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Posts posted by mrlongshen

  1. @@mrlongshen


    It needs to be in the Script part.



    I need to use the EQI_HEAD_TOP for top right ? 

    so it will be 

    if( BaseLevel == 255 && JobLevel == 120 ) unequip EQI_HEAD_TOP;

    Right ?  or i just can use the number ? 



    @@4144 I dont edit any skill. I just adjust the skill damage only....

    From call stack visible what this happend from script. Can you explain where is exactly it happend? May be you talked to some npc, some thing select in npc menu etc.

    Will check it back

  3. [Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:168: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_time'[Error]: ./map-server(assert_report+0x72) [0x825f952][Error]: ./map-server(skill_get_time+0xd6) [0x81c77d6][Error]: ./map-server(status_change_end_+0x1233) [0x823ca03][Error]: ./map-server(buildin_sc_end+0xff) [0x819405f][Error]: ./map-server(run_func+0x100) [0x81b49b0][Error]: ./map-server(run_script_main+0x36e) [0x81c06ee][Error]: ./map-server(npc_scriptcont+0xf1) [0x815ed51][Error]: ./map-server(clif_parse_NpcSelectMenu+0xf8) [0x80f8588][Error]: ./map-server(clif_parse+0x155) [0x80f7e15][Error]: ./map-server(do_sockets+0x19e) [0x825bbbe][Error]: --- end failed assertion ----------------------------------------[Info]: Saved char 150056 - test01: inventory status.[Info]: Saved char 150054 - bizzare90: inventory status hotkeys.[Error]: --- failed assertion --------------------------------------------[Error]: skill.c:168: 'skill_lv > 0' in function `skill_get_time'[Error]: ./map-server(assert_report+0x72) [0x825f952][Error]: ./map-server(skill_get_time+0xd6) [0x81c77d6][Error]: ./map-server(status_change_end_+0x1233) [0x823ca03][Error]: ./map-server(buildin_sc_end+0xff) [0x819405f][Error]: ./map-server(run_func+0x100) [0x81b49b0][Error]: ./map-server(run_script_main+0x36e) [0x81c06ee][Error]: ./map-server(npc_scriptcont+0xf1) [0x815ed51][Error]: ./map-server(clif_parse_NpcSelectMenu+0xf8) [0x80f8588][Error]: ./map-server(clif_parse+0x155) [0x80f7e15][Error]: ./map-server(do_sockets+0x19e) [0x825bbbe][Error]: --- end failed assertion ------------------------------


  4. @@Winterfox Thanks alot miss +1 for you.


    Can you optimize this ?


    //===== Hercules Script =======================================//= Poring Summoner//===== Created By: ===========================================//= Mysterious//===== Current Version: ======================================//= 1.2//===== Link: =================================================//= Old - http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=236779//===== Description: ==========================================//= Basically what this event does is summon a set of Normal//= and Special Porings. Normal Porings don't drop anything,//= Special Porings do.//=============================================================new_4-4,148,169,4	script	Poring Summoner	99,{mes "[Poring Summoner]";if(getgroupid() < 10) {	if(.Event) mes "There is no Poring Summon Event on now.";	else {		mes "There is a Poring Summon Event on now!";		mes "Location: " + .Map$;		mes "Special Porings: " + .SpecialPorings[1];		mes "Normal Porings: " + .NormalPorings[0];	}	end;}mes "Please customize the Poring Summon Event:";Main:next;mes "[Poring Summoner]";	switch(select("Item [" + getitemname(.ItemID) + "]:Special Porings [" + .SpecialPorings + "]:Normal Porings [" + .NormalPorings + "]:Start Event:End Event")) {		case 1:			mes "Which item would you like Special Porings to drop?";			mes "Please input the item ID:";			input .ItemID;			goto Main;		case 2:			mes "How many Special Porings would you like me to summon?";			input .SpecialPorings;			goto Main;		case 3:			mes "How many Normal Porings would you like me to summon?";			input .NormalPorings;			goto Main;		case 4:			mes "Starting the event now...";OnMinute30: //Triggers at each new hour, so 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30 etc.	set $@ran, rand(1,24);	if ($@ran == 24) set .Map$,"morroc";	if ($@ran == 23) set .Map$,"geffen";	if ($@ran == 22) set .Map$,"payon";	if ($@ran == 21) set .Map$,"alberta";	if ($@ran == 20) set .Map$,"izlude";	if ($@ran == 19) set .Map$,"aldebaran";	if ($@ran == 18) set .Map$,"comodo";	if ($@ran == 17) set .Map$,"yuno";	if ($@ran == 16) set .Map$,"amatsu";	if ($@ran == 15) set .Map$,"gonryun";	if ($@ran == 14) set .Map$,"umbala";	if ($@ran == 13) set .Map$,"niflheim";	if ($@ran == 12) set .Map$,"louyang";	if ($@ran == 11) set .Map$,"jawaii";	if ($@ran == 10) set .Map$,"ayothaya";	if ($@ran == 9) set .Map$,"einbroch";	if ($@ran == 8) set .Map$,"lighthalzen";	if ($@ran == 7) set .Map$,"einbech";	if ($@ran == 6) set .Map$,"hugel";	if ($@ran == 5) set .Map$,"rachel";	if ($@ran == 4) set .Map$,"veins";	if ($@ran == 3) set .Map$,"moscovia";	if ($@ran == 2) set .Map$,"manuk";	if ($@ran == 1) set .Map$,"splendide";			set .Event,1;			monster .Map$,0,0,"Poring",1002,.SpecialPorings,"Poring Summoner::OnSpecialKill";			monster .Map$,0,0,"Poring",1002,.NormalPorings,"Poring Summoner::OnNormalKill";			set .SpecialPorings[1],.SpecialPorings;			set .NormalPorings[1],.NormalPorings;				OnInit:				set .ItemID, 7539;				set .NormalPorings,40;				set .SpecialPorings,20;				announce "The Poring Event has begun!",bc_all;			announce "Location: " + .Map$,bc_all;			announce "Special Porings: " + .SpecialPorings,bc_all;			announce "Normal Porings: " + .NormalPorings,bc_all;			end;		case 5:			mes "Ending the event now...";			goto EndEvent;	}OnTimer216000000:	announce "Poring Summoner has ended. No one killed the Porings.",bc_all;	killmonster .Map$,"All";	set .Event,0;	stopnpctimer;	end;OnSpecialKill:	set .SpecialPorings[1],.SpecialPorings[1]-1;	announce strcharinfo(0) + " got a " + getitemname(.ItemID) + "!",bc_map;	getitem .ItemID,1;	goto PoringCount;OnNormalKill:	set .NormalPorings[1],.NormalPorings[1]-1;	goto PoringCount;PoringCount:	announce "Special Porings: " + .SpecialPorings[1] + " || Normal Porings: " + .NormalPorings[1],bc_map;	if(!.SpecialPorings[1]) goto EndEvent;	end;EndEvent:	if(.Event) announce "The Poring Summon Event is now over!",bc_all;	killmonster .Map$,"All";	set .Event,0;	set .SpecialPorings[1],0;	set .NormalPorings[1],0;	end;}
    // ---            ARTHistic's Property            ---// ---    Please visit http://thdesigns.co.nr     ---// ---           Scripted By: ARTHistic           ---// ---         Do Not Revomed the Credits         ----	script	PPE_inital	-1,{	OnInit:	set $@PoringEventChecker, 0;	set $@PoringEventPrizeChecker, 0;	set $PPEDefendingChampion$,"secret";	end;}new_4-4,135,185,5	script	Poring Punch Event	952,{	mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";	mes "Hello, I'm the Poring Punch Event Manager. My record says that the defending champion on this event was "+$PPEDefendingChampion$+". Anyways, what do you want to do?";	next;	menu "How does this work?",PPE_HowTo,"Host this Event",PPE_Host,"Join Event Now",PPE_Join,"Claim my reward",PPE_claim,"Nevermind",PPE_nvm;	PPE_HowTo:		mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";		mes "This is an event where everyone can join in. All you have to do is to punch the right monsters and to avoid the wrong ones. Each kind of monster has its corresponsing points. You only have 5 minutes to earn points as much as you can. The Highest Scorer at the end of this event shall win Poring Coins";		mes "Reminder: No weapons, cart, and pets is allowed in this event.";		close;	PPE_Host:		if ( $@PoringEventChecker != 0 ){			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "There is Poring Punch Event on-going. You can host this event if it is still on-going.";			close;		}else{			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "You need to pay 50 million to host this event. Would you like to pay to host this event?";			next;			menu "Yes",PPE_HostYes,"No",-;			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "Okay. Maybe next time.";			close;				PPE_HostYes:					if ( Zeny >= 50000000 ){						mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";						mes "Thanks "+strcharinfo(0)+", for hosting this event. It will start shortly.";						set Zeny, Zeny-50000000;						close2;						set $@PoringEventChecker, 1;						announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" paid to host Poring Punch Event!", bc_all;						killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-2";						sleep2 10000;						initnpctimer;						end;					}else{						mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";						mes "Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+", you dont have enough zenies to host this event.";						close;					}end;		}end;	PPE_Join:		if ( $@PoringEventChecker != 0 ){			if (gethominfo(2) != "null"){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No homunculus is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (getpetinfo(2) != "null"){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No pet is allowed in this event! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (checkcart()){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No cart is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (checkfalcon()){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No falcon is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			if (checkmount() == MOUNT_PECO){				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";				mes "No riding is allowed! Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+" but you can't join this event!";				close;			}			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "Good luck "+strcharinfo(0)+".";			close2;			set @PoringPoints, 0;			warp "1@dth3",0,0;			end;		}else{			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "Sorry. No Poring Punch Event is held at the moment.";			close;		}end;	PPE_claim:		if ($HighestPoringPointsName$ == strcharinfo(0) && $@PoringEventPrizeChecker == 1) {			mes "[Poring Punch Event]";			mes "Congratulations "+strcharinfo(0)+". Here is your reward.";			getitem 7539,50;			set $HighestPoringPointsName$,"";			set $HighestPoringPoints,0;			set $@PoringEventPrizeChecker, 0;			close;		} else {			mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";			mes "Sorry "+strcharinfo(0)+". You're not the winner so you can't claim anything";			close;		}end;	PPE_nvm:		mes "[ Poring Punch Event ]";		mes "Okay. Maybe next time.";		close;	OnPoringKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+1;			if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) {				set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0);				set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0);				set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints;			}			dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";			end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}	OnDropsKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+3;			if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) {				set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0);				set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0);				set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints;			}			dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";			end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}			OnPoporingKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			if (@PoringPoints < 10) {				set @PoringPoints, 0;				dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";				end;			}else {				set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints-10;				dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";				end;			}end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}			OnSantaPoringKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+5;			if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) {				set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0);				set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0);				set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints;			}			dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";			end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}			OnMarinKill:		if (getequipweaponlv(4)==0 && getequipweaponlv(3)==0){			set @PoringPoints,@PoringPoints+7;			if (@PoringPoints > $HighestPoringPoints) {				set $HighestPoringPointsName$,strcharinfo(0);				set $PPEDefendingChampion$,strcharinfo(0);				set $HighestPoringPoints,@PoringPoints;			}			dispbottom "You have "+@PoringPoints+" point(s)";			end;		}else {			dispbottom "You have to punch the monster without any weapon.";			warp "prontera",156,179;			end;		}OnMinute15:	if ( $@PoringEventChecker == 0 ) {		set $@PoringEventChecker, 1;		initnpctimer;		end;	}OnTimer10000:	announce "Poring Punch Event has started.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer70000:	mapannounce "1@dth3","Poring Punch Event: 4 minutes left.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer130000:	mapannounce "1@dth3","Poring Punch Event: 3 minutes left.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer190000:	mapannounce "1@dth3","Poring Punch Event: 2 minutes left.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer250000:	mapannounce "1@dth3","Poring Punch Event: 1 minute left.",0;	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"1 Points",1002,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"3 Points",1113,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnDropsKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"5 Points",1062,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnSantaPoringKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"7 Points",1595,10,"Poring Punch Event::OnMarinKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-10 Points",1031,70,"Poring Punch Event::OnPoporingKill";	monster "1@dth3",0,0,"-30 Points",1904,5,"Poring Punch Event::OnBombPoringKill";	end;OnTimer310000:	stopnpctimer;	announce "Poring Punch Event has ended and the event Winner is "+$HighestPoringPointsName$+". Kindly please redeem your prize at me",0;	killmonsterall "1@dth3";	set $@PoringEventChecker, 0;	set $@PoringEventPrizeChecker, 1;	sleep2 5000;	mapannounce "1@dth3","You'll be warp at prontera in a short while.",16;	sleep2 10000;	mapwarp "1@dth3","prontera",155,166;	end;}// MAPFLAGS1@dth3	mapflag	nobranch1@dth3	mapflag	noexp1@dth3	mapflag	noskill1@dth3	mapflag	nomemo//1@dth3	mapflag	nopenalty1@dth3	mapflag	pvp	off1@dth3	mapflag	nosave	SavePoints1@dth3	mapflag	noskill1@dth3	mapflag	noteleport1@dth3	mapflag	nowarp1@dth3	mapflag	nowarpto1@dth3	mapflag	noloot

  5. [Warning]: script error in file 'npc/pornro/event/disguise.txt' line 136 column5    This command is deprecated and it will be removed in a future update. Please see the script documentation for an alternative.   133:                 B_MAGALETA, B_SHECIL, B_KATRINN, B_YGNIZEM, APOCALIPS_H, LADY_TANEE, THANATOS, DETALE, KIEL_, RANDGRIS,   134:                 GLOOMUNDERNIGHT, KTULLANUX, ATROCE, G_MAGALETA_, IFRIT,FALLINGBISHOP, BEELZEBUB_, GOPINICH, MOROCC_, KUBLIN,   135:                 S_NYDHOG, BOITATA;*  136:         if(checkre(0)){        ~~~~~~~~~~~^   137:                 setarray .MVP[getarraysize(.MVP)], QUEEN_SCARABA, LOST_DRAGON, LEAK, I_QUEEN_SCARABA;   138:         }   139:         set .Blacklist$, "1003,1006,1017,1021,1022,1027,1043,1075,1136,1137,1168," +
    //===== Hercules Script ======================================//= Disguise Event//===== By: ==================================================//= GmOcean//===== Current Version: =====================================//= 5.1//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= Note: This script requires PCRE to run properly.//= 5.0 Last update by GmOcean.//= 5.1 Cleaned and standardized, mostly. [Euphy]//============================================================new_4-4,131,190,5	script	Disguise Event	4_M_NFDEADMAN,{	// Currently set to run every two hours.	// To change times, edit the OnClock labels below.	set .@GMLevel,80;	// GM level required to access NPC.	set .@n$,"[^0000FFDisguise NPC^000000]";	if (getgmlevel()>=.@GMLevel) {		mes .@n$;		mes "Select an option.";		next;		switch(select("Turn ON/OFF Event:Event Settings")) {		case 1:			mes .@n$;			if (.EventON) {				mes "The Event is currently: [^0000FFON^000000]";				mes "Would you like to turn it OFF?";			} else {				mes "The Event is currently: [^FF0000OFF^000000]";				mes "Would you like to turn it ON?";			}			if(select("Yes:No")==2) close;			if (.EventON) {				set .EventON,0; set .Timer,0;				setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer;				announce "A GM has decided to turn the Disguise Event off. As a result no further prizes will be given.",bc_map | bc_blue;				deletepset 1;				setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event", 4_M_NFDEADMAN;				close;			}			set .EventON,1; set .Timer,1; setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer;			set .ResetCounter,.ResetCounter+1;			announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue;			announce "The Event is being held in Event Room.",bc_all | bc_blue;			close;		case 2:			mes .@n$;			mes "Pick a setting to modify.";			next;			switch(select("Monster Display:Number of Rounds:Prize Settings")) {			case 1:				setarray .@r$[0],"Disguise as all monsters.","Disguise as MVPs only.";				mes .@n$;				mes "Choose a disguise rule.";				next;				set .Rule, select(implode(.@r$,":"));				mes .@n$;				mes "The Disguise Rule has been set:";				mes "  > ^0055FF"+.@r$[.Rule-1]+"^000000";				close;			case 2:				mes .@n$;				mes "Input the number of rounds you want the event to last.";				mes "Current number: [^0000FF"+.Rounds+"^000000]";				next;				input .@Rounds;				set .Rounds,.@Rounds;				mes .@n$;				mes "The number of rounds has been changed to "+.Rounds+".";				close;			case 3:				mes .@n$;				mes "Input the Item ID of the prize given each round.";				mes "Current item: [^0000FF"+getitemname(.Prize)+"^000000] (ID #"+.Prize+")";				next;				input .@Prize;				mes .@n$;				if (getitemname(.@Prize)=="" || getitemname(.@Prize)=="null") {					mes "That item does not exist. Please try again.";					close;				}				set .Prize,.@Prize;				mes "Input the amount to be given.";				next;				input .@amount;				mes .@n$;				if (.@amount<=0 || .@amount>=10000) {					mes "That amount is invalid. Using default ammount of 1.";					set .@amount,1;					next;					mes .@n$;				}				set .PrizeAmt,.@amount;				mes "The Prize has been changed successfully.";				mes "Prize: "+.PrizeAmt+"x [^0000FF"+getitemname(.Prize)+"^000000]";				close;			}		}	}	if (.EventON) end;	mes .@n$;	mes "Welcome.";	mes "How may I be of assistance?";	if(select("Information:Nothing, just passing through.")==2) close;	next;	mes .@n$;	mes "This event is quite simple.";	mes "At the start of the event, I will";	mes "disguise myself as a random";	mes "monster. You have to shout";	mes "that monter's name out loud.";	next;	mes "If you are correct, you will receive";	mes "a prize. If not, keep trying!";	mes "That's all that there is to this event.";	close;OnInit:	set .EventON,0;	set .Wait,0;	set .Winner,0;	set .ResetCounter,0;	set .Rounds,10;	set .Prize,7227;	set .PrizeAmt,2;	set .Rule,1;	setarray .MVP[0], OSIRIS, BAPHOMET, DOPPELGANGER, MISTRESS, GOLDEN_BUG, ORK_HERO, DRAKE, EDDGA, MAYA, MOONLIGHT,		PHARAOH, PHREEONI, ORC_LORD, KNIGHT_OF_WINDSTORM, GARM, DARK_LORD, TURTLE_GENERAL, LORD_OF_DEATH, DRACULA, EVENT_BAPHO,		DARK_SNAKE_LORD, INCANTATION_SAMURAI, PORING_V, AMON_RA, TAO_GUNKA, RSX_0806, BACSOJIN_, B_SEYREN, B_EREMES, B_HARWORD,		B_MAGALETA, B_SHECIL, B_KATRINN, B_YGNIZEM, APOCALIPS_H, LADY_TANEE, THANATOS, DETALE, KIEL_, RANDGRIS,		GLOOMUNDERNIGHT, KTULLANUX, ATROCE, G_MAGALETA_, IFRIT, FALLINGBISHOP, BEELZEBUB_, GOPINICH, MOROCC_, KUBLIN,		S_NYDHOG, BOITATA;	if(checkre(0)){		setarray .MVP[getarraysize(.MVP)], QUEEN_SCARABA, LOST_DRAGON, LEAK, I_QUEEN_SCARABA;	}	set .Blacklist$, "1003,1006,1017,1021,1022,1027,1043,1075,1136,1137,1168," +	    "1171,1172,1173,1181,1187,1210,1217,1218,1222,1223,1224,1225,1226,1227,1228," +	    "1233,1284,1407,1411,1414,1495,1501,1900,1996,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004," +	    "2005,2006,2007,2011,2012,2025,2028,2029,2030,2031,2032,2033,2034,2035," +	    "2036,2037,2038,2039,2040,2041,2042,2043,2044,2045,2046,2047,2048,2049," +	    "2050,2051,2052,2053,2054,2055,2056,2057,2058,2059,2060,2061,2062,2063," +	    "2064,2065,2066,2067,2075,2076,2077,2078,2079,2080,2081,2083,2084,2085," +	    "2086,2087,2088,2089,2090,2091,2092,2093,2094,2095,2096,2097,2098,2099," +	    "2100,2101,2012,2103,2104,2105,2106,2107,2108,2109,2110,2111,2112,2113," +	    "2114,2115,2116,2117,2118,2119,2120,2121,2123,2124,2125,1496,";	end;	OnMinute55: //Event Start	set .ResetCounter,.ResetCounter+1;	set .EventON,1;	set .Timer,1;	set .Wait,1;	announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 3 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue;	announce "The Event is being held in Event Room.",bc_all | bc_blue;	setnpctimer 0;	initnpctimer;	end;OnTimer10000:	if (.Timer || .Change) end;	set .Wait,0;	goto iDisguise;	end;OnTimer30000:	if (.Timer) end;	set .Change,0;	setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event", 4_M_NFDEADMAN;	npctalk "You took too long to guess what I was. Please wait 10 seconds while I disguise again.";	specialeffect 725;	set $MonsterName$,"";	deletepset 1;	stopnpctimer;	setnpctimer 0;	initnpctimer;	end;OnTimer60000:	if (.Timer!=1) end;	announce "The Disguise Event will begin in 2 minutes.",bc_all | bc_blue;	announce "The Event is being held in Event Room.",bc_all | bc_blue;	end;OnTimer120000:	if (.Timer!=1) end;	announce "The Disguise Event will begin 1 minute.",bc_all | bc_blue;	announce "The Event is being held in Event Room.",bc_all | bc_blue;	end;OnTimer180000:	if (.Timer!=1) end;	announce "The Disguise Event has begun!",bc_all | bc_blue;	announce "The Event is being held in Event Room.",bc_all | bc_blue;	set .Timer,0; stopnpctimer;	setnpctimer 0; initnpctimer;iDisguise:	if (.Rule==1) {		set .Winner,0;		set .@monster, rand(SCORPION, PINGUICULA);		if (compare(","+.Blacklist$+"," , ","+.@monster+",")) goto iDisguise;		if (.@monster==.LastMonster) goto iDisguise;		set .LastMonster,.@monster;		set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo(.@monster,0);	}	if (.Rule==2) {		set .Winner,0;		set .@monster, rand(getarraysize(.MVP));		set $MonsterName$,getmonsterinfo(.MVP[.@monster],0);	}	deletepset 1;	defpattern 1,"([^:]+):.s*"+$MonsterName$+".*", "iCorrect";	activatepset 1;	if (.Rule==1) setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",.@monster;	if (.Rule==2) setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event",.MVP[.@monster];	set .Change,1;	setnpctimer 0;	end;iCorrect:	if (.Winner) {		dispbottom "Someone has already won this round.";		end;	}	set .Winner,1;	set .RoundCount,.RoundCount+1;	deletepset 1;	activatepset 1;	getitem .Prize,.PrizeAmt;	announce strcharinfo(0)+" is correct! I was disguised as: "+$MonsterName$+"",bc_map | bc_blue;	if (.RoundCount>=.Rounds) {		setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event", 4_M_NFDEADMAN;		set .RoundCount,0; set .Change,0; set .EventON,0;		setnpctimer 0; stopnpctimer;		npctalk "Thank you all for playing. That was the last round of the Disguise Event. Come play again later.";		end;	}	setnpcdisplay "Disguise Event", 4_M_NFDEADMAN;	set .Change,0;	setnpctimer 0;	end;}

    How to prevent the error coming ? anyone ?

  6. Hello, I'm never increase my skill damage. But now I have learn how to increase the damage. Need to balance the server for level 255.

    Where to edit this skill damage ? 

    Please guide me. thanks you.


    • [*]General
      • [*]Increase Base Physical Damage(Range and Melee) by 30% [*]Enable Infinite Ammo/Ammunition [*]Increase Slot on Revolver type Weapon from 2 to 4

    [*]Lord Knight

    • [*]Increase Spiral Pierce Damage by 100% [*]Increase Bowling Bash Damage by 40%


    • [*]Increase Holy Cross Damage by 60% [*]Increase Shield Chain Damage by 200%


    • [*]Increase Double Strafing Damage by 25%


    • [*]Increase Arrow Vulcan Damage by 50% [*]Increase Musical Strike Damage by 150%(Clown) [*]Increase Throw Arrow Damage by 150%(Gypsy)


    • [*]Increase Finger Offensive Damage by 10% [*]Reduce Asura Strike Damage by 10%

    High Priest

    • [*]Increase Holy Light Damage by 40% [*]Increase Heal by 400%


    • [*]Increase Cart Termination Damage by 40% [*]Increase Throw Tomahawk Damage by 400% [*]Increase Bonus Strength from Loud Exclaimation from 4 to 12


    • [*]Increase Acid Demonstration Damage by 25% [*]Increase Homunculus Level to 255

    Assassin Cross

    • [*]Increase Enchant Deadly Poison Duration from 60s to 120s [*]Increase Grimtooth Damage by 25%


    • [*]Increase Rapid Shower Damage by 25% [*]Increase Desperado Damage by 10% [*]Increase Full Buster Damage by 65%

    [*]Taekwon Class

    • [*]Increase Flying Side Kick Damage by 200%

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