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Everything posted by Brynner

  1. if im not mistaken it has no HP Bar unless your account is a GM.
  2. Oops, looks like something went wrong. the link is not working.
  3. maybe the status icon for sit is the cause of the issue. this happens to me when i use 2011 clients before.
  4. i use both windows 7 and windows 10 and i don't have any issue on my font size.
  5. it seems strange. does your clientinfo.xml located on the folder or inside your grf? because the langtype in your screenshot look likes different from langtype 0.
  6. try to change your langtype in your clientinfo.xml
  7. contact your webhosting support. they can answer your problem.
  8. have you tried to disable the renewal attack speed?
  9. check your .lub files make it sure that it was also english translated files.
  10. try this http://www.green-peach.net/?a=sprite
  11. client crash when you login your account for 2012-04-10aRagexe if you include the Enable Proxy Support (Experimental) on your diff.
  12. goodbye Ind thanks for everything.
  13. must better if you use postimage.org just like zackdreaver. all of my upload pics is came from postimage.
  14. that's the server files. just read and follow this. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/README.md
  15. this is not the official svn link for eAmod. maybe someone made a mirror for it.
  16. is there any chances to separate those? just like what they did on rathena. to avoid any conflict for fluxcp. because our current mob_db_re still use the mob_db. he only did is to replace the old one. not only the mob_db_re also the mob_skill_db_re.
  17. you need to diff that client first using nemo patcher
  18. it will warp you first on a random map once you use the warper. but when you use the last warp. it will warped you on your previous warp even you put 0 0 on your coordinate.
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