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benching last won the day on October 5 2017

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About benching

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  1. You cant, But you can implement that feature.
  2. Try dying and resurrecting the character for now, You should submit a bug report, If you need it soon, then hire someone to fix it for you.
  3. Please refer to this link: https://rathena.org/board/topic/112912-guild-package-db-error/#comment-334135
  4. Make sure that bl is a monster, Make sure that bl is not null, Its crashing prolly because of that bl being null, I dont think mobs needs the map_session_data, so drop the pl_sd, Find a way to get the mob_data->bl to that function,
  5. check your db password credentials in the config/application.php
  6. What do you mean by that? Almost everyone cannot get the suggestion properly To those who cannot understand: This will do as Follows: If Player A wears item X and player B wears item Y, So itemX have the bonus as bonus2 bEquipItem,Y,10; So when player A attacks Player B, the server will check the opponent(Player equip if he wears Item Y, if yes, then damage will increase by 10% ohh, now its clear (to me at least /heh ).
  7. why not just add the bonus you want from that item script.
  8. its probably just a visual trick, in my perspective, character sprites are being moved up but keeping the shadow sprite in the same position, then add a small up and down animation to the sprite, that will give you a visual of character floating. try to add union skill to other jobs and see if the sprites change to star glad or not, if the sprite change to star glad, then it might be handled by the client which means it will be hard to do.
  9. File Name: Warper (Locked Map) File Submitter: benching File Submitted: 03 May 2016 File Category: Events & Games This NPC will allows the player to warp on maps that are unlocked. Click here to download this file
  10. File Name: Ragnarok Guild Package NPC File Submitter: benching File Submitted: 03 May 2016 File Category: Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms Guild package Redeemer NPC [NPC Information] Includes: 1.Package Code Generator 2.Package Code ( for Guild with Players of the same IP ) 3.Different Package set for Guild Master. 4.Different Package set for Guild Member. To Redeem the guild package: 1.Should be a Guild Master 2.Required Minimum Guild Member. (8 default) 3.All Guild Members should be Online 4.Non Duplicate IP Check ( to avoid multiple login of single player ) 5.Duplicate IP Check ( Use the code to bypass IP check ) 6.Online Status Check 7.First time to Redeem GPack (IP Based) Click here to download this file
  11. Version 1


    Guild package Redeemer NPC [NPC Information] Includes: 1.Package Code Generator 2.Package Code ( for Guild with Players of the same IP ) 3.Different Package set for Guild Master. 4.Different Package set for Guild Member. To Redeem the guild package: 1.Should be a Guild Master 2.Required Minimum Guild Member. (8 default) 3.All Guild Members should be Online 4.Non Duplicate IP Check ( to avoid multiple login of single player ) 5.Duplicate IP Check ( Use the code to bypass IP check ) 6.Online Status Check 7.First time to Redeem GPack (IP Based)
  12. Version 1


    This NPC will allows the player to warp on maps that are unlocked.
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