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  1. 2 points

    Recent changes to the Hercules engine

    Update: June 9 2017 New script commands: add_group_command isstr getarrayindex Modified script commands: readparam specialeffect can_use_command Deprecated script commands: specialeffect2 superseded by specialeffect misceffect superseded by specialeffect pow superseded by the exponentiation operator
  2. 1 point

    HAT - The Hercules Admin Tool!

    Greetings all, Today, I am introducing a project I've been envisioning and working on for a couple of months that is finally in a usable and sharing state where multiple people could potentially contribute to the project. Introducing HAT! What is HAT?! HAT, or Hercules Admin Tool, is an administration tool for your RO server running the Hercules emulator. It is coded in PHP and Javascript and uses backends of CodeIgniter and Twitter Bootstrap to present information in a secure and meaningful way. Written by a server owner for a server owner. It is completely Open Source and hosted on Github, released under the Apache license. Another Control Panel? Too many! Stop making these damn things! Yes, another one. However, this one is different. A lot of Control Panels today are written as a CMS for your users as well as administration for your GM's. HAT is not designed to be accessed by your users, similar to the PHPMyAdmin tool. Your users will never know its there, therefore already enhancing security. However, contrary to PHPMyAdmin, you can more deeply control what your GM's have access to. Oooh, control? I'm a control freak, tell me more! HAT has a separate database of users for your GM's that have access to your panel. You're not relying on the login table of your server and their group level to provide access. Instead, a separate user database allows access, with a fully customisable set of permission settings on what those GM's can do and not do. 98 different permission sets are possible. So, you can have an in-game support GM with some limited powers in game, and they don't have to have access to your admin panel. Likewise, you can have a developer who only needs access to some server functions and your item/mob DB's without access to your server's accounts. What other features does it have? HAT gives you the ability to administrate just about everything on your Hercules server or its databases. It's a backend tool designed to be installed to the same server as your running Hercules server, giving you error tracking, server restarting and GM commands through a web interface without needing to login to SSH. With its fully responsive interface, its suitable for access via mobile, tablet or desktop without comprising access to information you need. So far, a somewhat complete list of the features already done: Account Management including: Changing account name, email, reset passwords/PINs, manage bans, account notes, account flags, manage account storage Character Management including: Change character name, stats, levels, jobs, items, flags Guild Management including: Change guild name, leader Server Management including: Viewing server console logs, start/stop/restart running Hercules server, reload item/mob db's, scripts and battleconf, viewing server performance data Admin Management including: Add/disable/delete GM's, assign/delete/change permission sets (groups) More features being added almost every week! How can I use it? Note that the panel is still in constant development and could be unstable. We would appreciate more testers and bug reports regarding the panel. While I try to write and test code that I know will work before pushing it to Github, sometimes I miss something or it doesn't work as expected in another environment. If you're willing to contribute by using and reporting bugs, you can find the panel to download here: https://github.com/jguy1987/HercAdminTool I found a bug! How do I report it to you?! You can use the Github issue tracker to report bugs: https://github.com/jguy1987/HercAdminTool/issues I want XYZ feature! Can you make it? Maybe. Use the Gitbhub issue tracker to give me the suggestion and I'll see if I can/want to add it: https://github.com/jguy1987/HercAdminTool/issues You lied! My panel completely destroyed my server! Take backups. As mentioned above, you're using something that is constantly in development. If you encounter a bug, please report it. If you encounter an issue that leads to the destruction of data, this is a beta product, and I'm sorry, but I cannot and will not be held responsible. What are the system and server requirements for running the HAT?! The following system I run my testing on, let me know if you have similar results with a system with different packages or such: * Linux, specifically Ubuntu 14.04. Windows or BSD at this moment is completely untested. I plan on hopefully testing this weekend. * apache2, version 3.4.7 * php5, version 5.5.9 * php5-mcrypt needs to be installed and enabled. You can do such by adding to your php.ini: `extension=mcrypt.so`. * php5-mysql extension. MySQL can be installed on a different machine if you so desire but you must have the php5 extension installed on the machine * apache needs to be configured to include the mod_rewrite extension. In addition, your per directory settings for apache configuration must allow "follow symlinks" and "AllowOverride all". * You can optimize Apache to use a bit less memory so that your Hercules server can expand if you do not anticipate many people using your panel by taking the following steps: - Install apache2-mpm-prefork. - Reduce the amount of clients your apache can serve and reduce the amount of servers it starts up in httpd.conf/apache2.conf. So.... Github: https://github.com/jguy1987/HercAdminTool IRC: irc.rizon.net @ #hercadmintool - if you want to talk to me about it or submit features or poke me to do more work. Demo available at: http://hatdemo.jemstuff.com The demo can be access with username/password: admin/admin. You can do most things in the demo so feel free to play around. I know there's not much data there to experiment with, but feel free to play.
  3. 1 point

    Refinery UI

    kRO had released anew refinery interface for item refinement last year in their 2016-10-* clients. Source: A preview of my implementation: I already have it working on my local Hercules branch. A big thanks to @Asheraf for providing information from kRO. This will be available for Hercules as and when it support the newer clients. Just thought I'd share the info here Hope for its release soon!
  4. 1 point

    Recent changes to the Hercules engine

    It seems there's been no changelog since quite a while so here's one highlighting the most recent changes related to scripting. Sorry if that's not the right category, please move accordingly. New script commands: chr ord gettimer getunits getvariableofpc can_use_command has_permission addchannelhandler removechannelhandler setunitdata getunitdata getunitname setunitname getequipisenableopt getequippedoptioninfo getequipoptioninfo setequipoption navigateto Modified script commands (extra parameters): strcharinfo strnpcinfo addtimer deltimer addtimercount checkoption checkoption1 checkoption2 setoption warpparty warpguild classchange New params: BankVault Big projects currently in development: Implementation of the official Clan system Implementation of the official RoDEX system Implementation of the official Achievements system Complete rewrite of the map cache system
  5. 1 point

    Version v1


    This script provides functions to easily calculate date and time. More functions might be added in the future. now() a shorthand function to get the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch now() // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_ms(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> ms time_from_ms(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_ms(+1000) // => 1497119220 time_from_ms(-1000) // => 1497119218 time_from_seconds(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> seconds time_from_seconds(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_seconds(+1) // => 1497119220 time_from_seconds(-1) // => 1497119218 time_from_minutes(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> minutes time_from_minutes(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_minutes(+1) // => 1497119279 time_from_minutes(-1) // => 1497119159 time_from_hours(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> hours time_from_hours(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_hours(+1) // => 1497122819 time_from_hours(-1) // => 1497115619 time_from_days(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> days time_from_days(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_days(+1) // => 1497205619 time_from_days(-1) // => 1497032819 FuzzyTime(<unix timestamp>) converts a Unix timestamp to a human-readable format > returns human-friendly relative time FuzzyTime(0) // => 47 years, 172 days, 18 hours, 52 minutes, and 28 seconds ago FuzzyTime(time_from_hours(+28)) // => in 1 day and 4 hours -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script was made by me, for The Mana World + Evol. License: public domain (CC0)
  6. 1 point

    Date and Time functions

    View File Date and Time functions This script provides functions to easily calculate date and time. More functions might be added in the future. now() a shorthand function to get the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch now() // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_ms(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> ms time_from_ms(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_ms(+1000) // => 1497119220 time_from_ms(-1000) // => 1497119218 time_from_seconds(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> seconds time_from_seconds(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_seconds(+1) // => 1497119220 time_from_seconds(-1) // => 1497119218 time_from_minutes(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> minutes time_from_minutes(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_minutes(+1) // => 1497119279 time_from_minutes(-1) // => 1497119159 time_from_hours(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> hours time_from_hours(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_hours(+1) // => 1497122819 time_from_hours(-1) // => 1497115619 time_from_days(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> days time_from_days(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_days(+1) // => 1497205619 time_from_days(-1) // => 1497032819 FuzzyTime(<unix timestamp>) converts a Unix timestamp to a human-readable format > returns human-friendly relative time FuzzyTime(0) // => 47 years, 172 days, 18 hours, 52 minutes, and 28 seconds ago FuzzyTime(time_from_hours(+28)) // => in 1 day and 4 hours -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script was made by me, for The Mana World + Evol. License: public domain (CC0) Submitter meko Submitted 06/10/17 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
  7. 1 point

    [UPDATE] Harmony Patch

    Harmony Patch!!! This patch is based on Ossi's release(http://herc.ws/board/topic/3267-harmony-patch-3312-30-mai/) and I update it as requested, to support new revision of Hercules as of 7401d98649558d58d97d4543db1d74d33652127b so for those Hercules users with harmony enable and can't update their server then this is your chance... Download: Hercules-Harmony .PATCH - Fixed a minor bug. Thanks to @@trinity Hercules-Harmony.PATCH btw I accept coffee..
  8. 1 point
    Fixed. seems I used other compiler.
  9. 1 point

    Display Name to item_db

    Try Now
  10. 1 point
    https://github.com/dastgir/Scripts/tree/master/Lua/eXtractitemInfo Change iteminfo name to iteminfo.lub, run the extract.bat/extract.lua, and iteminfo.lua will be generated and it would be sorted too.
  11. 1 point

    Hercules vs rAthena diff checker

    Hey all, So I've worked on a difference checker between the fields of some rAthena and Hercules database files. This could help people or devs or users do quick lookups for differences. Key Features The differences are listed in libconfig format to make things easier for people trying to merge or lookup entries between rAthena and Hercules. It lists only the differences if any. (Except ID and Name field for quick lookups). Repository: https://github.com/Smokexyz/Hercules-vs-rAthena Currently supported files - db/pre-re/mob_db.conf db/pre-re/item_db.conf db/pre-re/skill_db.conf db/re/mob_db.conf db/re/item_db.conf db/re/skill_db.conf TODO Add support for more files. Automate checks and updates to repository. If you have any suggestions for files or format do let me know. If you want to report errors, please feel free to open an issue on the repository page.
  12. 1 point
    2014-10-22bRagexe here, no problems at all
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