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Everything posted by Brynner

  1. is it possible to use it on Hercules?their Sakray client?it can be diff. i can make a new character. but i can't login on the server. anyone have an idea or know how to make it work?i just want to test something. thanks in advance.
  2. anyone know how to fix this category problem on the storage? Before using old revision. After using latest revision.
  3. im just asking if the old typedef int (*AtCommandFunc)(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message); is already replace with the new one. which is. typedef bool (*AtCommandFunc)(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message,struct AtCommandInfo *info); i hope you get it. because you can't use the old typedef int. or else you'll got this warning upon compiling. srcmapatcommand.c(9694): warning C4113: 'int (__cdecl *)(const int,map_session_data *,const char *,const char *)' differs in parameter lists from 'AtCommandFunc'srcmapatcommand.c(9694): warning C4133: 'initializing' : incompatible types - from 'int (__cdecl *)(const int,map_session_data *,const char *,const char *)' to 'AtCommandFunc' i hope you get it clearly.
  4. have you tried to use the search engine? your issue might be related with this. http://herc.ws/board/topic/1568-premium-buffer-npc/ It should be SC_SOULLINK instead of sc_spirit
  5. lol this is Hercules forum. you should post it there. have you check your lua files?
  6. what happen to typedef int? typedef int (*AtCommandFunc)(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message); it became typedef bool? typedef bool (*AtCommandFunc)(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message,struct AtCommandInfo *info); what is the correct way to use the typedef int? typedef int (*AtCommandFunc)(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message); because im getting warnings. srcmapatcommand.c(9694): warning C4113: 'int (__cdecl *)(const int,map_session_data *,const char *,const char *)' differs in parameter lists from 'AtCommandFunc'srcmapatcommand.c(9694): warning C4133: 'initializing' : incompatible types - from 'int (__cdecl *)(const int,map_session_data *,const char *,const char *)' to 'AtCommandFunc'
  7. i think it is impossible to unload mobs.
  8. on your npc/pre-re/mobs/dungeons/pay_dun.txt npc/re/mobs/dungeons/pay_dun.txt
  9. im just wondering if its possible to disable recruiting guild member on a specific time? ex. from OnClock0000: to OnClock0025:. you can't invite guild member on your guild. after OnClock0026: it will be back to normal. you can now invite guild members. thanks in advance.
  10. i think if Pre-RE is related here. pre-re is a version of a server. #define PACKETVER_RE is for defining your client version whether it is a Ragexe or a RagexeRE. the booking system system works for me using 2012-04-10aRagexe using Pre-re server version.
  11. its working for me. make sure your disable this. #define PACKETVER_RE
  12. Are you using my script on a Hercules server? yup. the stats will be reset event the stats is not over stats. just try to distribute the stats. don't max the other one. only 1 99 stats.
  13. are you using hercules emulator?
  14. there is a bug on this script. the stats still reset even your stats is not over stats.
  15. thanks. but how to change this only the normal player will reset the stats? but if you are gm account it will not reset your stats.
  16. yah i know that. but is there any other way?so if it will happen again it will automatically reset.
  17. can you translate the error message and also the status message on your server? because not all the member can understand that.
  18. is it possible to make it work? because i noticed one of my gm adjusted the stats of some players i just want to make it automatically reset if the stats is not normal?specially on 99 max level only. the normal stats is 2 99 and 1 9. ex. str 99 agi 99 dex 9 which is normal. and if the stats is str 99 agi 99 dex 9 vit 50 it will bring back to normal stats. so it would be reset to 1.
  19. make sure you follow the instructions there. you should disable the default agit controller. //= Be sure to disable the default agit controllers! //== npcguildagit_controller.txt //== npcguild2agit_start_se.txt
  20. remove your account_id in your clientinfo.xml
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