Probably my most ambitious and personal project. I often met on my way
interesting places in the world of RO, to which it was impossible to get.
Then I began to find such places with the help of the BrowEdit program
and make them available for visiting. As the project expanded,
I decided to allow shooting and use skills from the hills on the maps,
where this feature was disabled (or Gravity was too lazy busy),
add plants and trees, create comfortable climbs and so on.
I suggest you watch a promo video that clearly explains my idea.
At the moment, almost ready the locations of the Schwartzwald and Arunafeltz for the release,
there is a reserve for many other locations. Since the appearance of the video, there have been
some changes, so the final result may be different. Below I attach screenshots from BrowEdit
"before" and "after" and gif files with changes of territories on the finished mini-maps.
Some screenshots of my work:
From the important places are opened: the airport in Veins, the left exit from Einbroch, the northern Einbroch railway station on Ein_Field04, the industrial zone on Ein_Field02, the border post between Ein_Field04 and Ein_Field05, the fortress on the map of Yuno_Field12, the entrance to the tower of Thanatos on Hu_Field01, the arch with a fountain on Ein_Fild09, the bridge in Lhz_Field02, the road from Ra_Fild06 to Ein_Field03 and more.
Mini-maps changes (if any map is missing, it means everything is fine with it):
P>S> Since the map of Ein_Field05 won in the nomination of the most extended territory -
a small comic video showing progress in its honor:
CODE: Warps lines below:
//===== eAthena Script =======================================
//= New Warps for AMP
//===== By: ==================================================
//= w0wZukuBg
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= eAthena SVN
//===== Description: =========================================
//= New Warps for AMP
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= The NPC's were born. [w0wZukuBg]
// ein_fild
ein_fild02,134,123,0 warp newein01 1,1,ein_fild02,118,134
ein_fild02,121,131,0 warp newein02 1,1,ein_fild02,137,123
ein_fild02,223,137,0 warp newein03 1,1,ein_fild02,223,148
ein_fild02,223,145,0 warp newein04 1,1,ein_fild02,220,137
ein_fild02,186,226,0 warp newein05 1,1,ein_fild02,204,224
ein_fild02,201,224,0 warp newein06 1,1,ein_fild02,183,229
ein_fild04,385,181,0 warp newein07 1,1,ein_fild05,36,185
ein_fild05,33,185,0 warp newein08 1,1,ein_fild04,382,181
ein_fild05,35,167,0 warp newein09 1,1,ein_fild04,382,181
ein_fild05,120,292,0 warp newein10 1,1,ein_fild05,120,300
ein_fild05,120,297,0 warp newein11 1,1,ein_fild05,120,289
ein_fild06,231,81,0 warp newein12 1,1,ein_fild06,231,67
ein_fild06,231,70,0 warp newein13 1,1,ein_fild06,231,84
ein_fild03,245,55,0 script Lift-E02 139,2,2,{
mes "Lift up?";
warp "ein_fild03",201,41;
ein_fild03,204,43,0 script Lift-E01 139,2,2,{
mes "Lift down?";
warp "ein_fild03",248,53;
// ra_fild
ra_fild09,362,76,0 warp newra01 1,1,lhz_fild01,15,79
lhz_fild01,12,79,0 warp newra02 1,1,ra_fild09,359,76
// ra_fild -> ein_fild
ein_fild03,19,181,0 warp newraein01 1,1,ra_fild06,374,223;
ra_fild06,377,223,0 warp newraein02 1,1,ein_fild03,22,181;
// hu_fild
hu_fild02,378,244,0 warp newhu01 1,1,hu_fild03,22,253
hu_fild03,19,253,0 warp newhu02 1,1,hu_fild02,375,244
hu_fild02,378,194,0 warp newhu03 1,1,hu_fild03,22,205
hu_fild03,19,205,0 warp newhu04 1,1,hu_fild02,375,194
hu_fild02,375,303,0 warp newhu05 1,1,hu_fild03,22,308
hu_fild03,19,308,0 warp newhu06 1,1,hu_fild02,372,303
hu_fild02,378,125,0 warp newhu07 1,1,hu_fild03,22,129
hu_fild03,19,129,0 warp newhu08 1,1,hu_fild02,375,125
// ve_fild
ve_fild03,327,294,0 warp newve01 1,1,ve_fild04,34,322
ve_fild04,31,322,0 warp newve02 1,1,ve_fild03,324,294
ve_fild03,316,251,0 warp newve03 1,1,ve_fild04,42,295
ve_fild04,39,295,0 warp newve04 1,1,ve_fild03,312,251
// einbroch
einbech,50,223,0 warp neweinb01 1,1,einbech,50,230
einbech,50,227,0 warp neweinb02 1,1,einbech,50,220
einbech,37,223,0 warp neweinb03 1,1,einbech,37,230
einbech,37,227,0 warp neweinb04 1,1,einbech,37,220
// veins
veins,296,335,0 warp newve05 1,1,veins,290,342
veins,293,342,0 warp newve06 1,1,veins,275,352
veins,278,352,0 warp newve07 1,1,veins,296,332
// lighthalzen
lighthalzen,241,163,0 warp newlhzs01 1,1,lighthalzen,265,163
lighthalzen,262,163,0 warp newlhzs02 1,1,lighthalzen,238,163
lighthalzen,282,327,0 warp newlhzs03 1,1,lhz_fild01,278,19
lhz_fild01,278,16,0 warp newlhzs04 1,1,lighthalzen,282,324
// juperos_
juperos_01,96,220,0 warp newjup01 1,1,juperos_01,152,183
juperos_01,149,185,0 warp newjup01-1 1,1,juperos_01,93,217
// jawaii
jawaii,138,182,4 script Stairs#ja1 111,{
mes "[Stairs]";
mes "Want to go up or go down?";
switch(select("Up","Down")) {
case 1:
warp "jawaii",136,183;
case 2:
warp "jawaii",140,180;