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Posts posted by mrlongshen

  1. I made an item


    ifBaseLevel == 255 && JobLevel == 120 ) unequip 2;


    How to make if base level and job level of 1st job is full (archer,magician,and all) its will unequip ?


    How to make if base level and job level of 2nd job is full (hunter,wizard and all) its will unequip ?


    The item will unequip when level is range from 99~255, and job 50 for 1st job.

    The item will unequip when level is range from 99~255 and job 70 for 2nd job.

    and the item will unequip when level 255, job 120 at trans job.

  2. Can I request this addon ?


    About This Add-on

    Giveaway add-on works like mail feature in the game of Ragnarok Online where users can message other players even they are offline because the message are stored in their mailbox for good.

    By this wonderful addition to your control panel, trusted administrators may now send items and zenies as well as messages to your players without any hasle.

    Use this tool if you want to spread stuffs to your players as a token of appreciation to their s
    upport. You may also use this on events wherein you have to distribute items to selected winners or losers. Use this tool anyway you want, anywhere you want without limits.



    • [*]Multiple character to send in single dispatch [*]Multiple Server Support ( Each allowed admins must have at least 1 character in each server ) [*]Search Character Names/Ids Filter by;
      • [*]​Individual Character [*]Characters in an Account [*]Character in with Group Level [*]Members in a Guild [*]Members in a Party

    [*]Search for Item name or id [*]Ajax search [*]Able to exclude account, character, group, guild, and party ids [*]Admins can send / dispatch the following as of now, ( still open for suggestions )

    • [*]​Items [*]Elemental Equipments ( mainly weapons that can be forged ) [*]Equipments with card attached to it [*]Zeny

    Anyone have this ? might share ? or paid ? Tell me how much. 

  3. // ---            ARTHistic's Property            ---// ---    Please visit http://thdesigns.co.nr     ---// ---           Scripted By: ARTHistic           ---// ---         Do Not Revomed the Credits         ----	script	PPE_inital	-1,{	OnInit:	set $@PoringEventChecker, 0;	set $@PoringEventPrizeChecker, 0;	set $PPEDefendingChampion$,"secret";	end;}new_4-4,150,180,5	script	Poring Punch Event	EF_EL_CHILLY_AIR,{	mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";	mes "Hello, I'm the Poring Punch Event Manager. My record says that the defending champion on this event was "+$PPEDefendingChampion$+". Anyways, what do you want to do?";	next;	menu "How does this work?",PPE_HowTo,"Host this Event",PPE_Host,"Join Event Now",PPE_Join,"Claim my reward",PPE_claim,"Nevermind",PPE_nvm;	PPE_HowTo:		mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";		mes "This is an event where everyone can join in. All you have to do is to punch the right monsters and to avoid the wrong ones. Each kind of monster has its corresponsing points. You only have 5 minutes to earn points as much as you can. The Highest Scorer at the end of this event shall win Poring Coins";		mes "Reminder: No weapons, cart, and pets is allowed in this event.";		close;	PPE_Host:		if ( $@PoringEventChecker != 0 ){			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "There is Poring Punch Event on-going. You can host this event if it is still on-going.";			close;		}else{			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "You need to pay 50 million to host this event. Would you like to pay to host this event?";			next;			menu "Yes",PPE_HostYes,"No",-;			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "Okay. Maybe next time.";			close;				PPE_HostYes:					if ( Zeny >= 50000000 ){						mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";						mes "Thanks "+strcharinfo(0)+", for hosting this event. It will start shortly.";						set Zeny, Zeny-50000000;						close2;						set $@PoringEventChecker, 1;						announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" paid to host Poring Punch Event!", bc_all;						killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-2";						sleep2 10000;						initnpctimer;						end;					}else{						mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";						mes "Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+", you dont have enough zenies to host this event.";						close;					}end;		}end;	PPE_Join:		if ( $@PoringEventChecker != 0 ){			if (gethominfo(2) != "null"){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No homunculus is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (getpetinfo(2) != "null"){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No pet is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (checkcart()){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No cart is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (checkfalcon()){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No falcon is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (checkmount() == MOUNT_PECO){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No riding is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "Good luck "+strcharinfo(0)+".";			close2;			set @PoringPoints, 0;			warp "1@dth3",0,0;			end;		}else{			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "Sorry. No Poring Punch Event is held at the moment.";			close;		}end;	PPE_claim:		if ($HighestPoringPointsName$ == strcharinfo(0) && $@PoringEventPrizeChecker == 1) {			mes "[Poring Punch Event]";			mes "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+". Here is your reward.";			getitem 7539,20;			set $HighestPoringPointsName$,"";			set $HighestPoringPoints,0;			set $@PoringEventPrizeChecker, 0;			close;		} else {			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+". You're not the winner so you can't claim anything";			close;		}end;	PPE_nvm:		mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";		mes "Okay. Maybe next time.";		close;	OnPoringKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+1;			if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) {				set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0);				set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0);				set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints;			}			dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";			end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}	OnDropsKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+3;			if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) {				set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0);				set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0);				set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints;			}			dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";			end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}			OnPoporingKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			if (@PoringPoints < 10) {				set @PoringPoints, 0;				dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";				end;			}else {				set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints-10;				dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";				end;			}end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}			OnSantaPoringKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+5;			if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) {				set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0);				set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0);				set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints;			}			dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";			end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}			OnMarinKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+7;			if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) {				set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0);				set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0);				set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints;			}			dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";			end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}OnMinute17:	if ( $@PoringEventChecker == 0 ) {		set $@PoringEventChecker, 1;		initnpctimer;		end;	}OnTimer10000:	announce "Poring Punch Event has started.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer70000:	mapannounce "1@dth3","Poring Punch Event: 4 minutes left.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer130000:	mapannounce "1@dth3","Poring Punch Event: 3 minutes left.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer190000:	mapannounce "1@dth3","Poring Punch Event: 2 minutes left.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer250000:	mapannounce "1@dth3","Poring Punch Event: 1 minute left.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer310000:	stopnpctimer;	announce "Poring Punch Event has ended and the event Winner is "+$HighestPoringPointsName$+". Kindly please redeem your prize at me",0;	killmonsterall "1@dth3";	set $@PoringEventChecker, 0;	set $@PoringEventPrizeChecker, 1;	sleep2 5000;	mapannounce "1@dth3","You'll be warp at prontera in a short while.",16;	sleep2 10000;	mapwarp "1@dth3","prontera",155,166;	end;}// MAPFLAGS1@dth3	mapflag	nobranch1@dth3	mapflag	noexp1@dth3	mapflag	noskill1@dth3	mapflag	nomemo//1@dth3	mapflag	nopenalty1@dth3	mapflag	pvp	off1@dth3	mapflag	nosave	SavePoints1@dth3	mapflag	noskill1@dth3	mapflag	noteleport1@dth3	mapflag	nowarp1@dth3	mapflag	nowarpto1@dth3	mapflag	noloot

    Hi. May someone fix this script for me. The NPC keep annouce the same winner.

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