylist_attribute[.@item],@inventorylist_card1[.@item],@inventorylist_card2[.@item],@inventorylist_card3[.@item],@inventorylist_card4[.@item];

    Note: cannot rent pet eggs/armor, stackable items.
    // AtCommand Structureusage: @rentitem <item name/ID> <Minutes>

    *getequipexpiretick(<equipment slot>)
    Returns the number of seconds before the item expires.0 means it never expires (not a rental item)-1 means no item is equipped
    Sample Script:
    if (getequipexpiretick(.@part)) { mes "Sorry. I don't sign rental items."; emotion e_sry; close; }
    If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
    for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
    (Tested on Hercules rev. 137**)
    Credit: Original file by Brian and converted by Me




  21. Server Side Manners.txt

    HPM Plugin.
    - Implements the 'server-side' manners.txt aka ability to blacklist words.
    - Ability to read 'conf/manners.txt' (you have to create the file, you can fill as you like, and use '//' to create commands as well).
    - The @reloadmanners command
    - Implements the 'mouthful' group permission, which allows individual groups to bypass the badwords filter.
    - HPM Hooking to be enabled.
    How to Install
    Check the wiki page on 'Building a Plugin' http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin
    Contribute / Customize
    Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.




  22. Mob Drop Qty

    HPM Plugin.
    /** * Adds a 50% ( customizeable ) chance for ETC (customizeable) items to drop from mobs with double quantity * Adds a 25% ( customizeable as well ) chance for it to use tripple quantity (this dice is only played if the 50% one succeeded) * Adds a 10% ( customizeable as well ) chance for it to use quadruple quantity (this dice is only played if the 25% one succeeded) * Adds a 5% ( customizeable as well ) chance for it to use quintuple quantity (this dice is only played if the 10% one succeeded) * For example, after a player succeeds at dropping a jellopy (at any rate), theres a 50% chance it'll be 2 jellopies instead of 1, * and if that 50% succeeds, there'll be another 25% chance for it to be 3 instead of 2, and if that 25% succeeds, * there will be another 10% chance for it to drop 4 instead of 3, and if that 10% succeeds, there will be a 5% chance to drop 5 instead of 4. * - MvP drops are not affected * - Items looted by monsters are not affected **/ - Requires HPM Hooking
    Easy to Customize
    switch( data->type ) { /** * uncomment those you wanna affect, don't even try adding gear or non-stackable types -- they are not meant to have qty higher than 1! **/ //case IT_HEALING: //case IT_USABLE: //case IT_CARD: //case IT_AMMO: //case IT_DELAYCONSUME: //case IT_CASH: case IT_ETC: /** * Feel free to modify the formula here! **/ if( rand()0 > 50 ) /* if rand > 50, break and do not affect the qty */ break; *qty += 1;//from 1 to 2 if( rand()0 > 25 ) /* if rand > 25, break and do not affect the qty further */ break; *qty += 1;//from 2 to 3 if( rand()0 > 10 ) /* if rand > 10, break and do not affect the qty further */ break; *qty += 1;//from 3 to 4 if( rand()0 > 5 ) /* if rand > 5, break and do not affect the qty further */ break; *qty += 1;//from 4 to 5 break; } You may also use the *nameid variable if you wish to further enhance the mechanic, for example
    if( *nameid == 604 ) /* if dead branch, qty + 2 */ *qty += 2; How to Install
    Check the wiki page on 'Building a Plugin' http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin
    Contribute / Customize
    Its available at our Staff Plugins Repo, pull requests are more than welcome.




  23. Odin Server side manner

    ~ Hello
    Here's my Server side manner based on ind one with more advanced options.
    ~ Features
    -- For Full Version
    it uses regular expressions
    Option to bypass by GM Level or Group Permission or by using special Variable
    Auto mute

    -- Full Lite Version
    it uses regular expressions
    Option to bypass by Group Permission
    eh.. yep nothing else that why it's LITE

    ~ How to install
    Download the File
    Copy manner.c to "src/plugins"
    Copy the config files to "conf/plugin"
    Follow usual installation guide

    ~ How to customize
    To change plugin options you can check "conf/plugin/manner.conf " ( Not Available in Lite Version )
    To add more words to the filter you can add it to "conf/plugin/manner.txt"
    ~ useful information
    you can know more about regex from : http://www.regular-e...quickstart.html
    you can also test your regex and write your regex by this useful tools : http://www.rubular.com or http://regexp-evaluator.de/evaluator/ or http://www.weitz.de/regex-coach/ or http://regex101.com/
    you have to know that one wrong regex can make no one able to talk.
    ~ Credits

    ~ Changelog
    Unknow date - First Working Version v0.1
    2015/12/12 v0.2 - Update to work with latest Hercules, optimized a bit for faster plugin, officially release lite version.

    ~ thank you




  24. Costume Item Plugins

    HPM @costumeitem complete package.
    Compatible with Windows System Only
    if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only afk.c
    1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
    2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
    2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add costumeitem
    3. Your done. you can now try your plugins
    if you are using VS2010/VS2009/vs2013 or whatsoever and you are failing to compile because of platform issue.
    this is what you need to do.
    In Recompiling:
    If you are using other MSVS/C
    Note: Recompile if you modify the script.
    If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
    NOTE: You done have to edit your src to add this custom features(Less conflict when you want to update your server). Thanks to Mr. Ind for making this Plugins possible, This Plugins will convert your items to costume(item stats/combos/bonuses will also copied)
    for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
    (Tested on Hercules rev. 146**)
    Script Release: Costume System




  25. Party Script Plugins

    Works only in HERCULES.
    Due to insistent public demand
    HPM party script complete package released.
    Compatible with Windows System Only
    if you are using Linux, ignore other files and use only partyscript.c
    1. Download and extract files using 7z or any application that can extract it.
    2. extract it in your server directory ex: C:/RO Server/Hercules/
    2.1. edit conf/plugins.conf and add partyscript
    3. Your done. you can now try your plugins
    if you are using VS2010/VS2009/vs2013 or whatsoever and you are failing to compile because of platform issue.
    this is what you need to do.
    In Recompiling:
    If you are using other MSVS/C
    Note: Recompile if you modify the script.
    List of Script Commands
    List of AtCommands
    If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment.
    NOTE: I do not own the whole script, I only convert it into plugins. Thanks to Mr. Ind, Mumbles, Haru, for making this Plugins possible.
    for more info on how to to use HPM visit Here
    (Tested on Hercules rev. 141**)
    Special thanks to the original Author Cydh




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