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Luciar last won the day on April 9 2021

Luciar had the most liked content!


About Luciar

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday September 28

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  • Interests
    Scripting, Emergency Medicine
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  1. Hercules does not use an instance database like rAthena does. This should fix your issue: Find this line: if( PV_INSTANCE_ID <= 0 ){ Change to: if( PV_INSTANCE_ID < 0 ){
  2. This script has nothing to do with job changing?
  3. Moving to the correct section of the forums. Please take the time to find the correct section when posting.
  4. This is not an issue with the NPC, but instead with your client files. Moving to the correct section.
  5. Moving to correct area... This is a script release area - please post in the correct section.
  6. If you are using rAthena you will likely have more success receiving help if you post on rAthena's support forum, not here.
  7. Moved to correct section of forum.
  8. Set a variable that is increased every time someone purchases a heal. Display the variable. Please see the script command documentation and sample scripts located at /doc/script_commands.txt and /doc/sample/ Be cognizant that you will need to handle the number prior to it exceeding the maximum integer value of 2^31 to avoid any issues.
  9. Luciar

    NPC Presença

    Moved to international support section. Posts outside of the international area must be in English only.
  10. Luciar

    Torre Sem FIM

    Moved to international support forum. Posts outside of the international sections must be in English only
  11. Make use of the function getd https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/stable/doc/script_commands.txt#L1414
  12. Approved, good luck!
  13. This is some absolutely amazing work! Very impressive!
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