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Shiro last won the day on June 26 2022

Shiro had the most liked content!

About Shiro

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/17/1996

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  1. Anyone know a gameguard like gepard? Functor hasn't been responding and my server is due to release.
  2. Shiro

    Item Restriction

    Thanks for this. I think I had a different of way of doing this with rathena but this seems much easier.
  3. Shiro

    Item Restriction

    Hello, how do you make it that only one item will take effect if the user wears the same item? For example, you can't equip two megingjards, even if you equip two of them only one should take effect. And also, if possible you can do that with other equips too, like you can't equip megingjard + brisingamen, only one would take effect. Thanks
  4. Shiro

    Instant job changer script

    Here ya go! just set the max base and job level correctly. jobchanger.txt
  5. Hello! This is my patcher design for my upcoming server this May. Please rate ^^
  6. I suggest not to try and occupy blank spaces with chibis/characters. It looks messy IMO. Try to keep the design simple and pleasing to the eyes. Also, buttons give the patcher/website a lot of glamour but yeah, keep it up. Practice makes perfect. Looking forward to your future designs I'm not implying that I'm better tho. Just giving you some suggestions Here's some of my latest patcher designs. PS: Daifu-chan is the best
  7. pre paoffer nmn aq 5usd nlng sa forum kailangan na kailangan tlga eh 


    wala pq maibigay na 10usd kc ndi ko pa ncclaim sa paypal ung iba 9 usd plng nakuha q kaso baka magalit si missis kpg inubos ko

  8. You need to update your lua files and put the translated ones inside your grf. It's under luafiles/quest/ Here. Choose pre-re/re https://github.com/zackdreaver credits to @zackdreaver
  9. Welcome to the dark-side my friend...
  10. Please Rate Features: RSS Feed Kindly check out my services at the Paid Services section
  11. You need some forum software like ipb or other forum software to install so that you can have forums.
  12. http://herc.ws/wiki/Custom_Mobs
  13. View File Shiro Designs Free Thor Patcher Uhmm... So the owner of Amatsu Ragnarok Online didn't pay me at all so here it is. It is coded already. It includes PSD file, Config Files, Web files and Thor Generator Have fun Submitter Shiro Submitted 07/28/17 Category Other Graphics  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Uhmm... So the owner of Amatsu Ragnarok Online didn't pay me at all so here it is. It is coded already. It includes PSD file, Config Files, Web files and Thor Generator Have fun
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