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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/17 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Download V1.0R1: Download Ultimas atualizações: [2014/06/21] - SoulBlakerApurado todos os erros da versão 1.0, posto em release para testes ao publico. Changelog V1.0R1: O npc está estável, ou seja está funcionando e qualquer erro não é prejudicial ao servidor ou ao sistema da death arena. Funções especifica do npc: 3 tipos de arena, facilmente podendo ser desabilitado o menu de acordo com os tipos das arenas cadastradas. [100%] - Jogadores vs Jogadores. [100%] - Clãns vs Clãns. [100%] - Grupos vs Grupos. [*]Ranking inGame e Web. [100%] - Suporte a configurações de ranking. [100%] - Ranking Web em PHP. [*][100%] - Sons da arena do Unreal Torunament. [*][100%] - Visuais indicando quem matou. [*]Gerenciamento inGame. [100%] - Cadastro/Edição/Remoções de arena, suporta o máximo de 120 arenas por tipo. [100%] - Máximo de jogadores para X arena. [100%] - Itens restringidos para X arena. [100%] - Classes restringidas X arena. [*]Possíveis acontecimentos Painel Web para gerenciar isso tudo. Sistema de Eventos. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perguntas: P: Agora, do que vou precisar? R: Dos usuários dar sugestões para mods no sistema, reportarem os bugs e etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desenvolvimento em: https://github.com/SoulBlaker/scripts_test/blob/master/DeathArena/ Documentação Oficial: https://github.com/SoulBlaker/scripts_test/blob/master/DeathArena/Readme.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1ª Impressão Oficial do NPC Bem-vindo a Corporação Kafra, entre agora e morra ou viva para contar a história! Layout do Ranking (Modo de Visualização Completa) (Obs: Está faltando o filtro que irá selecionar por vitórias/derrotas ou proporcional)​ (Modelo Compact) O modelo bar será adicionado site via iframe, com o fundo transparente da página ele poderá ser colocado em qualquer plano da página se posicionando com os elementos. OBS: a imagem acima foi tirada testando com o iframe no qual a página de teste o fundo era preto e a do bar transparente. Exemplo do código: <iframe frameborder="0" src="/compact.php" width="222" height="500" scrolling="no"> O Ranking Compact e Visualização Completa está 100% concluído, o seu core é totalmente PHP+HTML+CSS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planos para a V1.1R1 ​Novo Tipo de arena para eventos, acho que não vai ser muito nescessário. Novo Tipo de arena para Monstros vs Jogadores. Sistema de DeathPoints, configuração individual para cada arena. Sistema de Lojas via DeathPoints. Sistema de remoções de buffs, configuração individual para cada arena. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tópico Oficial: https://forum.cronus-emulator.com/topic/141275-release-v10r1-deatharena-o-full-dos-full-pvp/
  2. 1 point

    How exactly Weight in Item_db works?

    arrows have a weight of 0.1 so its /10 to support that
  3. 1 point

    How exactly Weight in Item_db works?

    https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/doc/item_db.txt Weight: Item's weight. Each 10 is 1 weight. When not specified, becomes 0. So if you have Weight as 10, it will show 1 weight ingame.
  4. 1 point

    Date and Time functions

    View File Date and Time functions This script provides functions to easily calculate date and time. More functions might be added in the future. now() a shorthand function to get the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch now() // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_ms(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> ms time_from_ms(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_ms(+1000) // => 1497119220 time_from_ms(-1000) // => 1497119218 time_from_seconds(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> seconds time_from_seconds(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_seconds(+1) // => 1497119220 time_from_seconds(-1) // => 1497119218 time_from_minutes(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> minutes time_from_minutes(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_minutes(+1) // => 1497119279 time_from_minutes(-1) // => 1497119159 time_from_hours(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> hours time_from_hours(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_hours(+1) // => 1497122819 time_from_hours(-1) // => 1497115619 time_from_days(<delta>) calculates a Unix timestamp relative to the current time > returns the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch, plus or minus <delta> days time_from_days(0) // => 1497119219 (example, increments every second) time_from_days(+1) // => 1497205619 time_from_days(-1) // => 1497032819 FuzzyTime(<unix timestamp>) converts a Unix timestamp to a human-readable format > returns human-friendly relative time FuzzyTime(0) // => 47 years, 172 days, 18 hours, 52 minutes, and 28 seconds ago FuzzyTime(time_from_hours(+28)) // => in 1 day and 4 hours -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script was made by me, for The Mana World + Evol. License: public domain (CC0) Submitter meko Submitted 06/10/17 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
  5. 1 point

    Log sql config

    To moderators : I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, I just wasted 1 hour and 30 minutes to install latest Hercules from GIT, I think it should bring me some satisfaction ... OK....So I'm back from school! So as of writing this post, latest commit in GIT is 32 minutes ago hash is 1b02f9269f15582c7d211f1d1a3a0c1c7ce68a88 1 parent 19883c5 commit 1b02f9269f15582c7d211f1d1a3a0c1c7ce68a88HerculesWSAPI committed with HerculesWSAPI 32 minutes ago Verified I installed latest Hercules emulator on my Raspberry Pi server Using my guide Here is the output of the commands hercuser@mtldevserverrpi:~/HerculesLatest $ git rev-parse HEAD 1b02f9269f15582c7d211f1d1a3a0c1c7ce68a88 hercuser@mtldevserverrpi:~/HerculesLatest $ cat .git/refs/heads/master 1b02f9269f15582c7d211f1d1a3a0c1c7ce68a88 hercuser@mtldevserverrpi:~/HerculesLatest $ As you can see the hash of My cloned emulator is also 1b02f9269f15582c7d211f1d1a3a0c1c7ce68a88 Here is the output of commands on my Log Database mysql> use hercrolatestlog Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql> show tables; +---------------------------+ | Tables_in_hercrolatestlog | +---------------------------+ | atcommandlog | | branchlog | | chatlog | | loginlog | | mvplog | | npclog | | picklog | | zenylog | +---------------------------+ 8 rows in set (0.00 sec) See there are Only log tables... My guide works... PS: My character wants to tell you something So, please do yourself and every one else a favor, and do as my character tells you to do And stop wasting everyone else's time... To moderators : I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, I just wasted 1 hour and 30 minutes to install latest Hercules from GIT, I think it should bring me some satisfaction ...
  6. 1 point

    [Release] Scaled Yggdrasil - Raid

    Allright guys, here we go. Finally, this package is ready to be released. Be careful, the link is really heavy (112Mo to dl, I've been obliged to upload it through mega as the local board size limit is 72Mo). It contains client and server addons. If you have any question, feel free to contact me. Scaled Yggdrasil edit: link updated
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